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Poslednji film koji ste gledali Part II


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ok, trazila pathos... al ne mogu taj film da gledam opet...mislim da u zivotu nisam vise plakala nego kad sam gledala taj film...u stvari... da... mislim da mogu da ga gledam :D

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Tu je uvek i stara dobra Imitacija života
Nemoj, taj film je rasplakao čak i Richarda Pryora: "Pryor served in the U.S. Army from 1958 to 1960, but spent virtually the entire stint in an army prison. According to a 1999 profile about Pryor in The New Yorker, Pryor was incarcerated for an incident that occurred while stationed in Germany. Angered that a white soldier was a bit too amused at the racially charged sections of Douglas Sirk's movie Imitation of Life, Pryor and some other black soldiers beat and stabbed him, though not fatally."
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12:08 East of Bucharest (2006) Sjajna rumunska, komedija-dramasmiley32.gifProšlo je šesnaest godina od revolucije. Ljudima u jednom malom gradu, istočno od Bukurešta, još uvek se nameće pitanje: Je l' stvarno bila revolucija u njihovom gradu, i gde su oni bili u to vreme... Fenomenalan!Čuvena replika: "Ja ne volim američke filmove"! - "A koje majke ti voliš, rumunske"?Više ne pije vodu...

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gleda mi se neki srceparajuci film..sad sam opet gledala assassination of jesse james by the coward robert ford... i nastavlja mi se u istom ritmu.
Ево предлога и од мене...Жестокий романсhttp://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090368/
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