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Distopije i utopije (u filmu, knjizevnosti, filozofiji i stvarnom zivotu)


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In many rural land-based societies, learning is not coerced; children are expected to voluntarily observe, absorb, practice, and master the knowledge and skills they will need as adults –– and they do.  In these societies –– which exist on every inhabited continent –– even very young children are free to choose their own actions, to play, to explore, to participate, to take on meaningful responsibility. “Learning” is not conceived as a special activity at all, but as a natural by-product of being alive in the world.


Researchers are finding that children in these settings spend most of their time in a completely different attentional state from children in modern schools, a state psychology researcher Suzanne Gaskins calls “open attention.”  Open attention is widely focused, relaxed, alert; Gaskins suggests it may have much in common with the Buddhist concept of “mindfulness.”  If something moves in the broad field of perception, the child will notice it.  If something interesting happens, he can watch for hours.  A child in this state seems to absorb her culture by osmosis, by imperceptible degrees picking up what the adults talk about, what they do, how they think, what they know.


We didn’t have a name for it, but my friends and I often noticed that our kids–– who didn’t go to school–– had this quality of attention as they moved through the world.  They were in a different mental state from schooled kids.  You could see it.  They noticed everything.  They remembered everything.  Their minds were open, clear, alert, at ease.  If something caught their interest, they were on it with laser focus.  When we encountered adults who were used to dealing with groups of school kids — at museums, aquariums, archaeological sites, animal-tracking hikes, beach clean-ups, citizen science projects –– they would say they had never seen kids like this before.  They would be sort of dumbfounded by it.  They expected all children to be wound up, tuned out, half-frantic with suppressed energy, like a dog who’s been locked in the house all day.

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"Some of our children, it turns out, are more like pigeons and squirrels, and some are more like bears.  Some of them adapt to the institutional walls we put around them, and some of them pace till their paws bleed.  The bleeding of these children, if we listen, can tell us many stories about ourselves.  The boy drugged with Adderall tells us a story of forests full of trees to climb, rivers to swim and paddle, open meadows to run across.  The girl who slowly starves herself tells us of a family and clan in which acceptance is a birthright rather than something we compete for with thinness and good grades.  The kids who fight back, who become defiant to the point of self-destruction, tell us a story of freedom from authoritarian control, from petty rewards and punishments, from endless surveillance and evaluation.  The kids who turn to drugs tell us of feelings of warmth, of energy, of intimacy, of peace that they don’t find in their lives of never-ending scheduled competitive busy-work."

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INTERVJU – BORIS BUDEN: „Što je manje komunizma, to je više antikomunizma“


"Fantazije o nekom idealnom kapitalizmu u kojem vlada harmonija između demokracije, pravne države, visokokvalitetne kulture i postojanog ekonomskog rasta, odnosno blagostanja, uvijek su projicirane u sasvim određenu kulturnu lokaciju, u Zapad tj. zapadnu civilizaciju pri čemu se naša realna odstupanja od ideala objašnjavaju kulturnom i civilizacijskom inferiornošću, ili barbarstvom Istoka, Balkana, „azijatskog“ despotizma ili načina proizvodnje. Ta liberalna fantazija uvijek međutim implicira retroaktivni – dakle često kontrafaktički – antikomunizam, odnosno kao što je slučaj s Latinkom Perović, ideološko retuširanje vlastite biografije i biografija pripadnika njenih dominantnih i neželjenih elita, dakle ovaj ili onaj oblik konkretnog historijskog revizionizma. Tako smo dobili priču o dobrim elitama koje su oduvijek stremile Zapadu i Evropi i njihovim protivnicima, lošim elitama koje su nas htjele zadržati na Istoku kao sinonimu za komunistički totalitarizam, zaostalost, barbarstvo, itd. Ali to uopće nije daleko od one ideološke samolegitimacije s kojom je ustaška vojska svojedobno sudjelovala u borbama na Istočnom frontu. Oni pod Staljingradom nisu ginuli u ime Velike Njemačke i hiljadugodišnjeg Reicha, nego u ime evropske civilizacije, u njenoj borbi za opstanak protiv azijatskog barbarstva."

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20 minutes ago, noskich said:


Glasam za ovog kandidata pociv mu dushi:




Nije to za ovu temu, to je za Distopije i utopije tamo na metafizici.


OK, da pokuštam drugi i zadnji put:


3 hours ago, peralozac said:


I mene ovo zanima Noskiču. Recimo da je danas referendum o ukidanju australijske države, kako bi glasao?



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1 minute ago, peralozac said:


OK, da pokuštam drugi i zadnji put:




Glasam za Peru Lozaca! To jest ponistavam listic jer ne verujem u referendum koji raspisuje drzava sa opcijom da ukine sebe samu. 

Da li bi drzavu trebalo ukinuti, trebalo bi.

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OK. Kako zamišljaš taj proces? Pretpostavimo da postoji 50%+Noskič građana koji su za, ali ne žele da to učine kroz postojeći sistem. 

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Uciniti drzavu irelevantnom uspostavljajuci alternative. Sto se vise alternativa uspostavlja i sto vise ljudi se iskljucuje iz drzave to vise drzava odumire dok se ne dodje do stupnja kada postane irelevantna i prestaje da postoji.




Cheran: The town that threw out police, politicians and gangsters

Edited by noskich
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Ne znam zašto opet kačiš taj video koji nema veze sa pitanjem. Cheran je opskuran primer gde je autonomija priznata jer se radi o domorodačkoj zajednici koja uostalom i dalje prima pare i od regionalne i od federalne vlade.


Moje pitanje je bilo konkretno i u duhu ove teme - pretpostavimo da postoji 50%+Noskič stanovnika Australije koji žele da se otarase države. Koji su koraci koje bi preuzeli da to što pre ostvarite? I molim te mani se ruralnih predela, kako bi to funkcionisalo u Sidneju na primer? Kako bi rešili probleme boldovane ispod?


All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?

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On 16/04/2018 at 20:08, peralozac said:

Ne znam zašto opet kačiš taj video koji nema veze sa pitanjem. Cheran je opskuran primer gde je autonomija priznata jer se radi o domorodačkoj zajednici koja uostalom i dalje prima pare i od regionalne i od federalne vlade.


Moje pitanje je bilo konkretno i u duhu ove teme - pretpostavimo da postoji 50%+Noskič stanovnika Australije koji žele da se otarase države. Koji su koraci koje bi preuzeli da to što pre ostvarite? I molim te mani se ruralnih predela, kako bi to funkcionisalo u Sidneju na primer? Kako bi rešili probleme boldovane ispod?


All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?


Isto tako kao sto je to resila Barselona 1936.




Edited by noskich
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Iz lakonskih odgovora i linkova koje kačiš mogu samo da zaključim da nemaš jasnu ideju ni šta želiš ni kako bi to postigao.  Mada, s obzirom na duplo kačenje priče iz Meksika, možda grešim u vezi ovog drugog. Moguće je da si fasciniran idejom "The women met in secret to make their plans". Pošalješ ženu da promeni svet, a ti na miru forumašiš. Savršeno, a? 


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