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пјафрж: а, да, забојавијо Русију.
Koja ima itekakav potencijal da napravi dar-mar. Za početak, da prigrli odbegle ovčice (Grčku, Kipar, Mađarsku..). Evropa još nije našla održivu energetsku alternativu Rusiji, a trudi se jadna.Stav prema Rusiji i Turskoj može Evropu skupo koštati, da su se potrudili u prethodne dve decenije obe te zemlje integrisati ovaj deo sveta bi bio mnogo lepše mestoLujo, znaju čak i Srbi da nisu Azijati, nije to baš neka stvar. Pitanje je kad će i da li će uopšte Evropa uskladiti stavove i politiku prema tom svetu koji je okružuje.
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SNP NAŠI PORUČILI PATRIJARHU: Povucite se, pljunuli ste na tron Svetog Save!Pošto je patrijarh Irinej pozvao sve Srbe sa Kosova da glasaju na izborima, oglasili su se SNP "Naši" koji zahtevaju od patrijarha da se povuče sa trona jer je time, prema njihovim tvrdnjama, "pljunuo na tron Svetog Save"facebook-com-snpnasi.jpgSrpski narodni pokret “Naši” večeras je oštro napao srpskog patrijarha Irineja!Pošto je patrijarh Irinej pozvao sve Srbe sa Kosova da glasaju na izborima, oglasili su se SNP “Naši” koji zahtevaju od patrijarha da se povuče sa trona jer je time, prema njihovim tvrdnjama, “pljunuo na tron Svetog Save”.U saopštenju se navodi da je krajnje vreme “da Irinej odluči da li je patrijarh srpski ili poslušnik vlasti”.
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hajde malo da sjasete sa sajma? on covek javno i otvoreno polemise sa bilo kim sto je daleko vise nego sto se moze reci za savindana koji je svoj, dziberski, nastup na ovoj temi otvorio diskvalifikacijom iste koji se nije ni potrudio da obrazlozi vec nam je samo ponudio svoj misticni uvid (pet netacnosti). biti geak nije doduse kaznjivo ali bi trebalo da nas navede da se klonimo doticnog.Sent from Bender's iPad using Tapatalk

Edited by kim_philby
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Mala Marina (sto bi rekao Kim) ima izrazit trend rasta, a ozbiljno je krenula da jede desnicu sarkozijevskog klovna jos na predsednickim izborima. Sa jos smehotresnijim Olandom koji napusta socdem ekonomsku pricu, ima da napuni svoje biracko telo razocaranim tradicionalistima i lumpenproleterima, jer je vec pokazala da je dovoljno vesta da pomera NF ka mainstreamu.

Front National tops French vote intentions for EU elections2013-09-15T153326Z_450653385_GM1E99F1SXQ01_RTRMADP_3_FRANCE_0.JPGFN leader Marine Le Pen, Marseille, 15 September 2013.Reuters/Jean-Paul Pelissier By RFIFor the first time ever, the Front National has come top in a new survey of voting intentions among the French for next May’s European Parliament elections.The anti-immigration and anti-EU party scores 24 percent in the Ifop survey, published in today’s left wing weekly Le Nouvel Observateur, which polled 1, 893 people on 4 October.The results follow Sunday’s electoral success for the FN in a local by-election in the south, where it came top, garnering almost 50 per cent of the vote."For the first time in a poll on voting intentions in an election of a national character, the FN is clearly ahead of both the (ruling) Socialist Party and the UMP", the main centre-right opposition party, Ifop said.The Front National led by Marine Le Pen has gained three percentage points since a similar survey conducted by Ifop in May.At the 2009 EU-wide elections, when Nicolas Sarkozy was French president, Le Pen's party took only 6.34 percent of the vote.In the new poll, Sarkozy’s centre-right UMP comes second after the FN, scoring 22 percent.President Francois Hollande's Socialist party is in third place with 19 percent, a two percentage point drop over May.Analysts say record unemployment, a struggling economy and mounting concern over crime have bolstered support for the FN.Since taking over as the head in 2011, Marine Le Pen has tried to reposition the party whose image had long been closely linked to her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, who had convictions for incitement to racial hatred and holocaust denial.Under her leadership, the FN has expelled overtly racist activists and selected a number of ethnic minority candidates for local elections.
http://www.english.rfi.fr/france/20131010-front-national-tops-french-vote-intentions-eu-elections Edited by Yoda
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French legend Delon 'supports' far-right French actor Alain Delon said he supports France’s far-right party, the National Front, in an interview published in a Swiss newspaper on Wednesday. The movie star was popular in the 1960s and was once called the “male Brigitte Bardot”.By FRANCE 24 (text)French film star Alain Delon has come out in support of France’s far-right political party the National Front (FN). In an interview published on Wednesday in the Swiss daily Le Matin, the actor, whose career has seen him appear in some 100 films, described the National Front’s growth as “uplifting”.Delon went to on to say that he “approves” the party’s progress, which he attributed to a general sense of gloom due to a lack of political action.“The National Front, like the MCG [Geneva Citizens’ Movement] in Geneva, is very important…I encourage it and I perfectly understand it,” he said. Both parties -- the FN and MCG -- must manage solid electorates if they are to move from words to actions, he said.“For years, the Le Pen father and daughter team [Jean-Marie, former head of the National Front, and Marine, its current leader] have been fighting, but they’ve been fighting a lonely battle,” he said. “Now, for the first time, they are no longer alone. They have the French people…And that it’s reaching Geneva, that’s incredibly important. They’re fed up there too.”According to a poll conducted by the French Institute of Public Opinion (IFOP) for weekly French news magazine Le Nouvel Observateur, published on Wednesday, the National Front tops the list of parties that the French intend to vote for in next year’s European Parliament Elections.In September, the National Front gained the official support of French comedian Jean Roucas, who was pictured alongside Marine Le Pen at an annual party conference earlier this year.Once called “the male Brigitte Bardot,” Alain Delon is a legend of French cinema. He has starred in films such as Faibles Femmes, Purple Noon (based on the Patricia Highsmith novel The Talented Mr Ripley), Borsalino, and Monsieur Klein, the latter earning him a César award, the French equivalent of an Oscar.His Gallic charm and reputation as a grand séducteur catapulted him to sex-symbol stardom in the 1960s and 1970s.
Edited by dillinger
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Делон је био познат као (жешћи) десничар и у време највеће популарности, пре цирка 4 деценије. (Сећам се како су неке жене са сетом то тада помињале.)

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Mala Marina (sto bi rekao Kim) ima izrazit trend rasta, a ozbiljno je krenula da jede desnicu sarkozijevskog klovna jos na predsednickim izborima. Sa jos smehotresnijim Olandom koji napusta socdem ekonomsku pricu, ima da napuni svoje biracko telo razocaranim tradicionalistima i lumpenproleterima, jer je vec pokazala da je dovoljno vesta da pomera NF ka mainstreamu.
Tacno je da Marina uspesno pomera NF ka mejnstrimu, ali ne treba zaboraviti da joj je hiperaktivni napoleoncic pomogao u tome, pomerivsi mejnstrim ka NF-u u nadi da ce joj maznuti deo birackog tela (a cini se da se Manuel Valls, socijalisticki ministar unutrasnjih poslova, zaputio istim stazom). Ispostavilo se, medjutim, da je Marinin stari bio u pravu kad je rekao da ce Francuzi izmedju orginala i kopije odabrati orginal.
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Hiperaktivni napoleoncic je pre svega prosuo i onaj ostatak degolistickog nasledja o kojem je Sirak ipak vodio racuna, tako da ga je Marina samo vredno pokupila. Marina je daleko ozbiljniji politicar od tate, zato je pustila promaju koja treba da razbistri lepenovsku ksenofobiju. Tata nije stavljao na lokalne liste ljude poreklom iz Alzira ili Senegala, npr.

Edited by Yoda
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Sarkozi, Đurčan, Karamanlis, Papandreu...može se o pogubnim greškama političara levog i desnog centra pričati do u nedogled, ali sutra će to imati smisla koliko i guslati o vajmarskim političarima 1936.

Edited by dillinger
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Nakon otprilike još po dva izborna kruga, moguće i to.Poenta je da smo svi mi digli ruke od raznih deesova, pasoka i sličnog ali priča ne ide u smeru koga ćemo suprotstaviti sutra Dverima, Marini, Jobbiku već svi tapkamo u mestu i pričamo ispričane priče o likovima koji su već na đubrištu ili su na sigurnom putu ka istom

Edited by dillinger
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