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Arbajt, evot fotke sa road tripa moje drugarice, već sam ih kačila negde. Ovo nisu fotografije od kojih zastaje dah, ali su interesantne i podsticajne. Ja isto maštam o tome da se vozim po USA bar mesec dana. I onda patim, pošto se to u skorije vreme neće desiti. Inače sam 2005 bila u NYC, San Francisku, Filadelfiji i Atlantic City-ju. Bilo mi je do jaja, ali klinka sam ja tad bila i sad bih takvo putovanje zilion puta bolje iskoristila. San Francisko mi je do danas ostao jedan od top 3 grada u kojima bih živela.

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Maine, krajnji severoistok2905074706_7de52e9c86_b.jpg
Jel ovo maketa ili pravi grad? :lol:Drugo pitanje, štogod ovo bilo - strašno me pdosjeća na gradić iz ''In the Bedroom''. Jel je?
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Inače, ovaj topić nije samo za slike i putopise već i za americanu generalno...npr. moj omiljeni američki folk hero - Joe MagaracJoeMagarac-1-7.jpghttp://youtu.be/2gY59BrruNg

Joe Magarac was born in an iron ore mine and made of solid steel. He could "[stir] vats of hot steel with his bare hands and twist horseshoes and pretzels out of iron ingots. He made railroad rails by squeezing molten steel between his fingers. As the steel cooled he made it into cannon balls as easily as kids make snowballs." He worked 24 hours a day, never slept or took a break, and could do the work of 29 men. Joe was a man whose only purpose in life was to work for the steel mill, something his exploited creators could relate to. In one tale, he wins a lifting competition and his prize is the prettiest girl in town. Joe realizes that she is in love with another man, Pete Pussick, and he allows her to marry him instead. After all, when would Joe Magarac, the steelman, have time for a family?
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