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Ocigledno ne fakultet u Srbiji mada to sigurno ne bi bio nekakav garant. Naprotiv.

Jedino sto je ocigledno je da nisi savladao ni gradivo iz osnovne...

Edited by IndridCold
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Ni ti ne znas da je Rusija pre 3 dana ulozila veto na nezavisnu istragu u vezi toga?


Napisao sam šta bi trebalo uraditi. Pomenuta rezolucija je samo deo onoga što bi trebalo uraditi a ruski veto svakako nije od pomoći.

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Sto se tice Vijetnama, nije svet gledao mrtav ladan nego je na Zapadu kao rezultat doslo ipak do nekih promena zahvaljujuci kojima recimo Srbija/Beograd nije prosao kao Vukovar, Grozni ili Hanoj. 


Do promena jeste doslo, pokazacu ti najbitniju sa zapadnetm tacke gledista, da ne kazem interesa.

Pa je tako, umesto:




Izmisljenotm ovo:




Promenilo se, naravno, nije nista:




Osim materijala za tebe i tebi slicne da lupetate o napretku, moralu, humanosti, nasoj sreci sto smo potpali pod prosveceni liberalizam i ostalim prigodnim ortopedskim pomagalima za licemerje.

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Ni ti ne znas da je Rusija pre 3 dana ulozila veto na nezavisnu istragu u vezi toga?



Napisao sam šta bi trebalo uraditi. Pomenuta rezolucija je samo deo onoga što bi trebalo uraditi a ruski veto svakako nije od pomoći.


Pa sta mislis, zasto Rusi to nece da odobre?

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Jedino sto je ocigledno je da nisi savladao ni gradivo iz osnovne...


Ne brini za mene, za forum a pored jos 5 drugih jezika je ovo sasvim dovoljno. Problem su mnogo vise recimo tvoja funkcionalna nepismenost koju smo vec par puta utvrdili ili recimo ovaj povrsni relativizam koji citamo od namenskog. To su vec teze kategorije i ne menja se tako lako...

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Ako nije bilo...




Ovaj problem sa hemijskim oružjem u Siriji treba nekako razrešiti. Trebalo bi omogućiti da UN sprovedu istragu i utvrde kako je moguće da tamo i dalje ima hemijskog oružja ako je pre par godina postignut i implementiran dogovor da ga više ne bude.


Idealno tu istragu bi trebalo da zajednički ugovore, sprovedu i iskontrolišu Rusija i SAD jer je Rusija garantovala da će hemijski arsenal SAA biti kompletno neutralisan a SAD su po okončanju procesa potvrdile da je sve odrađeno kompletno i prema planu. Neko jednostavno treba da zvanično pokaže kako i zašto posle svega tu i dalje ima hemijskog oružja. Pa posle toga neka se gađaju tramvajima i međusobno optužuju koliko im je volja.


Kljucna rec je "declared" (vidi gore) - na kraju ce se pokazati™ da je Asadu ostalo u shteku (za crne dane) nesto i/ili da je to zaista bilo skladiste hemije™ koje su ovi roknuli i tome slicno. A UN je firma da sprovede istragu - ono - kao da si osnovao "radnu grupu" ili neku "skupstinsku komisiju" u ona vremena u Srbiji - da ti zavrsi neki posao... Ne lipshi magare do zelene trave...

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Zar nije još tada išla neka priča kako su se valjda dva od dvadesetak skladišta CW nalazila na teritoriji koju drže freedom fighters™, pa se to (IIRC) i nije tretiralo kao deo arsenala kojim Sirija raspolaže? Teritorije su se naravno u međuvremenu ispomerale i sad se ne zna pouzdano ko šta ima i gde to drži.

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zato su rusi i ulozili veto, asadovi je trebalo da daju pristup logovima komunikacije, ispitivanju komandujucih, skladistima i sl. a freedom fighteri bezbedan pristup mestu incidenta. 


Russia will call on both the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and the UN to investigate, Lavrov said after meeting with his Qatari counterpart in Moscow.

“We think that it is absolutely necessary to conduct a thorough, objective, professional, and unbiased investigation. We will insist that the OPCW and the UN in New York urgently send inspectors both to the site of incident and the airfield itself, where, according to Western experts, the munitions were loaded with chemicals.”

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Robert Fisk o životima dece koji imaju ili nemaju vrednost, zavisno od toga da li mogu da se politički iskoriste


It was the Mother of all Hypocrisy. Some dead Syrian babies matter, I guess. Other dead Syrian babies don’t matter. One mass murder in Syria two weeks ago killed children and babies and stirred our leaders to righteous indignation. But the slaughter in Syria this weekend killed even more children and babies – yet brought forth nothing but silence from those who claim to guard our moral values. Now why should this be?


When a gas attack in Syria killed more than 70 civilians on 4 April, including babies and children, Donald Trump ordered a missile attack on Syria. America applauded. So did its media. So did much of the world. Trump called Bashar al-Assad “evil” and “an animal”. The EU condemned the Syrian regime. Downing Street called the gas attack “barbaric”. Almost every western leader demanded that Assad should be overthrown.


Yet after this weekend’s suicide bombing of a convoy of civilian refugees outside Aleppo killed 126 Syrians, more than 80 of them children, the White House said nothing. Even though the death toll was far greater, Trump didn’t even Tweet his grief. The US navy launched not even a symbolic bullet towards Syria. The EU went all coy and refused to say a single word. All talk of “barbarism” from Downing Street was smothered.




But what ultimately proves our own participation in this immoral and unjust and frightful civil war is our reaction to those two massacres of the innocents. We cried over and lamented and even went to war for those “beautiful little babies” whom we believed to be Sunni victims of the Assad government. But when Shia babies of equal humanity were blasted to pieces this weekend, Trump could not care less. And the mothering spirit of Ivanka and Federica simply dried up.


And we claim that Middle East violence has nothing to do with us.

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Predvidivo i dosadno. Na te koji su digli decu u vazduh traje ofanziva na vise frontova i bacaju se "majke svih bombi" itd. Plus, sinoc su rusko-asadovski avioni ponovo pobili gomilu dece i to nigde nije pomenuto. Izgleda da ako ne koriste hemijsko oruzije svet nije briga.

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Thomas Friedman’s Perverse Love Affair With ISIS



Why should our goal right now be to defeat the Islamic State in Syria? Of course, ISIS is detestable and needs to be eradicated. But is it really in our interest to be focusing solely on defeating ISIS in Syria right now?…

We could simply back off fighting territorial ISIS in Syria and make it entirely a problem for Iran, Russia, Hezbollah and Assad. After all, they’re the ones overextended in Syria, not us. Make them fight a two-front war—the moderate rebels on one side and ISIS on the other. If we defeat territorial ISIS in Syria now, we will only reduce the pressure on Assad, Iran, Russia and Hezbollah and enable them to devote all their resources to crushing the last moderate rebels in Idlib, not sharing power with them.


Friedman is not advocating the US stop bombing ISIS on anti-war grounds or because US bombing has led to all perfectly correct and sensible reasons to oppose the US “War on Terror” in Syria—but because giving ISIS space to breathe will kill more Syrians, Iranians and Russians.


Trump should want to defeat ISIS in Iraq. But in Syria? Not for free, not now. In Syria, Trump should let ISIS be Assad’s, Iran’s, Hezbollah’s and Russia’s headache — the same way we encouraged the mujahedeen fighters to bleed Russia in Afghanistan.



Friedman objasnio...

Edited by slow
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