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Ma Dark, sta si udario po molovima, daj nesto da zaigramo.
veruj nasumicno sam nabadao, nisam imao ton u datom trenutku.(iako se moglo pretpostaviti da je tugaljiv track koji se zove besa me mucho)
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danas Gana otresa Nigerce 2:0 bez da se posteno oznoje, a mislim da i Mali minimalno trijumfuje nad DR Kongo-om, osim ako neka katastrofa ili individualno ludilo Kongoanaca ne odluci drugacije (tipa Mputua).35ceyaa.jpg

  • Ghana will advance if:
    • they do not lose to Niger, OR
    • they lose by 1 goal AND Mali draw with Congo DR.

    [*]Mali will advance if they do not lose to Congo DR.[*]Congo DR will advance if they defeat Mali.[*]Niger will advance if they defeat Ghana AND

    • Niger win by one goal AND Mali do not draw with Congo DR, OR
    • Niger win by at least 2 goals.

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Gana-Niger 3:0, Mali-DR Kongo 1:1nisam gledao utakmice al cini mi se da je ovde sve na svom mestu sto bi reko kim.

Edited by DarkAttraktor
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