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naucni vocap - kad necete da smarate posten svet


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Mozak mi stao potpuno i ne mogu da se setim reči, pomagajte - kako se zove ona laboratorijska staklena ćasa sa poklopcem u kojoj se uzgajaju bakterijske kulture?Na vr' mi jezika i nikako da prevalim...

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Jeste petri, stalno mi pod jezik podleće sve od pipete do piknometra.Mala, smešne asocijacije imaš. Kad mi treba za uzorak stolice, prosto zamotam uzorak u novine - tako se to ovde radi.

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Ne znam da li da ide ovde ili na ekonomiju.Rogof i Rajnhart, pored nekih metodoloskiih izbora, pogresno uglavili formulu u Excel, i tako dosli do toha da je 90% dug/GDP racio threshold nakon koga sledi dramatican pad GDP. Citirao ih Pol Rajan u Senatu.Krugi odmah reagovao, akademska zajednica i blgosfera bruji.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/16/reinhart-rogoff-austerity-research-errors_n_3094015.html

Influential research by U.S. economists Carmen Reinhart and Ken Rogoff, touted by policymakers pushing government austerity in the United States and Europe, is riddled with errors, a bombshell new academic study claims.The findings may not have much impact on the debate over government debt, and it probably won't cause those who have spent the past several decades panicking over government debt to stop their panicking. But it seriously erodes the intellectual underpinnings of the pro-austerity argument -- and makes the damage done by austerity in Europe and the U.S. in recent years all the more poignant."This is a mistake that has had enormous consequences," wrote Dean Baker of the Center for Economic and Policy Research. "If facts mattered in economic policy debates, this should be the cause for a major reassessment of the deficit reduction policies being pursued in the United States and elsewhere."The new paper, by Thomas Herndon, Michael Ash, and Robert Pollin of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, set out to reconstruct the findings of an influential 2010 paper by Reinhart and Rogoff, called "Growth In A Time Of Debt." Reinhart and Rogoff, of the University of Maryland and Harvard, respectively, claimed that economic growth slowed fairly dramatically for countries whose public debt crossed a threshold of 90 percent of gross domestic product.The problem is that other economists have been unable to recreate Reinhart and Rogoff's findings. Herndon, Ash and Pollin now say they were able to do so -- but only by leaving out big, important pieces of data.Using the same spreadsheet that Reinhart and Rogoff used for their research, Herndon, Ash and Pollin found that "Growth In A Time Of Debt" was built around a handful of significant errors. Correcting for those errors changes the findings dramatically: Average GDP growth for high-debt countries jumps from negative 0.1 percent to 2.2 percent.The most important error appears to be a failure to include years of data that showed Australia, Canada and New Zealand enjoying high economic growth and high debt at the same time. Including all the years of data boosts New Zealand's average economic growth rate under high debt to 2.58 percent, from negative 7.6 percent. Given the small amount of data used in Reinhart and Rogoff's study, this has a huge impact on the overall findings.Another error seems to be a simple failure to use an Excel spreadsheet correctly, as highlighted by economist Mike Konczal at the Roosevelt Institute's Next New Deal blog. In building a formula to calculate average economic growth rates, Reinhart and Rogoff appeared to leave off several lines of data in their spreadsheet.
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ovo je vise za naucni wtf, odnosno nekakav administrativni topik.univerzitet u utrehtu je utvrdio da postoji korelacija izmedju prijavljivanja srednjoskolaca za studijsku grupu, i uspeha na studijama: skolarci koji se kasnije tokom godine odluce sta ce tacno studirati, imaju losiji uspeh na studijama.resenje?

pomeriti rok za prijavljivanje na studije na raniji datum! :rolf:

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u petak u 5 do 9 izjutra (sto je mogo rano za mene) treba da odem na neki cas i pricam grad studentima sa prve godine kako je lepo biti postdoktor. profesor entuzijasta, koji me je zamolio da dodjem jer sam izgleda jedino zensko na cesticama, je sav euforican sto studenata ima skoro duplo vise nego prethodnih godina. jedina sam koja je ignorisala njegov mejl dve nedelje, ali me je na kraju pronasao :(. ne ide mi se i zato sto cu morati da ustanem sat i 5 minuta ranije, ali i zato sto nece biti lepo ako kazem sta svarno mislim o postdok statusu.

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u petak u 5 do 9 izjutra
čitam ovo u smislu da počinje u 5 i završava se u 9 i mislim se 1) pa naravno da je rano, čak i za najveće petlove bi bilo rano 2) koji je idiot smislio predavanja/prezentaciju u 5 ujutru :frust:btw naravno da je ultra-rano :D
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postdok u njedrima!

plus ja imam večan problem multidisciplinarnosti u smislu da sam dobra u oblasti X, Y i Z ali ni u jednoj ultra-super-giga-mega dobra
isto, i to vec pomalo postaje problem. mentor me je stavio da sednem i objasnio mi da sam sad dovoljno velika da imam nesto sto je moja stvar, moj pravac, nesto zbog cega ce ljudi da dolaze bas kod mene. problem je sto je za takvo nesto u mojoj oblasti potrebno da budes tehnicki daleko potkovaniji: ljudi koji rano ostvare neki svoj pravac su oni koji su bili u stanju da naprave neku novu vrstu analize na osnovu koje nadju do tada neotkrivene stvari. meni se cini da tako nesto mogu da imam samo ako se vratim psihologiji - onda postajem ona koja zna neuro stvari. sto i nije losa sudbina.jednom sam u nekoj heart to heart razmeni rekla muzu kako ponekad mastam da se vratim neakademskom svetu, da se uglavim u neku veliku humanitarnu ili ljudskopravasku organizaciju i da im pomazem tako sto cu im obradjivati podatke. that's a very strange dream, rece on.
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