July 5, 201311 yr Pucano je na pro-Morsy demonstrante u Kairu, izgleda da ima mrtvih. Prisutne TV ekipe fokusirane na Tahrir, gotovo da niko ne prati šta se dešava na protestima MB. Izgleda da su izbili i verski sukobi u Luksoru.
July 5, 201311 yr Pucano je na pro-Morsy demonstrante u Kairu, izgleda da ima mrtvih. Prisutne TV ekipe fokusirane na Tahrir, gotovo da niko ne prati šta se dešava na protestima MB. Izgleda da su izbili i verski sukobi u Luksoru.Normalno da ne prati jer MB nisu cool.Inace, i sam si primetio da je prakticno pozdravljen drzavni udar na zapadu.
July 5, 201311 yr Nema teorije da dobijemo pouzdanu informaciju ko je pucao. Ono što je izvesno je da se atmosfera usijava i da će društvene mreže biti preplavljene poluinformacijama i dezinformacijama jer mediji u velikoj meri ignorišu proteste MB.
July 5, 201311 yr "Liberal" ElBaradeiOpposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei, who has been put forward as an interim prime minister, has defended the army's takeover and supported the temporary arrest of senior members of the Muslim Brotherhood.In an interview with the BBC, the Nobel laureate said: "It is not the army who took over, it is the army who acted on behalf of the people."He insisted that the Brotherhood should be part of the political process in Egypt.But, asked about the arrest of senior brotherhood figures, ElBaradei said: "Yes for a couple of days – because they have been plotting, they have been asking their supporters to use arms."He insisted that those arrested should face a proper legal process."They need to go through the court procedures. We don't want any anti-democratic measures. I hope this situation will be put to rest in the next few days."
July 5, 201311 yr Khaled Dawoud, spokesman for the National Coalition Front, told Reuters that plans by Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood and their Islamist allies to hold protests on Friday amounted to a "counter-revolution".Sve liberal do liberala.
July 5, 201311 yr The Islamists had streamed towards the Guards headquarters on foot from a Muslim Brotherhood rally that attracted tens of thousands at Cairo's Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque.Shots rang out after one Morsi supporter tried to hang a picture of the ousted leader on barbed wire outside the headquarters, said the correspondent.He was warned twice by members of the Republican Guard not to approach the building before they started shooting.Gunfire could then be heard from both directions, and security forces also later used tear gas.u luksoru je za sada relativno mirno, dva protesta su na dva kraja grada, a izmedju je vojska i policija, pa se ne priblizavaju. u aleksandriji ocekuju da ce posle molitve veceras poceti veliki anti-morsi skup, ali na sinaju ima mnogo vise vojske nego inace, posle ubistva vojnika pre neki dan. neredi su izbili i u sarkiji, provinciji koja je najbogatija (uslovno receno) u delti nila.zanimljivo je sta kaze ayari iz icg-ja, poredeci mb i enahdu u tunisu"They took over in countries which each have a well-established state apparatus, a former administration in place that has been reluctant to serve these new people, because they feel threatened by them. They did not arrive by the same route, they do not share the same culture," Ayari said.So when the Muslim Brotherhood and Ennahda tried to purge the systems they inherited, in a more or less unilateral manner, it was perceived "as proof of their controlling tendencies," he added."In short, the Islamists have democratic legitimacy, but not the technocratic and revolutionary legitimacy."
July 5, 201311 yr Prenosi naša štampa™: Zašto samo Obama žali što je Mursi pao?Piše: Gamal Zahran, profesor na sveučilištu Suez Canal u IsmailijuRušenjem Mursija egipatski narod piše novu povijest jer je time spriječeno uništenje kulture i identiteta jednog naroda. Nikada nismo sumnjali u egipatsku vojsku. Znali smo da će biti uz nas, što je dokazivala kroz cijelu našu povijest.Znamo da još nije vrijeme za veliko slavlje jer postoji opasnost od tih terorista i radikala. Ali egipatski narod ih se ne boji. Da se boji, ne bi izišao na ulicu i tražio njihovo smjenjivanje. Imamo povjerenje u vojsku, koja je jedina garancija za naš narod.Egipat čeka bolje sutra. Više nema Mursija, čovjeka koji je sve radio protiv svog naroda samo da se domogne vlasti i stvara islamsku državu. Dok je on bio na vlasti, pred benzinskim crpkama bile su kolone jer nije bilo goriva, nije bilo vode, struje…Sat vremena nakon što je svrgnut, dobili smo sve. Htio je da narod gladuje kako bi se zadržao na vlasti. Nije se samo Egipat spasio od najgore elementarne nepogode u svijetu (Muslimanske braće), već cijelo čovječanstvo. Dok je cijeli svijet s olakšanjem dočekao svrgnuće najopasnijeg čovjeka nakon Hitlera i Musolinija, Obama tuguje. Zašto? Samo on zna.
July 5, 201311 yr Muslim Brotherhood supreme leader Mohammed Badie addressed pro-Morsi supporters at a rally in Nasr City, Cairo.“The Muslim Brotherhood are one of you and they have been serving you and I am one of your servants,” he said.The speech came as a surprise as it was reported on Thursday that Badie had been arrested. “I did not escape arrest warrant, such accusations are mere lies,” Badie said.Helicopters flew over head as Badie spoke to the large crowd: “I take pride in my president Morsi, who is your president and president of all Egyptians."“We will stay in public squares until we free our elected president and we carry him on our shoulders," Badie said.
July 5, 201311 yr mb kaze da nije ni bio na caju u pet, nego da je pripremao govor koji i dalje drzi.
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