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Članak u Die Welt-u početku rata: Warum Deutschland nicht allein schuld istPripomogao sam se translate-om, zanimljivo je da britanski ulazak u rat vide kao događaj koji je odigrao neku vrstu katalizatora iz lokalnog u svetski, a ni Francuska nije ostala pošteđena. Ima i malo dekompozicije ideologija ali ovo za britance je baš onako pravi Klarkovski momenat. ^_^Srbija se jedva pominje... :s_d:

Posted (edited)
Die Idee, dass wir mit "Europa" den Nationalismus bekämpfen müssten, der angeblich die Triebfeder des Dreißigjährigen Krieges des 20. Jahrhunderts gewesen sei, hat den Nationalstaat zu Unrecht diskreditiert.
Očekivao bih da ne kačiš svaku glupost koju nađeš. Nacionalizam kao navodna pokretačka opruga svjetskih ratova, ideja da Evropa mora potirati nacionalizam nepravedno diskreditira nacionalne države... Ne, nego ih je izazvao veganizam.Da ima i ovo: Historiker blicken nicht mehr nur nach Berlin, um die Ursachen des großen Krieges zu erklären, sondern verstärkt auch wieder nach Paris und Wien, nach St. Petersburg und London. Hehe, nicht nur Berlin, sondern auch Wien. Međunarodni tupan dana 1/1. Edited by king louie
Očekivao bih da ne kačiš svaku glupost koju nađeš. Nacionalizam kao navodna pokretačka opruga svjetskih ratova, ideja da Evropa mora potirati nacionalizam nepravedno diskreditira nacionalne države... Ne, nego ih je izazvao veganizam.
komunizam? mislim, ne kazem ja to, ali ima ko kaze. a obzirom da je izaslo u 1 die weltu sve je to u redu...
...zanimljivo je da britanski ulazak u rat vide pokusavaju da proture kao događaj koji je odigrao neku vrstu katalizatora iz lokalnog u svetski, a ni Francuska nije ostala pošteđena.
Ovo Potiorekovo pismo svom šefu nije ništa spektakularno. Feldcojgmajster njuška rat kao Manc i rekapitulira šefov politički program kojeg se ne bi posramio ni današnji Steering Board PIC-a.
Nije ovo dokaz za to da je A-U vec svejedno spremala rat, ali je jedan kamencic u dokazima za kojesta drugo...kao sto je i receno.Ako se malo udaljimo od ovijeh nasih strana ovo je, fenomenoloski, meni bar, jako zanimljivo
Traženi od Vaše ekselencije spisak sadašnjih ili već završenih političkih državnih procesa u najkraćem ću roku podneti. Ali ja sumnjam veoma, da ću biti u položaju da predlažem na pomilovanje ili abolicije nešto sam slično učinio prve godine svoga boravka ovde, da bih raščistio poslednje ostatke aneksije. Ali uspeh je bio direktno negativan, jer u ovoj se zemlji blagost - uvek tumači kao slabost.
Identicnu (boldovanu) misao izgovara Dzordz Kurzon kada sa Edvinom Montaguom (tada drzavnim sekretarom za Indiju) raspravlja politiku prema Kemalistima pocetkom 20-tih godina (mislim april 1920, morao bih da bacim pogled). Nije im valjao posao, ni jednima ni drugima.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/10552336/Germany-started-the-Great-War-but-the-Left-cant-bear-to-say-so.htmlBoris Srbin. Srećan božić svima.
By Boris Johnson7:00AM GMT 06 Jan 2014comments.gif2565 CommentsOne of the reasons I am a Conservative is that, in the end, I just can’t stand the intellectual dishonesty of the Left. In my late teens I found I had come to hate the way Lefties always seemed to be trying to cover up embarrassing facts about human nature, or to refuse to express simple truths – and I disliked the pious way in which they took offence, and tried to shoosh you into silence, if you blurted such a truth.Let me give you a current example of this type of proposition. It is a sad but undeniable fact that the First World War – in all its murderous horror – was overwhelmingly the result of German expansionism and aggression. That is a truism that has recently been restated by Max Hastings, in an excellent book, and that has been echoed by Michael Gove, the Education Secretary. I believe that analysis to be basically correct, and that it is all the more important, in this centenary year, that we remember it.That fact is, alas, not one that the modern Labour Party believes it is polite to mention. According to the party’s education spokesman, Tristram Hunt, it is “crass” and “ugly” to say any such thing. It was “shocking”, he said in an article in yesterday’s Observer, that we continued to have this unacceptable focus on a “militaristic Germany bent on warmongering and imperial aggression”.He went on – in a piece that deserves a Nobel prize for Tripe – to mount what appeared to be a kind of cock-eyed exculpation of the Kaiser and his generals. He pointed the finger, mystifyingly, at the Serbs. He blamed the Russians. He blamed the Turks for failing to keep the Ottoman empire together, and at one stage he suggested that we were too hard on the bellicose Junker class. He claimed that “modern scholarship” now believes that we have “underplayed the internal opposition to the Kaiser’s ideas within the German establishment” – as if that made things any better.Perhaps there was some more “internal opposition” to the Kaiser, as Hunt thinks. Whoever they were, these internal opponents, they weren’t much blooming use, were they? It was Germany that pushed Austria to make war on Serbia. It was Germany that declared war on Russia, on August 1 1914. It was Germany that decided it was necessary to invade Luxembourg, and it was Germany that deployed the Schlieffen plan (devised in 1905, incidentally) and sent her troops smashing through neutral Belgium and into France.
Posted (edited)
Edited by MancMellow
http://youtu.be/dozUkeDXXgw :fantom:EDITStara je priča, a neka me Manc ispravi ako grešim, da su torijevci u principu srpske majke. Svejedno, i da možemo nekog selameta od toga imati, ne bi mi umeli.
Osim kad Cameron podivlja u svom evroskepticizmu i strahu da mu UKIP ne preotme glasace <_< Ne mogu otvoreno o tome, naljutice nam se Rudjer i Lujo i jos poneki ;D

ma daj bre vidis da se zajebavamo :) de si nas video da ozbiljno pricamo o "majkama" i ko ce da se naljuti :D Ok, za PM-a sam bio poluozbiljan.


Nema zajebancije, taknuto maknuto.


Ma lepo je napisao Arbeitmann, nema to puno veze, posto i kad postoji neka naklonost bilo koga, mi (kao Srbi, a bogami i kao Jugosloveni) smo dovoljno blesavi da prosto ne znamo sta bismo s time. Dokaz su i najnoviji ratovi. Mislim, prvi dokaz je sto smo dozvolili i debelo ucestvovali u tome da do ratova uopste dodje.


Торијевци су традиционалисти који нису стању да се искрено сврстају уз државе са тридесетогодишњим традицијама или нације оформљене у 21. веку. Шта ће људи када су нешто и читали у животу, као и Боб Дилан, уосталом.

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