morgana Posted May 23, 2014 Posted May 23, 2014 (edited) kakve su procjene, koliko moze da traje gradjanski zanos u prikupljanju pomoci? kazu mi ovi koji rade u hn volonterskom centru da se u nekoj manjoj mjeri osjeca pad a ide i kraj mjeseca, manje para imaju ljudi. prilicno sam sigurna da ce se to pokazati kao opstevazece. radi li vlada ista da ispegla te fluktuacije u nivou pomoci kad vec, kako je rasim ljajic otvoreno rekao, robne rezerve nece ni pokretati dok bas bas, ali bas ne zagusti? Edited May 23, 2014 by morgana
Frank Pembleton Posted May 23, 2014 Posted May 23, 2014 On 23. 5. 2014. at 15:35, morgana said: kakve su procjene, koliko moze da traje gradjanski zanos u prikupljanju pomoci? radi li vlada ista da ispegla te fluktuacije u nivou pomoci kad vec, kako je rasim ljajic otvoreno rekao, robne rezerve nece ni pokretati dok bas bas, ali bas ne zagusti? Meni žena iz NBG CK kao iskusna rekla da ona ceni oko 2 plafon 3 nedelje A ovo za robne rezerve, pa naravno da neće da diraju kad je sve pokradeno!Eno im ga onaj divlji Rističević neka ga pitaju! Послато тетејцем
morgana Posted May 23, 2014 Posted May 23, 2014 te rezerve eventualno da posluze kao bafer izmedju gradjanske i pomoci iz stranih izvora, ako ih ima i toliko skandalozno
Shaq Posted May 23, 2014 Posted May 23, 2014 (edited) za ljude koji su istali bez icega u ovim poplavama tek sledi pakao, obican svet moze da daje kakvu takvu pomoc za nedelju, eventulno dve nedelje, a onda sve zavisi od vlasti... a sa obzirom da stoka o tim ljudima nije vodila racuna ni u trenutku najvece pompe, mozete misliti koliko ce im nakon sto se voda povuce, sevati paja za te ljude.. jadno, tuzno i bedno, serem im se i na vlast i na politiku.. Edited May 23, 2014 by Shaq
Anonymous Posted May 23, 2014 Posted May 23, 2014 (edited) On 23. 5. 2014. at 15:35, morgana said: kakve su procjene, koliko moze da traje gradjanski zanos u prikupljanju pomoci? kazu mi ovi koji rade u hn volonterskom centru da se u nekoj manjoj mjeri osjeca pad a ide i kraj mjeseca, manje para imaju ljudi. prilicno sam sigurna da ce se to pokazati kao opstevazece. radi li vlada ista da ispegla te fluktuacije u nivou pomoci kad vec, kako je rasim ljajic otvoreno rekao, robne rezerve nece ni pokretati dok bas bas, ali bas ne zagusti? 15 dana, ne više. Valjda će tada početi da stiže pomoć iz sveta. Onaj Kirbi, američki ambasador je sasvim ispravno primetio još prvih dana da će sad biti najvažnije ponovo pokrenuti poljoprivredu i rekao da će poslati neke stručnjake. Edited May 23, 2014 by Anonymous
steins Posted May 23, 2014 Posted May 23, 2014 a kad ćemo mi da pošaljemo pomoć Hrvatskoj i Bosni? I jedni i drugi su nam pomagali kad je kod nas bilo akutno
Roger Sanchez Posted May 23, 2014 Posted May 23, 2014 Komisija o post-podršci: Quote Support for reconstruction and rehabilitation In the short-term, some on-going projects under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) will be amended in order to rapidly mobilise direct support to reconstruction and relief efforts in affected areas. In addition, funds from IPA programmes from previous years can be re-allocated quickly and mobilised around mid-June.The EU is committed to continue its support also in the medium to long term. The European Commission is working with the affected countries and in close coordination with the International Financing Institutions (IFIs) to assess the needs. On that basis, the EU will mobilise further IPA funding, including through a regional programme, to address reconstruction needs and improve river and flood risk management. The exact scope will have to be developed on the basis of complete needs assessments. The followings actions are examples of what further EU support could cover: grants, together with IFIs loans, to reconstruct infrastructure: priority will be given to transport infrastructure, public buildings, schools, social services, etc.; reconstruction of damaged coal mines and power plants which are crucial for energy supply; grants to NGOs, international organisations and other relevant partners for the provision of services, supplies, and works to support reconstruction and relief efforts; technical assistance for the assessment of damages, recovery needs and project preparation; technical assistance to develop flood risk maps, improve flood risk management and civil protection mechanisms. Such activities need a strategic approach and should be linked to the Danube Strategy and river basin management plans, as well as to emergency response mechanisms.Serbia, as a country in accession negotiations, is also eligible for the EU Solidarity Fund for disaster relief under the same conditions as EU Member States are. The Solidarity Fund can contribute to covering the costs incurred by the emergency to the public authorities, help restore essential infrastructure and services, reimburse funding emergency and rescue operations as well as meet some of the costs of cleaning-up of the disaster-stricken regions, including natural zones. The Fund is limited in principle to non-insurable damage and does not compensate private losses (including in agriculture). Long-term action – such as lasting reconstruction, economic redevelopment and prevention – are not eligible for EU Solidarity Fund aid. The exact amount of aid that Serbia can receive will be determined after the country submits an application and depends on a total direct damage estimate.The EU Commissioner for Regional Development, Johannes Hahn, is travelling to Belgrade this weekend to discuss with the authorities the steps ahead.
Roger Sanchez Posted May 23, 2014 Posted May 23, 2014 Pobeda u Šapcu! Starali su se i ispoštovali Vođu!
Frank Pembleton Posted May 23, 2014 Posted May 23, 2014 "...popeo se na nasip i rekao Pobedili smo Savu!" Послато тетејцем
Aće Posted May 23, 2014 Posted May 23, 2014 nesreca nikad ne ide sama. Quote Industrija mesa Matijević iz Novog Sada nastavlja sa pružanjem pomoći ugroženim građanima sa poplavljenih područja. Danas je u Obrenovac upućen kamion pomoći sa 59.520 konzervi paštete
stoka Posted May 23, 2014 Posted May 23, 2014 (edited) Juče je Telegraf objavio interesantan članak o heroju-spasiocu: "Miroslav Mlinar, Miroslav Mlinar, Miroslav Mlinar ..." ponavljao sam sebi u bradu, pokušavajući da se prisetim odakle mi je to ime poznato ... I odjednom sve je sinulo. I sve se otvorilo ... Miroslav Mlinar - zamalo zaklan 1990. godine, nosilac broja pasoša br. 1, možda i najkontroverznija osoba u bližoj srpskoj istoriji: A evo i članka iz "Politike" od pre tačno 24 godine ... Edited May 23, 2014 by stoka
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