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Kina sa preko 50.000 osnovanih startapova 2018. spala na svega 1200 u 2023, a ove godine će ih biti još manje. Udeo državnog sektora u privredi kontinuirano raste zadnje 4 godine.







“China used to be the best VC [=venture capital] destination in the world after the US,” says one Beijing-based executive, referring to the business of private investment in high-risk start-up companies. (...)
“The whole industry has just died before our eyes,” the executive continues. “The entrepreneurial spirit is dead. It is very sad to see.”  (...)
In 2018, at the height of VC investment, 51,302 start-ups were founded in China, according to data provider IT Juzi. By 2023, that figure had collapsed to 1,202 and is on track to be even lower this year.


Edited by vememah
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NIje sporno da Kina usporava, sto zbog americkog "decouplinga", sto zbog Xi-jevog "common prospertiy" kursa, sto zbog unutrasnjih strukturnih problema, ali ovaj prvi grafikon ne moze biti tacan.




Cak i da kineska drzava laze 50X (sto mislim da je malo vjerovatno), opet je ovaj grafikon netacan. Za drzavu od preko milijardu ljudi, $18T GDP i realnim rastom ekonomije od 4%, ti brojevi jednostavno nemaju smisla.

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usporavaju zato što imaju više ljudi starijih od 60 nego mlađih od 25, a izgleda da su i lagali kada su objavljivali rezultate popisa stanovništva, po zvaničnoj  statistici za 100 miliona, po nekim procenama za čak 250 miliona

- tako da se po smrti brata sija kini smeši 27 kolaps države/civilizacije u zabeleženoj istoriji




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Rekoh, nema govora da Kina znacajno usporava, ali engleski mediji imaju taj pik na Kinu koji je uzasno pristrasan i veoma cesto simplistic, i predvidiv.


Toliko cak da je Milanovic napravio matricu:



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4 hours ago, gone fishing said:

usporavaju zato što imaju više ljudi starijih od 60 nego mlađih od 25, a izgleda da su i lagali kada su objavljivali rezultate popisa stanovništva, po zvaničnoj  statistici za 100 miliona, po nekim procenama za čak 250 miliona

- tako da se po smrti brata sija kini smeši 27 kolaps države/civilizacije u zabeleženoj istoriji

Its a feature not a bug :fantom:

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9 hours ago, banecare1 said:

nista, da se pakujem ja polako :byecry:


a penzija ?


meni je wtf da su do sada granice bile 50 i 60 godina


Kineski Nacionalni narodni kongres danas je odobrio predloge za podizanje zakonske starosne granice za odlazak u penziju sa 50 na 55 godina za fizičke radnice i sa 55 na 58 godina za žene u administraciji.


Starosna granica za odlazak u penziju za muškarce biće pomerena sa 60 na 63 godine, piše BBC.

Prema planu usvojenom danas, promena će stupiti na snagu 1. januara 2025. godine, pri čemu će se starosna granica za odlazak u penziju povećavati svakih nekoliko meseci u narednih 15 godina, javili su kineski državni mediji.

Penzionisanje pre zakonske starosne granice neće biti dozvoljeno, a zaposleni mogu da odlože odlazak u penziju za najviše tri godine. Od 2030. zaposleni će takođe morati da uplaćuju više doprinosa u sistem socijalnog osiguranja da bi primali penzije, a do 2039. godine morali bi da plate 20 godina doprinosa da bi mogli da dobiju penzije.

Državna Kineska akademija društvenih nauka saopštila je 2019. da će glavni državni penzioni fond zemlje ostati bez novca do 2035. godine, a to je bila procena pre pandemije kovida-19, koja je teško pogodila kinesku ekonomiju. Plan za podizanje starosne granice za odlazak u penziju i prilagođavanje penzione politike zasnovan je na ''sveobuhvatnoj proceni prosečnog životnog veka, zdravstvenih stanja, strukture stanovništva, nivoa obrazovanja i ponude radne snage u Kini“, prenela je Sinhua.



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  • 2 weeks later...

China launches new awareness campaign to curb high obesity rates
BEIJING -- With half its adult population now rated as overweight or obese, China is promoting weight control through a new public awareness campaign.

Launched by the National Health Commission (NHC) this week, the campaign encapsulates weight-control knowledge into eight catchy slogans emphasizing lifelong commitment, active monitoring, a balanced diet, physical activity, good sleep, reasonable targets and family action.

It is part of a three-year government program to help more Chinese people adopt a healthier lifestyle.

"Obesity and overweight are a major public health issue," said Guo Yanhong, director of the Health Emergency Response Office of the NHC. "We must intervene and improve the situation."

The government's active intervention highlights a harsh reality: the nation that struggled to feed its people half a century ago is now fighting an uphill battle against excess weight among the population, as living conditions have improved significantly.

As an indicator of the gravity of the issue, data shows that 19 percent of minors aged 6 to 17 and 10 percent of children under 6 are overweight or obese.

Epidemiologists attributed the problem to substantial changes in Chinese people's dietary patterns, with increased consumption of animal-source foods, refined grains and highly processed, high-sugar and high-fat foods, while physical activity levels have decreased with increasing sedentary behaviors.

Obesity and overweight are major risk factors for chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and certain types of cancer.

"Strong evidence from prospective cohort studies has linked overweight and obesity to increased risks of major non-communicable diseases and premature mortality in Chinese populations," said a paper published by The Lancet in 2021.

The government has acted on the problem. Healthy China 2030, a comprehensive national strategy and vision for improving public health and healthcare issued in 2016, explicitly lists curbing overweight and obesity as a major goal, with detailed measures introduced.

Guidelines for obesity prevention and control among adults and children have been released, and the "15-minute fitness circles" program, which aims to provide accessible sports facilities within a 15-minute walking or cycling distance from residential areas, is being expanded.

Sports facilities across the country have grown rapidly, with the per capita sports area reaching 2.89 square meters in 2023. The total length of fitness trails reached 371,000 kilometers, a 107 percent increase compared to 2019.

To promote healthy diets, provinces such as the rice-producing Heilongjiang are encouraging restaurants and canteens to cut patrons' consumption of salt, cooking oil and alcohol.

"The government is placing a premium on our health. Let's take action!" said Zhuang Ange, an office worker who decided to hit the gym after work twice a week.

A 21-year-old college student surnamed Sun pledged to eat fewer desserts and more fruit to "consume healthier sugars."

Xu Jianfang, a fitness expert from the China Institute of Sport Science, proposed a practical approach to physical activity considering the fast-paced nature of work, study and lifestyle.

He suggested "fragmentizing" physical activities, which entails seizing any available time for exercise.

"For instance, we can opt to walk to work or choose to take the stairs instead of the elevators. We advocate considering exercise as a 'snack' in our daily lives, gradually improving our health step by step," Xu explained. 


Edited by vememah
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