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DOOM! DOOM IS UPON US! (Raspad naseg drustva, pbp)

Аврам Гојић

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Ja sam na vaspitačicinoj strani. lli bih, barem, voleo da pobedi surovu i traljavu administraciju koja štedi na dečijim obrocima i prikriva ozbiljne propuste.

S druge strane, znam kako i koliko mogu da metastaziraju članci u novinama kao što je Blic.

Ma, u bilo kojim novinama.

hm da li je skuplji tanjir leba sa mlekom od dve budjave virsle tesko pitanje za administratore.

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roditelji su picke ako ne stanu iza nje, a ima i tri promila sanse da je prica tacna.


Piše u članku da je roditelji podržavaju.


ovom sto je vasa okacila? gde pise?


kad smo već počeli s tim kakva je vasa sisa ajde toni idi na fight club da vidiš šta je godinama krio od nas a svaki dan nas gledo u avatare  :fantom:


Danas je dan za poparu..




Nedeljni meni u vrtiću:




mmmm popara!




Hvala za lep početak dana <_<



SAN FRANCISCO -- British regulators are investigating a psychological experiment Facebook conducted on 700,000 unsuspecting users.

The regulators are working with data protection authorities in Ireland, headquarters of Facebook's European operations.

They want to know if any British citizens were subjects in the controversial experiment. They are also probing whether the data gathered in the experiment maintained the anonymity of users.

The Facebook experiment was conducted for one week in 2012. It manipulated the content users saw in their news feeds to see if emotions could be spread. Some users saw positive updates from friends, others saw negative updates.

The findings were published in the March issue of the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences. and hit a nerve.

Anger over the study erupted on Facebook and other social media over the weekend.

Facebook on Wednesday issued a statement on the UK investigation.

"The study was done with appropriate protections for people's information and we are happy to answer any questions regulators may have," the Menlo Park, Calif., company said in the statement.

Facebook's No. 2 executive Sheryl Sandberg apologized on Wednesday for "poorly" communicating about the experiment.

"This was part of ongoing research companies do to test different products, and that was what it was; it was poorly communicated," Facebook's chief operating officer said. "And for that communication we apologize. We never meant to upset you."

Posted (edited)

a prijava je samo za krsenje autorskih prava i privatnosti. to djubre od sajta je odavno u ravni kurira i slicnog smeca.


srpska duhovitost. 

Edited by Aće

Ne, to nije srpska duhovitost (ni bilo kakva druga).


kako nije, bas su svi odusevljeni kako je dobar crnjak


OK, ja to ne računam u duhovitost (mada se valjda podrazumeva da tvrdnje iznešene u mojim postovima iznosim, ovaj, ja). Takođe ni u srpsku duhovitost, ne znam zašto bi ceo narod bio žigosan ovakvim idiotizmom.

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