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Ryan Franco

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Kadirovljevljevljev portparol kaže da je to sve propaganda i laž i da u Čečniji nema gej ljudi




Pozdravio ga Palma sa svojim "nema homoseksualaca u Jagodini"


Uskoro ce dovesti Betovena da svira u Grozniju

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Google agrees to open Android to other search engines in Russia


Antitrust settlement prohibits default search engine restrictions


Google has agreed to be less controlling about what Android phone manufacturers can do in Russia, as the result of a settlement today with the country’s antimonopoly agency.

In addition to paying a $7.8 million fine, Google has agreed to stop preventing phone manufacturers from changing the default search engine to anything but Google. Google won’t be allowed to require any app exclusivity on new phones, nor will it be allowed to prevent other companies’ apps from coming preinstalled.

While Android is an open platform, core parts of the operating system aren’t, including Google’s app store. That’s allowed Google to set strict conditions for any phone manufacturer that wants to build a phone with access to the Play Store’s millions of apps.

Russia’s Federal Antimonopoly Service said this counted as an abuse of Google’s dominant market position, and for the past two years, it’s been investigating and suing over the company’s restrictive terms.

The suit followed a complaint from Yandex, a major Russian search company, which is one of the biggest winners of this settlement. Yandex will now be able to reach agreements with phone manufacturers to have its search engine preinstalled on Android phones, which can slow Google’s expansion in Russia and bolster its own.


Yandex Arkady Volozh actually put out a statement on the settlement, calling the agreement “an important day for Russian consumers.” While the message is necessarily critical of Google, Volozh takes a moment to thank his competitor “for recognizing the value of openness.”

“Competition breeds innovation,” Volozh writes. “It’s our desire to participate in a market where users can choose the best services available.”

Google has also agreed to soon offer a “Chrome widget” that will let Android users in Russia choose a default search engine aside from Google. Any developer that signs a “commercial agreement” with Google can be included — Yandex is the first to sign up.

“We are happy to have reached a commercial agreement with Yandex and a settlement with Russia’s competition regulator, the Federal Antimonopoly Service, resolving the competition case over the distribution of Google apps on Android,” a Google spokesperson said in a statement.


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Erase, ovaj sigurno radi za neku konsultantsku firmu kao investicioni savetnik:




On je uhapšen u blizini Tibingena, grada na jugozapadu Nemačke, a krajem prošle nedelje je protiv njega pokrenuta istraga zbog pokušaja ubistva. Mediji pišu i da je napad izveo iz pohlepe. "Bild" navodi da je želeo da obori cenu akcija Dortmunda kako bi profitirao, prenosi Dojče vele.
Edited by slow
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The BIG short:


BREAKING: 28-year-old German-Russian arrested for allegedly carrying out attack on Borussia Dortmund team bus




Nemci ne podrzavaju koncept dvojnog drzavljanstva. Dakle, optuzeni je Nemac :)




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Ovdje kod nas uvjek napomenu porijeklo kriminalca. Tako je prije 15-ak godina jedan slovebac ubio nekoliko ljudi u opstini iako je rodjen u francuskoj.

Karabatic je bio francuz sve do skandala sa kmadionicama kada je postao serbo croate. Sada je opet francuz :D

Edited by borris_
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The BIG short:


BREAKING: 28-year-old German-Russian arrested for allegedly carrying out attack on Borussia Dortmund team bus




koliko je ovaj pokušaj jadan.....  :isuse:

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Na stranu što te raduje takav razvoj događaja ali šta će ti to na temi Rusije a ne Deutschland topiku npr?

Da budem iskren drago mi je sto je kriminal a ne terorizam. Zaboravih da pogledam gde se o ovome pricalo, ako je tamo moze da se pomeri sto se mene tice.

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Erase, ovaj sigurno radi za neku konsultantsku firmu kao investicioni savetnik:


Nemoguce, tako neko glup verovatno nije zavrsio ni osnovnu skolu. 

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Ovdje kod nas uvjek napomenu porijeklo kriminalca. Tako je prije 15-ak godina jedan slovebac ubio nekoliko ljudi u opstini iako je rodjen u francuskoj.

Karabatic je bio francuz sve do skandala sa kmadionicama kada je postao serbo croate. Sada je opet francuz :D


Nemacki lokalni mediji imaju obicaj da u slucajevima kada Albanac sa Kosova nesto napravi, prva vest uvek bude da je u pitanu Jugosloven. Druga vest kaze da je Kosovar koji, kao po pravilu, ima prihicke smetnje zbog srpske torture na Kosovu 1998/99.




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Vidim i da je kod nas medju komentarima glavni komentar "On je Nemac je l vidite da ima nemacko drzavljanstvo :mad: ", ali zato kad neki musliman izvrsi napad onda je "po imenu mu se vidi da je Francuz/Nemac/Belgijanac ;) "

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The BIG short:


BREAKING: 28-year-old German-Russian arrested for allegedly carrying out attack on Borussia Dortmund team bus




Bravo, imas orden "jedini na PPP koji se ikad kidao od smeha na vest o teroristickom napadu." :thumbsup:

Edited by IndridCold
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