May 22, 2024May 22 25 minutes ago, vememah said: To je večita igra mačke i miša s velikim rizikom po žene. Kažu da ih sad opet jure. April 13, 2024 I naravno Teheran nije reprezentativan za celu zemlju, tamo religijska policija manje ima petlju da udara jer češće naleću na tvrdo. Stanovništvo se dosta oslobodilo, pre 20 godina su npr. obesili višestruko silovanu 16-godišnjakinju jer je time "bila nečasna". Sad im takve stvari svakako ne prolaze. Psihopate. Ne sumnjam da ih dobar deo Irana mrzi iz dna duse.
May 22, 2024May 22 Naravno da ih mrze. Predivan su narod, hrana je super, druželjubivi su. Evo jedan crnjak od juče, ali nije da nije zaslužio.
July 8, 2024Jul 8 Zar nakon 30 godina šegačenja nisu već naučili da je tzv. predsjednik Irana™ čisto ceremonijalna funkcija kazališna uloga? Dražesno ali tužno
July 8, 2024Jul 8 1 hour ago, Roger Sanchez said: Zar nakon 30 godina šegačenja nisu već naučili da je tzv. predsjednik USA™ čisto ceremonijalna funkcija kazališna uloga? Dražesno ali tužno Dražesno je kako ti nikad ništa nisi naučio
July 31, 2024Jul 31 Fejk. Kao prvo, snimci očigledno nisu s OI kako se tvrdi u tvitu, a kao drugo, to je demantovano odavno. Evo ovde detaljnijih objašnjenja: Quote While women in Iran participate and compete in many different sports, state TV does not broadcast most women’s competitions because of restrictions on showing women’s bodies uncovered. Sports in which the body is covered, such as taekwondo, are not restricted. Quote Generally speaking, when covering international women's sports, television merely gives the results of any Iranian women competitors who succeed. They may eventually broadcast photos of athletes with medals, even pictures taken during the competition, provided that the teams or competitors are dressed in an "appropriate" outfit, which is rare in international meets. Here is an example of coverage from the official IRNA agency showing the accepted dress code, in this case for futsal. Screenshot taken on October 3, 2019 of a article posted by the official Irna agency Alternatively, Iranian TV does show video sequences of combat sports, in which Iranian women regularly compete, such as taekwondo, judo or karate, since the competitors are generally covered by a judogi or gi and sometimes even a helmet. In this case, if there is an Iranian woman competing against a woman from a country who does not wear the veil, it is not treated as a problem. Imate ovde iranske kanale pa možete sami proveriti kako prenose OI, Varzish je specijalizovani IRIB-ov sportski kanal. Edited July 31, 2024Jul 31 by vememah
July 31, 2024Jul 31 Jednom sm na tv uhvatio iransku zensku odbojkasku rep, obucene od glave do pete, bukvalno
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