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Možda su im alram i indikacija spuštenog trapa bili u kontraindikaciji, pa nisu znali šta se tačno dešava i odlučili su da veruju da imaju točkove... Meni se čini da je jedan sistem sigurno otkazao, i da su oni verovali tom sistemu, na žalost...


ALi, opet je nadrealno da ne skontaju da su raspizdili motore o pistu...


Razmišljam, da su u prvom prilazu raspalili pistu, umesto da su se digli, da li bi bolje bilo?

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Tja, gore od ovoga teško da je moglo da bude. Ali...


Ja kontam da je pilot po udaru o pistu podigao avion bukvalno po instinktu i da ništa nije promišljao. Da je imao vremena da promisli, verovatno bi opet isto uradio jer računica otprilike kaže da ako je moguće podići avion, onda ga podigni. Belly landing je ekstremno opasan ako se uradi bez pripreme. Nema protivpožarne pene, mogu da se zapale dok kažeš keks, ili da se jednostavno raspadnu ako samo jedan od motora zapne o nešto, baš je rizično. Imalo bi smisla da se ponovo ide gore ali to treba izvesti jer kad nos letelice krene na gore rep će da kene na dole i treba biti ozbiljan nindža pa to izvesti bez momentalnog ulupavanja. Potpuno je nadrealno da im je to uspelo. Da im po logici stvari nije uspelo i da su se skršili o pistu možda bi nešto više putnika preživelo.

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Možda su im alram i indikacija spuštenog trapa bili u kontraindikaciji, pa nisu znali šta se tačno dešava i odlučili su da veruju da imaju točkove...


Ja sam imao (kao putnik) iskustvo da budem u avionu kome se ovo desilo (i to sedeo bas negde oko stajnog trapa). Isti su nekoliko puta izvlacili i uvlacili, da bi na kraju preleteli preko/blizu kontrolnog tornja da neko odande proveri kakva je situacija pre obilaska i ponovnog sletanja.


To mi je logicnija procedura (da proveris sta se tacno desava) nego da random izaberes kom sistemu ces da verujes.



Sent from my iTelephone using Tapatalk

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The approach controller said that before landing, when the plane is usually at an altitude of 1800 feet, the captain was flying at an altitude of 3000 feet and even after repeated instructions, the captain maintained that he would manage altitude and speed before landing.

The ATC further said that the captain landed the plane for the first time without opening the landing gear. On the first landing, both engines collided with the runway and rubbed against it three times and caused sparking before the captain pulled the plane back up asked for permission to land again.

According to sources, the investigation team questioned the ATC and the approach tower controllers whether the captain had signaled for an emergency landing, to which they replied that the captain did not declare to attempt an emergency landing and insisted that he would land normally.


Prosto neverovatno...


@Redoran vidi ovaj slucaj od pre dve godine - samo sa boljim zavrsetkom.

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Pre neki dan je bila godišnjica nesreće indijskog aviona sa našim pilotom Željkom Glušicom



The enquiry report submitted by the Civil Aviation Ministry said that Glušica slept for over 90 minutes during the flight. According to the NTSB, it was the first instance of snoring recorded on a cockpit voice recorder.


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  • 5 weeks later...
On 26.5.2020. at 14:21, Redoran said:

Ovi Pakistanci izgleda uopšte nisu bili svesni da sleću bez stajnog trapa i to je prvi vadafak momenat u ovome.



The engines of the aircraft had touched the ground as it landed without its wheels down on the first attempt, before taking off again, minister Ghulam Sarwar Khan told parliament as he presented an initial report on the disaster.

The flight data showed the landing gear was lowered at 10 nautical miles, Khan said, but then raised again 5 nautical miles from the runway, which he described as "beyond comprehension".

The aircraft was "100 percent fit to fly" and there was no technical fault, he said, but added that the pilots were not "focused" because of the pandemic.

"The discussion throughout was about corona," Khan said, referring to exchanges between the pilot and co-pilot he said he had listened to on the cockpit voice recorder. "Corona was dominant over their mind. Their family was affected."

The report, reviewed by Reuters, did not spell out the pilots' conversation on the virus, but said they did not follow set protocols.

"Several warnings and alerts such as over-speed, landing gear not down and ground proximity alerts, were disregarded," it added. "The landing was undertaken with landing gear retracted. The aircraft touched the runway surface on its engines."

The report said the aircraft was cleared by controllers to land without observing that the landing gears were not extended, nor was it conveyed to the pilots that the engines had scraped the runway.

It added that there was no demonstration of any malfunction in the landing gear system on Flight PK8303, which had taken off from the eastern city of Lahore.

Shortly after the engines scraped the runway and a go-around was attempted, both engines failed one-by-one, the report said.

"When the plane took off again, both engines had been damaged; and when the plane was making an approach for a second landing it didn't have that power and fell on the residential area," Khan told a news conference later on Wednesday.

Khan said the captain and co-pilot, both of whom were killed, were experienced and medically fit.

Air traffic control drew the pilot's attention to the irregularity and urged a go-around, Khan said.

"They were warned by the controllers, but said, 'I'll manage'… and then they started discussing corona again."

"The last words from the pilot were, 'Oh God, oh God, oh God'," Khan added.


Edited by vememah
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More than 30% of civilian pilots in Pakistan have fake licenses and are not qualified to fly, the country's aviation minister revealed Wednesday.

Addressing Pakistan's National Assembly, Ghulam Sarwar Khan said 262 pilots in the country "did not take the exam themselves" and had paid someone else to sit it on their behalf.
"They don't have flying experience," he said.
Pakistan has 860 active pilots serving its domestic airlines -- including the country's Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) flagship -- as well as a number of foreign carriers, Khan said.
PIA has grounded all its pilots who hold fake licenses, effective immediately.
"PIA acknowledges that fake licenses is not just a PIA issue but spread across the entire Pakistani airline industry," spokesperson Abdullah Khan said, adding that some of the fake pilots also fly for foreign carriers.


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Jezusmarija :ph34r:


Valjalo bi pročitati CVR zapise jer ja ovo i dalje ne razumem skroz. Ako ideš na sletanje a stajni trap ti nije spušten, alarm u kabini ima da ti izbije uši pa koliko god da si zauzet razgovorom o koroni. Alarm se oglašava i ako nešto nije u redu sa drugim parametrima za sletanje, npr. ako je brzina prevelika ili spuštanje prebrzo ili flapsovi nisu izvučeni. Ovi su išli prebrzo i previsoko, spustili pa uvukli trap... to znači da im je u poslednja dva minuta pred prvi udar u pistu alarm odzvanjao kokpitom kao crkveno zvono. Kako su ga izignorisali, svaka im čast.

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7 minutes ago, Redoran said:

Jezusmarija :ph34r:


Valjalo bi pročitati CVR zapise jer ja ovo i dalje ne razumem skroz. Ako ideš na sletanje a stajni trap ti nije spušten, alarm u kabini ima da ti izbije uši pa koliko god da si zauzet razgovorom o koroni. Alarm se oglašava i ako nešto nije u redu sa drugim parametrima za sletanje, npr. ako je brzina prevelika ili spuštanje prebrzo ili flapsovi nisu izvučeni. Ovi su išli prebrzo i previsoko, spustili pa uvukli trap... to znači da im je u poslednja dva minuta pred prvi udar u pistu alarm odzvanjao kokpitom kao crkveno zvono. Kako su ga izignorisali, svaka im čast.


Ima na AvHeraldu detaljnije opisano.



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  • 2 months later...

moja devojka ima iracionalni panicni strah od toga da avion ne padne na nju, sad citam, ladno je pao na kucu neku :ph34r:

nadam se da su piloti uspeli da se katapultiraju i da su stanari zivi i zdravi, ludilo

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