Have_Fun Posted May 25, 2014 Posted May 25, 2014 Kako sjebati odlicnu seriju?Pogledati s02e13 Hannibala i poslednju epizodu True Detective.. eto takoJako sam razocaran ovom poslednjom epizodom!Mrzim te isiljene WAU efekte, ubacivanje likova pravo niotkuda, spinovanje na silu itd..gluposti gde je Hannibal americki marinac, SAS-ovac ili bar fuckin` ninja pa mu niko nista ne moze!5x je izbegao smrt, 2x je bukvalno visio o koncu!a nos mu radi bolje nego spektrofotomer!
Jimmy Kowalski Posted May 25, 2014 Posted May 25, 2014 (edited) Mene je Fuller prilicno nervirao sto je tokom cele sezone tretirao gledaoce kao da su idioti, sa vestackim obrtima u vidu vracanja iz mrtvih likova. A sve kao da se mi iznenadimo. Miriam, Gideon, Freddie i na kraju Abigail. To nema nikakav sokantan efekat kad se ponavlja. Naprotiv, sve je predvidivo. Znamo i da ce se Dr Chilton vratiti, da ce Will i Jack preziveti... Uopste mu ne leze ti cliffhangeri. Cemu onda lazna neizvesnost? A sto se tice odnosa izmedju Bedelije i Hannibala, ne mislim da su bili u dosluhu. To nam nije nagovesteno. Njen strah od njega bio je autentican, sada je samo proradila profesionalna radoznalost i zelja da ga blize upozna. A i kako je ona vrlo inteligentna, jasno je i zasto ga i ona privlaci. Edited May 25, 2014 by Jimmy Kowalski
Garnirung Posted May 25, 2014 Posted May 25, 2014 Okej. Fala. Samo se nadam da neće me izede ovaj rovac. Idem da probam Sons of Anrachy ili tako nešto. Ja bih probao Turn da sam na tvom mestu Šta znam, svidela mi se ova produžena scena fajta, al na kraju mi nekako ostao utisak, "mnogo hteo, mnogo započeo". Al ajd, kao postavio je scenu za sledeće sezonu, ko god da preživi.
Lrd Posted May 27, 2014 Author Posted May 27, 2014 Svašta je napričao Fuler. Uglavnom, sprema se potpuni reset serije. Rekao je i da je odustao od one formule koja knjiga po kojoj sezoni i najavio je da će treća biti mešavina svih romana osim Silence. Pošto je pomenuo onu Japanku, verujem da će biti podosta fleš bekova na Hanibalovo detinjstvo. Najavio je još i Frensisa Dolarhajda, odnosno Tut ferija, što me i raduje i nervira, jer je on toliko dobar lik da zaslužuje da bude glavni negativac cele sezone, ali ipak jedva čekam da vidim šta će Fuler da mu uradi. I tako, fin je razgovorčić: We knew the Jack-Hannibal fight was coming from the beginning of the season. How much of the rest of the finale did you know that early on?Bryan Fuller: I knew that I wanted to have Hannibal lay waste to the remaining cast and then drop the mic and leave the stage. [Laughs] That was the main goal. Really, we wanted to demonstrate how much Will hurt Hannibal. That was a big motivation for this entire finale: It had to be the nasty breakup. It had to be the terrible doom that everyone was rocketing toward because they dared to enter into a relationship with Hannibal Lecter and thought they could outsmart him.Postmortem: Hannibal boss breaks down the season's long conI was shocked by how bad I did feel for Hannibal. He looked so heartbroken.Fuller: When he smells Freddie Lounds on Will Graham, Mads' performance is so struck in that moment because Hannibal was convinced. Will's plan succeeded; he absolutely seduced Hannibal Lecter. That's part of it for Hannibal. "You tricked me, and I allowed myself to be tricked." The other part was just the devastating loss of the friendship.And yet, it seemed that Will tried to warn Hannibal that Jack was coming. Had Will truly betrayed Hannibal?Fuller: Honestly, Will did not know what he was going to do next in terms of who he was going to betray and who he was going to save. I think he could see a world in which he allowed Hannibal to get away, and there's a world where he could see him incarcerated. When Will calls Hannibal to say, "They know," part of it was to bring the series full circle back to that very first episode and create moments to parallel that. But also for Will, it could mean two things, [which] we won't really understand with absolute clarity until Season 3. On one level, it could be exactly as it appears with him calling his friend and warning him that trouble's coming. Or it could be Will calling and telling Hannibal, "They know," because he wants Hannibal to get out of there before Jack arrives because he's worried about Jack's safety. We really wanted to embrace the idea that the audience should not know at this stage what Will Graham's intentions are because we have a few more punches to be pulled — and not pulled — in Season 3.The first huge shock in the episode is the reveal that Abigail is still alive!Fuller: Originally, we were going to have Hannibal flying away with Abigail Hobbs. When we started talking about it, we said, "Oh, gosh, we brought Miriam back and we're brining Dr. Chilton back — does that seem like too much?" So we just thought, "Well, let's just bring her back and kill her on-screen!" [Laughs]Where has she been all this time? And was there more to Hannibal keeping her alive than just to surprise Will?Fuller: [in Season 1] when Hannibal was stroking her cheek and presumably about to cut her throat, he says to her, "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you in this life," which means he had to craft a new one for her. Who she was had to go away. He probably had Abigail in the same house by the sea where he was storing Miriam Lass for all those years, and I think it was about, "I'm going to, once again, take somebody who had the capacity to be a victim in their situation and transform them into their own champion." It's about having Abigail take her life back — or take a life back. Hannibal felt truly responsible for what happened to Abigail. He called her father and said "They know," and that changed her life inexorably.NBC renews Hannibal for Season 3Did Hannibal make Abigail push Alana out the window because of his own feelings for Alana?Fuller: What was good about sending Abigail in is that completely surprises Alana, and the element of surprise is her downfall. Alana had a gun, she had an extra clip, and, without Abigail [coming in], she was probably going to end Hannibal in some way. So, Hannibal says, "You go in there and shove her out the window. This is what you have to do in order for us to continue what we set out to do with your life." I don't think Abigail was comfortable with that at all. She was terrified and reluctant to do it but nevertheless had to. As a result, her faith in Hannibal started to shift.And then Abigail also was a surprise for Will, though not in the way Hannibal originally intended.Fuller: It's so romantic! It's such a romantic gesture. [Laughs]Gutting Will and slicing Abigail's throat was decidedly less romantic, however. Did he just want to hurt Will as much as possible?Fuller: Absolutely. [He's saying,] "This is the world that we could've had together and it was going to be beautiful. And you ruined everything."Is this truly the end of the relationship between them? Will does see the stag die...Fuller: The stag always represented the connection between Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter. He started seeing the stag after he was first exposed to Hannibal's murder of Cassie Boyle impaled on the stag head in the field. It felt like, at that moment, the relationship that they had has died. Whatever comes next between them will be a fresh new hell. ... In any relationship, when you throw a fit and end a relationship in dramatic fashion, later you might be going, "Oh, I do sort of miss them." [Laughs] The obsession is going to always work both ways between these two gentlemen.Fall TV: Get a first look at all the new shows coming next season!That's assuming that Will survives!Fuller: We are staying very true to in the incident in the novel with Will and Hannibal and it's very basic outcome.What about the others? Will they make it as well?Fuller: There's going to be an impact from what's happened here. It's safe to say that not everybody survives. Everyone that's laying their breathing could be breathing their last breaths. It doesn't go well for all of them.Meanwhile Hannibal escapes to France ... with Dr. Du Maurier! Has she been in on this the whole time?Fuller: The answers to exactly why Bedelia Du Maurier is on a plane to France with Hannibal Lecter is all part of the first episode of Season 3, which will essentially function as a new pilot for a new series because everything's different.Will we be seeing much more of Bedelia next season now that Gillian Anderson's other NBC show was canceled?Fuller: She's a very busy lady. But if I had my druthers, she'd be a series regular in Season 3.You said next season will be different. Does that mean you're shifting the point of view to be more squarely about Hannibal?Fuller: Season 3 is going to be a lot of fun because it's going to be taking a lot of disparate elements from the novel Hannibal Rising and the novel Hannibal and mashing them up together as part of the thrust of the season. It's going to be fun to bastardize two novels into one sort of Frankenstein season. I will brace everybody right now: We're significantly changing the Hannibal origin story from Hannibal Rising.Exclusive Hannibal video: Go inside the deliciously twisted mind of creator Bryan FullerYou originally had mapped out certain seasons to follow certain books. Is that still your plan, or have you abandoned that timeline?Fuller: The books won't necessarily be in sequential order. We'll be hitting elements of each of them except Silence of the Lambs in the next season. My hope is that not only do we have a completely different Hannibal Lecter story in Season 3, but we will meet some of those great characters like Francis Dolarhyde and Lady Murasaki and weave them into the world in a unique way.Do you know when the show will be back or when you'll go back into production?Fuller: We're having that meeting Tuesday. I'm hoping we start production a little later this year because we had very few weeks in the writers' room before cameras started rolling, and it was hard to keep up. I'm hoping we have a little bit more time in the writers' room. Because this season is so different and it is such a departure structurally from what we've been doing in the first two seasons, I want to make sure we've thought it through very well.What parts of the structure will change the most? The setting? The case-of-the-week format?Fuller: The basic structure revolving around the FBI will be less prominent in Season 3 — at least for the first half of the season.That doesn't sound good for Jack's survival! And Laurence Fishburne does recur on a new ABC sitcom.Fuller: Laurence is also a very busy man. One of the wonders of this season is: Will Alana survive and will Jack Crawford survive? Will Abigail Hobbs survive? Those are things that are going to be revealed very slowly at the beginning of Season 3.So, when you said before that somebody doesn't make it, you were including Abigail in that? I assumed she was already gone.Fuller: I'm speaking of everybody in that house that was dying. And it doesn't just mean that only one person could be dead. http://www.tvguide.com/News/Hannibal-Season2-Finale-Postmortem-Bryan-Fuller-1082245.aspx
Sludge Factory Posted May 27, 2014 Posted May 27, 2014 Zavrsih drugu sezonu konacno. Meni je bre bilo odlicno. Mislim, razumem ja sve zamerke koje ljudi imaju, od najosnovnije fizike do vracanja likova iz mrtvih, ali sve to prati unutrasnju logiku serije. Serija je visoko stilizovana™, forma joj je mozda i vaznija od sustine i ako se tako posmatra i to prihvati, onda je praznik za oci i mozak. I naravno Mads razbija. Vazda dosadni Entoni Hopkins konacno moze u penziju. Imam silna neka pitanja i komentare, ali jos sam pod utiskom pa ne mogu to racinalno, a i morao bih da se vracam na pojedinacne epizode. Procitao sam topic i sve sto ste komentarisali ovih par meseci, pa nema svrhe da se sad vracamo na to. Samo me zivo zanima kako ce Chiltona da vrati iz mrtvih (doduse, posle onako smesne scene njegove pogibije, mozda i nece biti tesko, zamislicemo samo da je ta scena bila plod maste Mirijam Las i njene zelje da se osveti riperu i stvar resena :D mada i ta scena ne odskace od ostatka serije uopste, ali da izaziva nelagodu, izaziva), ali drago ce mi biti jer je postao super zabavan lik (i krivo mi bi kad ga upuca Mirijam).
Jimmy Kowalski Posted May 27, 2014 Posted May 27, 2014 Samo me zivo zanima kako ce Chiltona da vrati iz mrtvih (doduse, posle onako smesne scene njegove pogibije, mozda i nece biti tesko, zamislicemo samo da je ta scena bila plod maste Mirijam Las i njene zelje da se osveti riperu i stvar resena :D mada i ta scena ne odskace od ostatka serije uopste, ali da izaziva nelagodu, izaziva), ali drago ce mi biti jer je postao super zabavan lik (i krivo mi bi kad ga upuca Mirijam). Serpico kao inspiracija
Sludge Factory Posted May 28, 2014 Posted May 28, 2014 (edited) Da, jos je Serpico pogodjen sa mnogo manje razdaljine :D jedino ne znam kalibar i tako to. Ovo je kul, Fuller ponavlja dosta stvari iz onog intervjua koji je lrd okacio gore, ali bolje zvuci kad se to cuje direktno, a ima i zanimljiv deo, negde od 17. minuta pa nadalje, gde prica bas o tim problemima sa logikom koje ljudi kritikuju. http://youtu.be/YqfJHKjs6iw Edited May 28, 2014 by Sludge Factory
*edited by mod Posted May 29, 2014 Posted May 29, 2014 evo i ja da konacno smem na topic. prvo da se slozim da je vodjenje skali u francusku iznudjen potez i mislim da je hanibal pre planirao veselu trojku sa abigejl i vilom ali avaj. i ok je mi je to da naglasavaju da hanibalu uvek treba neko uz njega bio to vil ili skali ili klaris. sto se zamerki tice smeta mi ta najava vracanja ciltona u zivot. jebi ga ako si isao na ti da izlazis iz obrasca onda teraj do kraja a nemoj od serije praviti walking dead. uprkos zanimljivim scenama izmedju ciltona i hanibala u zatvoru iskreno se nadam da ga nece vozdici. ono sto me jos brine je to sto je odustao od jedna sezona jedna knjiga koncepta i najavljuje mesavinu svih knjiga. mnooooogoooo mi smrdi na to da su mu dali trecu i eventualno cetvrtu sezonu to wrap it up cisto zbog lika hanibala i samog fulera pa ce sada da zbrzaju sve.
prima Posted June 11, 2014 Posted June 11, 2014 ovo je kao alf kad gleda tv, sve ima : spori kadrovi pecanje, recepti za domacice, policijska stanica, csi, psiholoska ordinacija, porodicna drama, tinejdz simpatije, horor momenti... ove poslednje sam ubrzavala i prekrivala oci u isto vreme. serija je bolest. i posle dve sezone prica se nije zavrsila, odugovlacenje do iznemoglosti. u drugoj moze komotno da se pogleda prva, pa odmah zatim poslednja epizoda.
Sir Oliver Posted June 12, 2014 Posted June 12, 2014 Jab to nazvo odloženim orgazmom ^_^ Šaljenje nastranu, ima nešto u toj televiziji i vremenu provedenom uznju. ^_^
Filipenko Posted June 12, 2014 Posted June 12, 2014 Ja sam oduševljen serijom i što se mene tiče mogu da je razvijaju u kojim god pravcima hoće. Samo da bude što više scena poput klanja Vila i Abigejl u poslednjoj epizodi. Prelepo. Fenomenalno odrađeno. Mnogo bolje im leži sam akt ubistva/puštanja krvi, nego smišljanje nekog načina ubistva koji nam se prezentira kroz leševe, i o kojima se samo priča na koji su način stradali (ma koliko gnusan taj način bio).
Jimmy Kowalski Posted September 15, 2014 Posted September 15, 2014 (edited) Hannibal Season 3: Gillian Anderson Is a Full-Fledged Series Regular Gillian Anderson will be devouring a bigger piece of Hannibal when the NBC drama returns in 2015. TVLine has learned exclusively that the X-Files vet — who recurred in Seasons 1 and 2 as the title cannibal’s shrink, Bedelia du Maurier — has closed a deal to be a series regular in Season 3. The Season 2 finale set the stage for Bedelia to play a more significant role in the show’s third season — something exec producer Bryan Fuller confirmed over the summer at Comic-Con. The season opener will pick up one year after Hannibal and Bedelia were seen jetting off to Europe, and feel like “a pilot for a new series starring Mads Mikkelsen and Gillian Anderson,” Fulller previewed to huge applause. Anderson’s most recent full-time TV gig, NBC’s Crisis, was cancelled last spring. She’s also on board for Season 2 of the acclaimed BBC drama The Fall. “The cast and crew of Hannibal are positively giddy to be welcoming Gillian to Season 3 as a series regular,” Fuller told TVLine in an exclusive statement. “A striking presence on stage and screen, she brings wit, grace and intelligence to every role she embodies. Screenwriting is so much easier when you’re inspired by a great actor and Gillian has filled the Hannibal writers room with wonderful inspiration. I can’t wait for audiences to see her make a bigger meal out of the Cannibal than ever before.” Hannibal is set to return at midseason. Edited September 15, 2014 by Jimmy Kowalski
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