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Marvin (Paranoid Android)

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Problem sa Bethestidim igrama je uvek isti, kad dosade onda su dosadile, ovo važi podjenako i za TES i Fallout.


U davna, pradavna vremena, kada su retki ljudi koji su sebe nazivali igračima provodili noći sa Elitom ili Hobitom, bivstvovala je jedna igra, rađena na osnovu knjige, rađene na osnovu radio drame. Dame i gospodo, Autostoperski vodič, u web izdanju, i to prikladno, na BBC Radio 4 sajtuhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/hitchhikers/game_nolan.shtmlTHE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE TO THE GALAXYInfocom interactive fiction - a science fiction storyCopyright © 1984 by Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.Release 59 / Serial number 851108You wake up. The room is spinning very gently round your head. Or at least it would be if you could see it which you can't.It is pitch black.Korisnici jabuke mogu da poljube lakat, igra traži fleš.


Igrao DOS verziju svojevremeno, super je bilo dok sam mogao da koristim knjigu kao walkthrough. Čim je krenulo da divergira, skroz sam se pogubio :(


idi bre Vlado, em flešbek trauma em opet nisam uspeo ni iz sobe da izađem :lol::isuse:


Opet igram TRON 2.0, koji trip. :Hail: I dalje nista osim diska ne jebem ni 2 posto, ponekad uzmem snajper kad situacija pozove™... a i zbog animacije kad presaltujem na njega, ne moze da dosadi. Uzasno potcenjena igra, ko i skoro sve sto je Monolith napravio...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WETwsY5q7K4


standVery difficult, but you manage it. The room is still spinning. It dips and sways a little.turn on lightGood start to the day. Pity it's going to be the worst one of your life. The light is now on.BedroomThe bedroom is a mess.It is a small bedroom with a faded carpet and old wallpaper. There is a washbasin, a chair with a tatty dressing gown slung over it, and a window with the curtains drawn. Near the exit leading south is a phone.There is a flathead screwdriver here.There is a toothbrush here.take alltelephone: You're certainly picking the tough tasks. The floor acts like a trampoline on an ice rink, or like something they've been working on for years at Disneyland.flathead screwdriver: It dances by you like a thing possessed.toothbrush: It dances by you like a thing possessed.your gown: Luckily, this is large enough for you to get hold of. You notice something in the pocket.wear gownYou are now wearing your gown.> open pocketOpening your gown reveals a thing your aunt gave you which you don't know what it is, a buffered analgesic, and pocket fluff.> search pocketIt looks like your gown contains: a thing your aunt gave you which you don't know what it is a buffered analgesic pocket fluff> take analgesicYou swallow the tablet. After a few seconds the room begins to calm down and behave in an orderly manner. Your terrible headache goes.> take screwdriverTaken.> take toothbrushAs you pick up the toothbrush a tree outside the window collapses. There is no causal relationship between these two events.> SYou make your way down to the front porch.Front PorchThis is the enclosed front porch of your home. Your front garden lies to the south, and you can re-enter your home to the north.On the doormat is a pile of junk mail.


Uh gde da se nesecam CoC igrice.Ona scena sa jurnjavom direktno iz kreveta mi se urezala u secanje :D


Igrao Shadow of the comet i nastavak mu Prisoner of Ice.


3D pucačina duga 100Kb. Da, 100 (sto, сто) KILOBAJTA.http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=12036big_1.jpgkreiger.jpg

Opet igram TRON 2.0, koji trip. :Hail: I dalje nista osim diska ne jebem ni 2 posto, ponekad uzmem snajper kad situacija pozove™... a i zbog animacije kad presaltujem na njega, ne moze da dosadi. Uzasno potcenjena igra, ko i skoro sve sto je Monolith napravio...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WETwsY5q7K4
ovo sam baš skoro prešao. Svidela mi se ali ima grešaka. Previše linearna, lithtech engine je šugav. Sa druge strane RPG elementi su dobro ukomponovani (čak ni moderne fps-akcione igre ne rade to kako treba), čak bih rekao da imaju više smisla i koristi u gameplay-u nego recimo one mađije u Bioshocku.

Sta fali endzinu, za ono vreme je bio odlican? A linearna jeste, mada joj ja to ne bih uzimao za zlo.

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