Posted June 21, 201212 yr Nova serija Aarona Sorkina, The Newsroom, kreće u nedjelju na HBO...
June 21, 201212 yr Nova serija Aarona Sorkina, The Newsroom, kreće u nedjelju na HBO... Hvala na podsećanju. Jedva čekam. :)
June 21, 201212 yr Nova serija Aarona Sorkina, The Newsroom, kreće u nedjelju na HBO... ja stavila alarm jos pre tri meseca. mislim da bih gledala i reklamu na ripit kad bi je sorkin napisao.najbolja recenica na svetu.I think socializing on the Internet is to socializing what reality TV is to reality.ili jedina lekcija za svakog piscaDrama is basically about one thing: Somebody wants something, and something or someone is standing in the way of him getting it. What he wants—the money, the girl, the ticket to Philadelphia — doesn't really matter. But whatever it is, the audience has to want it for him.
June 21, 201212 yr ja stavila alarm jos pre tri meseca. mislim da bih gledala i reklamu na ripit kad bi je sorkin napisao. Extra! Extra! EXTRA!!!!!!Aaron Sorkin’s The Newsroom takes just two episodes to go awesomely over the top.pocelo je. jedva cekam!
June 22, 201212 yr Kakve dve epizode, zar ne počinje serija u nedelju?Pa ti recenzenti uvijek dobijaju po nekoliko epizoda prije nego sto se emituju za siroke narodne mase.Bice glupa serija, MMW!
June 22, 201212 yr sumnjam da ce sorkin da ide na sapunice bas toliko.E? A ono Sunset Strip tebi nije bilo na silu nasapunjano, posebno prema kraju?
June 23, 201212 yr Nova serija Aarona Sorkina, The Newsroom, kreće u nedjelju na HBO...ja kad hocu ovo da kupim daje mi sezone 1, 2, 3, a u opisu Brilliant canadian series similar to the office (but existed 5 years before the office). moram da cekam ponedeljak, pih!
June 23, 201212 yr ja kad hocu ovo da kupim daje mi sezone 1, 2, 3, a u opisu Brilliant canadian series similar to the office (but existed 5 years before the office). E, hvala što si ovo rekao i spasao me kompromitovanja mog imidža seksi mačo torent maga koji gleda sve najnovije serije nalazeći ih po opskurnim sajtovima pre nego što se i emituju na televiziji. Sva sreća da u ponedeljak radim popodne, te ne moram da ustajem ranije da gledam True Blood i Newsroom.
June 23, 201212 yr pa, cekaj zar nisu neki vec nasli? i gledali? evo weennie kaze da deluje odlicno!to ja valjda taj screener ili prve 2 pilot epizode valjda za one glavonje po HBO sto odlucuju sta uzimaju a sta ne...e da i sreca pa u ponedeljak radim od jutra do mraka pa ne znam sta cu jadna pre kad se vratim kuci
June 23, 201212 yr pa, cekaj zar nisu neki vec nasli? i gledali? evo weennie kaze da deluje odlicno!to ja valjda taj screener ili prve 2 pilot epizode valjda za one glavonje po HBO sto odlucuju sta uzimaju a sta ne...e da i sreca pa u ponedeljak radim od jutra do mraka pa ne znam sta cu jadna pre kad se vratim kuci Neki jesu našli, ja nisam uspeo. A nije da nisam probao. Ma, nema veze, sačekaću ponedeljak, imam šta da gledam sutra.
June 24, 201212 yr Edited June 24, 201212 yr by Sludge Factory
June 24, 201212 yr Trazili ste rezencenta, evo :DSome Notes On THE NEWSROOM Warren Ellis@warrenellis The original title of Aaron Sorkin's THE NEWSROOM was "You Canned STUDIO 60 Before I Got To Come, So Now I'm Humping This Shit Til Doomsday"21 Jun 12That was pretty unfair of me. But I watched the pilot episode of Aaron Sorkin’s new show, THE NEWSROOM, the other day, and it really did strike me as STUDIO 60: Phase Two.Some wags have suggested that I actually mean SPORTS NIGHT: Phase Four, but I don’t think that’s true. SPORTS NIGHT flirted with the ethics of reportage, but in a more personal way. WEST WING was a paean to public service, but much more of a complete statement, despite Sorkin taking off at the end of the fourth season.But STUDIO 60… using the backstage workings of a live comedy tv show to address both the trouble that American tv is in, and the trouble that American culture is in. Sorkin got cut short on that show, and, quite clearly, never got to say everything he wanted to say. And, perhaps, it wasn’t the best vehicle for delivering all the stuff that’s currently in his system.And now, THE NEWSROOM: a vehicle for fully expressing everything he wanted to talk about in STUDIO 60, but in a more culturally “heavyweight” setting. At least notionally. And if you liked STUDIO 60, or wanted to see what more he had to say after that show’s cancellation, you’ll have a pretty good time with THE NEWSROOM. It’s, obviously, a consummately craftsmanlike piece of television writing, and if you liked the casting and the gags on SPORTS NIGHT and STUDIO 60, you’ll probably like THE NEWSROOM just fine.It opens, as STUDIO 60 did, with an elder man (in this instance, the protagonist, newsreader Will McAvoy) losing his shit in public in the mode of Peter Finch in NETWORK, the rant about how the culture is terrible being the engine of the show. But there’s something a little different in this. In talking about how ill-informed the American public is, McAvoy summons the memory of “great men” who told it like it was, Murrow and Cronkite. Not great journalists. Not even great newscasters. Great Men.That was the first of three things that really leapt out at me during this show. The second was at the end, when I discovered that this show is actually set a couple of years ago, and what it’s positioned to do is illustrate how the American news media should have covered a string of real-life events. It’s actually an alternate history.(I’m reminded suddenly of a comment I made after I read the script, to the effect that the show was a televisual fantasy exploring the idea of whether or not Jeremy Paxman could get work in America.)The third was all over the show, and is related to the first. It doesn’t like women very much. The female lead, Mackenzie, while described by someone else as having scars from covering Shiite protests and the like (but it’s Great Men who do the great work and Christiane Amanpour was certainly never on the ground for the siege of Sarajevo), is first described to us by two Great Men as both untrustworthy and some kind of fainting ninny whom they have to bring home from the world and fan until she revives. The question that sets off McAvoy’s rant comes from a blonde student whom McAvoy also calls a “sorority girl” once or twice during the bit.(I’m not counting as cruelty the fact that the gifted Alison Pill seems essentially cast as a stand-in for Janel Moloney – just the way her character is treated — but I thought it was a shame that we don’t really get to see the fire and bite she can produce.)(I also don’t want to get into the frankly stupid interview Aaron Sorkin gave to Sarah Nicole Prickett, in which he is reported as addressing her with “Listen here, Internet girl…” This is too long already. But read it. It speaks quite directly to the tone of the show.)But I wanted this to be a brief note, not a lecture or a drone strike, so let me just circle around to the first thing again. That this is a show about A Great Man (or, if you like, as others have styled it, A Great White Man) allowing a team of women and less-than-classically-masculine men aid him in his crusade to Fix TV Journalism, Fix Reportage and Fix America. In an alternate world, where, in the pilot episode, the work of many many journalists across the world is condensed into an hour’s placing of phone calls from the newsroom. Sure, it’s fiction, there’s license, I get that, I do it all the time (TRANSMETROPOLITAN is nothing but a fantasia of journalism)… it’s just lousy coincidence that I’m currently reading a book about the BP oil spill that forms the news event of the pilot episode, a book which illustrates how much is still not commonly known about that event even today. Hindsight lets Sorkin cheat (and I’m not going to spoil the big cheat for you, but you’ll know it when you see it and it’s a cynical “must invent shit to compress events for drama” cheat), and, unfortunately, that and the obvious triumphal applause at the end of the bit are going to give a lot of people clubs to beat him with.And those aren’t the clubs that I think may well put THE NEWSROOM to death. A death I take no pleasure in, because I loved THE WEST WING and I like living in a world where Aaron Sorkin is writing for television. I think it would be really nice if, over the course of the run, Aaron Sorkin learned some things about how journalism happens and put them into the show. I take no issue with the pilot episode’s lack of nuance, or the fact that it’s a polemic.But, as a middle-aged white man, I take issue with the notion that it takes a Great White Man to fix the culture, and that shitting on every woman in the room to do it is just quirky, grumpy collateral damage. I’m pretty sure that’s been tried, over here in the real world. And here we are. Edited June 24, 201212 yr by Sludge Factory
June 25, 201212 yr Ovo nigde nema u pilotu, valjda im to kao dođe episode 0 ili šta?
June 25, 201212 yr kakav start newsrooma! malo treba vremena da se udje u dijaloge koje ljudi ne izgovaraju u stvarnosti, ali posle vrca na sve strane.
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