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Svet je pun dobrih sisa, al Pako je jedan jedini. :ss1:

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Svet je pun dobrih sisa, al Pako je jedan jedini. :ss1:
svaka mu dala, ali ne bih jednu sisu menjao za najskuplju mu dzitru, pa nek ide zivot :naughty: u to ime - boob scotch!

Koji gitaristi su ostavili najjaci utisak na Vas, cije ste "stvari" nocima "skidali", domaci i strani?Cije stvaralastvo i umece Vas najvise impresionira?

Koji gitaristi su ostavili najjaci utisak na Vas, cije ste "stvari" nocima "skidali", domaci i strani?Cije stvaralastvo i umece Vas najvise impresionira?
Richie Sambora, Sead Lipovaca, Gitarista iz Grive, R.M. Wheel, Zika iz Baba i Bora Dugic...Koliko sam samo "skidao" njihove "stvari" i to "nocima"...
Posted (edited)
Koji gitaristi su ostavili najjaci utisak na Vas, cije ste "stvari" nocima "skidali", domaci i strani?Cije stvaralastvo i umece Vas najvise impresionira?
Počelo je od ovoga: (Obratite pažnju, ipak, na bubnjara! :Hail: )Da bi došlo do ovoga:...a, i Sead Lipovača je značajan :lol: Edited by Indy

ono uzivo sto me je raspametilo a nisam neki gitarista fan, uvek mi se oci zalepe za bubnjare.....pa onda idu basisti, pa lead singer pa tek onda onaj jadnicak sa gitarom. princ i steve stevens....ko jos :huh: ..... od basista mi trentuno pada na pamet flea...mada moram da kazem da ovi 'klinci' u alternativi jako dobro cepaju.

Da bi došlo do ovoga:
Svaka cast Indy. Gde li ce tek da se zavrsi, ako je do ovoga doslo? wink.gif Ja nikada nisam preferirao el. gitaru. Kupio sam je pre 4-5 godina ali joj se nisam nikad ozbiljno posvetio.Uvek mi se vise dopadao fingerpiking po akusticnoj, ovako nesto, dokle je za sad i doslo, jel. ( samo jos da nabavim usnu harmonIQ )
Posted (edited)
Koji gitaristi su ostavili najjaci utisak na Vas,
Duanne AllmanpraznopraznopraznoPrinceMark KnopflerStevie Ray VaughnEdge (do Joshua Tree i dok nisu počeli da seru sa politikom)Ry CooderVeća fora je odsvirati pauzu nego notu. Edited by alberto.ascari
  • 2 months later...
ono uzivo sto me je raspametilo a nisam neki gitarista fan, uvek mi se oci zalepe za bubnjare.....pa onda idu basisti, pa lead singer pa tek onda onaj jadnicak sa gitarom. princ i steve stevens....ko jos :huh: ..... od basista mi trentuno pada na pamet flea...mada moram da kazem da ovi 'klinci' u alternativi jako dobro cepaju.
hm... http://www.drumjokes.com/:)

Billy Duffy mi je, uz Antona, najstariji gitarski idol. Od svih LP svirača apsolutno zauzima prvo mesto, ispred Sleša naravno, to je rnr zvuk gitare kako bi trebalo da zvuči. Prvi klip je stara stvar "Phoenix", lošiji je zvuk jbga nisam našao bolju verziju. Stvar je nemož prostija, jedan rif se ponavlja, a Bilijeva svirka pogotovo uvod je čist rokenrol, ima i prljavštine i buke i mikrofonije i veštine taman kolko treba. Druga je "Breathe" sa predzadnjeg albuma.


poceo sam da sviram sa 11 godina ugalvnom lozeci se na Hendrixa...kasnije je to bio Kirk iz Metallica-e (Satrijanijev ucenik), da bi se opet vratio unazad na Pejdza i Jef Beka...danas najvishe slusham Djanga Rajnharta i Ves Montgomerija, ali i mnogo, mnogo ostalih...


Captain Beefheart's 10 commandments for Guitarists

1. LISTEN TO THE BIRDS That's where all the music comes from. Birds know everything about how it should sound and where that sound should come from. And watch hummingbirds. They fly really fast, but a lot of times they aren't going anywhere.2. YOUR GUITAR IS NOT REALLY A GUITAR Your guitar is a divining rod. Use it to find spirits in the other world and bring them over. A guitar is also a fishing rod. If you're good, you'll land a big one.3. PRACTICE IN FRONT OF A BUSH Wait until the moon is out, then go outside, eat a multi-grained bread and play your guitar to a bush. If the bush doesn't shake, eat another piece of bread.4. WALK WITH THE DEVIL Old delta blues players referred to amplifiers as the "devil box." And they were right. You have to be an equal opportunity employer in terms of who you're bringing over from the other side. Electricity attracts demons and devils. Other instruments attract other spirits. An acoustic guitar attracts Casper. A mandolin attracts Wendy. But an electric guitar attracts Beelzebub.5. IF YOU'RE GUILTY OF THINKING, YOU'RE OUT If your brain is part of the process, you're missing it. You should play like a drowning man, struggling to reach shore. If you can trap that feeling, then you have something that is fur bearing.6. NEVER POINT YOUR GUITAR AT ANYONE Your instrument has more power than lightning. Just hit a big chord, then run outside to hear it. But make sure you are not standing in an open field.7. ALWAYS CARRY YOUR CHURCH KEY You must carry your key and use it when called upon. That's your part of the bargain. Like One String Sam. He was a Detroit street musician in the fifties who played a homemade instrument. His song "I Need A Hundred Dollars" is warm pie. Another church key holder is Hubert Sumlin, Howlin' Wolf's guitar player. He just stands there like the Statue of Liberty making you want to look up her dress to see how he's doing it.8. DON'T WIPE THE SWEAT OFF YOUR INSTRUMENT You need that stink on there. Then you have to get that stink onto your music.9. KEEP YOUR GUITAR IN A DARK PLACE When you're not playing your guitar, cover it and keep it in a dark place. If you don't play your guitar for more than a day, be sure to put a saucer of water in with it.10. YOU GOTTA HAVE A HOOD FOR YOUR ENGINE Wear a hat when you play and keep that hat on. A hat is a pressure cooker. If you have a roof on your house the hot air can't escape. Even a lima bean has to have a wet paper towel around it to make it grow.

ovaj post ide za Hannah, niko drugi do Vicente Amigo ponos Gvadalkanala, Sevilje i Kordobe... obećao sam da ću ranije postaviti ovo ali nisam mogao da odlučim koju numeru da ne bi zatrpavao topik, dakleVicente Amigo - Gitano de Lucia /.../ Callejon de la Luna

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