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Ne znam sta ocekuju da nadju u crnoj kutiji, obzirom da (kako je neko pisao/preneo) u sebi sadrzi informacije iz samo poslednjih 45 minuta.


2 sata za CVR [cockpit voice recorder], ali je 25 sati za FDR [flight data recorder].


kinezi nahvatali signal koji liči na ulb sa mh370:


Corrected satellite data shifts focus south in MH370 search: Australian official


Published on Apr 06, 2014



PERTH (AFP) - Corrected satellite data has shifted the focus for the hunt for missing Malaysia Airline Flight MH370 to the south, the head of the agency coordinating the search mission said on Sunday.


"The whole of the existing search area remains the most likely area that the aircraft entered the water, but based on the new advice the southern area now has a higher priority," retired air chief marshal Angus Houston said.


The Chinese ship Haixun 01, which has detected some signals that could be from the plane's beacons, is in this more southern area of the Indian Ocean search zone.


Planes and ships were being diverted on Sunday to the area where Haixun 01 detected signals consistent with a black box beacon in the hunt for missing flight MH370.


"Today Royal Australian Air Force assets will deploy to assist in further examining the acoustic signals in the vicinity of where the Chinese ship has detected the sounds," said Mr Houston.


"HMS Echo and Australian Defence Vessel Ocean Shield are also being directed to join Haixun 01 as expeditiously as possible to assist with either discounting or confirming the detecting."


Bice dogodine i osnovana sumnja da znaju u kojem je kvadrantu kutija.



Russian newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" claims that the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 370 was hijacked by the terrorists. The plane carried 239 passengers and was missing from March 8th.  An anonymous source in the intelligence agencies told the Russian newspaper that the plane was in Afghanistan near the border with Pakistan. It was also told that all passengers survived the hard landing but were in severe condition due to shortage of food.

The terrorists had the intention to kidnap experts travelling through the airline for pitching their demands. The sources added that the plane was on a road near the mountain range with a broken wing because of the emergency landing. All experts were brought into the bunker in Pakistan. The sources mentioned that a militant named “Hitch” instructed the pilot throughout its journey while the world kept on finding clues for the missing plane.




sigurno je informacija iz onog njihovog slavnog instituta za parapsiholoske nauke


Na kraju ce biti kao Tom Henks u onom filmu kad doplivava posle par godina


Flight MH370 co-pilot tried to make mid-flight phonecall, report claims

Malaysian paper says co-pilot's mobile phone was switched on as plane vanished from radar screens near Penang island


Saturday 12 April 2014 14.11 BST



A Royal New Zealand Air Force P3 Orion takes part in the search for missing MH370 in the Indian Ocean Photograph: RICHARD WAINWRIGHT / POOL/EPA



The co-pilot of the missing Malaysian airliner MH370 tried to make a mid-flight call from his mobile phone just before the plane vanished from radar screens, according to Malaysian newspaper reports.

The call ended abruptly possibly "because the aircraft was fast moving away from the [telecommunications] tower," the New Straits Times quoted a source as saying.

However, the Malaysian daily also quoted another source saying that while Fariq Abdul Hamid's "line was reattached", there was no certainty that a call was made from the Boeing 777 which vanished on 8 March.

The report - titled a "desperate call for help" - did not say who the co-pilot was trying to contact.

Fariq and Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah have come under intense scrutiny after the plane mysteriously vanished en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board.

Investigators indicated last month that the flight was deliberately diverted and its communication systems manually switched off as it was leaving Malaysian airspace, triggering a criminal investigation by police that has revealed little of substance so far.

A number of theories have been put forward concerning the fate of MH370, including a hijacking, a terrorist attack or a rogue pilot.

There have been unconfirmed reports in the Malaysian media of calls made by the captain before or during the flight but so far no details have been released.

The NST report said that after turning off course MH370 flew low enough near Penang island on Malaysia's west coast for a telecom tower to pick up the co-pilot's phone signal.

The phone line was "reattached" between the time the plane veered off course and blipped off the radar, the government-controlled paper quoted the second source as saying.

"A 'reattachment' does not necessarily mean that a call was made. It can also be the result of the phone being switched on again."

Malaysia's transport ministry said it was examining the NST report and would issue a response.

However, Hishammuddin Hussein, the transport minister, appeared to quash the claim. "I cannot comment [on the newspaper report] because if it is true, we would have known about it much earlier," he told reporters.

"We received numerous leads and we followed them but unfortunately, it was a roller-coaster ride, whereby we received information and investigated [them] but they were baseless."

He said that throughout the search for the aircraft, he had not confirmed anything without corroboration or verification.

Meanwhile, the Australian prime minister, Tony Abbott, said signals picked up during the search in the remote southern Indian Ocean, believed to be "pings" from the black box recorders, were "rapidly fading".

"While we do have a high degree of confidence that the transmissions that we've been picking up are from flight MH370's black box recorder, no one would underestimate the difficulties of the task still ahead of us," Abbott told a news conference in Beijing.

Search officials say they are confident they know the approximate position of the black box recorder, although they have determined that the latest "ping', picked up by searchers on Thursday, was not from the missing aircraft.

Batteries in the black box recorder have already exceeded their normal 30-day life, making the search to find it on the murky seabed all the more urgent. Once they are confident they have located it, searchers then plan to deploy a small unmanned "robot", known as an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle.

"Work continues in an effort to narrow the underwater search area for when the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle is deployed," the Australian agency co-ordinating the search said on Saturday. "There have been no confirmed acoustic detections over the past 24 hours," it said in a statement.

The black box records data from the cockpit and conversations among flight crew and may provide answers about what happened to the plane, which flew thousands of miles off course after taking off.

The mystery has prompted the most expensive search and rescue operation in aviation history.

Malaysia's government has begun investigating civil aviation and military authorities to determine why opportunities to identify and track the flight were missed in the chaotic hours after it vanished.

Analysis of satellite data has led investigators to conclude the Boeing 777 crashed into the ocean somewhere west of Perth. So far, four "ping" signals, which could be from the plane's black box recorders, have been detected in the search area in recent days by a US Navy "Towed Pinger Locator".

"We are now getting to the stage where the signal, from what we are very confident is the black box, is starting to fade and we are hoping to get as much information as we can before the signal finally expires," Abbott said on Friday.

The US supply ship USNS Cesar Chavez has joined the Australian-led taskforce to provide logistics support and replenish Australian navy ships, a Pentagon spokesman said.

Up to nine military aircraft, one civil aircraft and 14 ships were scouring a 25,720 sq mile patch of desolate ocean some 1,445 miles northwest of Perth.

The extensive search and rescue operation has so far included assets from 26 countries.

Australia's Ocean Shield, which has the towed pinger locator on board, is operating in a smaller zone, just 230 sq miles about 1,040 miles north-west of Perth. That is near where it picked up the acoustic signals and where dozens of sonobuoys capable of transmitting data to search aircraft via radio signals were dropped on Wednesday.

Experts say the process of teasing out the signals from the cacophony of background noise in the sea is slow and exhausting.

An unmanned submarine named Bluefin-21 is on board the Ocean Shield and could be deployed to look for wreckage on the sea floor around 2.8 miles below the surface once a final search area has been identified.



A robotic submarine deployed to search for the missing Malaysia Airlines plane in the southern Indian Ocean has had its first mission cut short.

The Bluefin-21 was sent to search the sea floor for wreckage after signals believed to be consistent with "black box" flight recorders were detected.

But the drone exceeded its operating limit of 4,500m (15,000ft) and was brought back to the surface.

It was due to return later on Tuesday if weather conditions permitted.




Nece ovo ici lako uopste :(


Ima da se načekamo do bilo čega konkretnog...


... pa da prekratimo vreme kratkim flešbekom na udes privatnog IL-76 na Surčinu, pre 18 godina. Otkaz instrumenata, ekstremno niska baza oblaka, gusta magla u avgustu... Na drugom forumu sam slučajno naleteo na tekst koji je NIN objavio o ovom slučaju. U spojleru je nešto dodatnih insajderskih informacija sa istog foruma.




Radili su mu osnovni navigacioni instrumenti. Sa njima u kokpitu je sedeo i nas inzenjer koji je radio prilazne i odlazne procedure Surcinskog aerodroma, tako da su sto se tice navigacije bili sasvim OK, a u vise navrata je motorolom uspostavljena komunikacija ali se veza gubila.

Avion je leteo duze vreme nisko i sporo (sa izvucenim stajnim trapom i flapsovima) iznad grada. Zasto? Da istrosi gorivo i bude laksi na sletanju. Leteo je iznad grada jer zbog guste magle, svetla su mu bila odlican orjentir. IL-76 nema uredjaje za ispustanje goriva i morali su tako da trose gorivo i svedu avion na tezinu za prinudno sletanje.

Prilikom ravnanja na prilazu, zbog malog RVRa i vidljivosti zbog magle odlucili su da slete prinudno, sa strane piste 12, zbog zapaljivog tovara unutra i blizine rezervoara na aerodromu. Takodje, tu nema gusto naseljenog podrucja. U sustini, namerno su odabrali sletanje na njivu u pravcu piste. Da je iole bila bolja vidljivost, sleteli bi. Koristili su NDB radio farove kao navigaciona sredstva.

Iz nekog razloga doslo je do izletanja osiguraca nakon startovanja motora, pa se to menjalo, popravljalo satima, medjutim nakon poletanja se opet isto desilo i ostao je samo sa osnovim baterijskim napajanjem te su, naravno, shodno proceduri, odlucili da se vrate na aerodrom. Zbog nedostatka ILS i VOR instrumenata (zbog napajanja) i komunikacije nisu mogli da izvedu precizan prilaz. Radili su im samo brzinomer, visinomer, NDB. NDB je dovoljan za sletanje ali ne u uslovima kakvi su tad vladali - gotovo minimalna vidljivost.

Magla je toliko gusta bila da cak ni MIG-29 koji je uzleteo nije mogao vizuelno da ga locira.



Posted (edited)

Nemam vremena da ponovo kopam po ozbiljnoj dokumentaciji, svojevremeno je Vreme (Vasic, cini mi se) bio dosta blizu onom sto se zaista dogadjalo, vredi potraziti i taj tekst.

Ninov je - godina je, inace 1996. -  blago receno tendenciozan.

1. Nikakve Malte sa Tunisom kao alternativom; sta god da je bilo deklarisano tadasnjim jugoslovenskim vlastima, u avion je kao putnik za dz. i to pozvan da iskoristi priliku i odveze se do Tripolija, Libija, usao najmanje jedan covek. 

2. U opticaju je bila, trebalo bi proveriti za tip aviona, davno je bilo, verzija da avion nije mogao da sam izvuce tockove. Zvuci vrlo verovatno jer i pored sve hidraulike izvlacenja nema bez elektrike za pumpe i ostale zezalice vezane za to, da ne nabrajam. Po istoj verziji ti ljudi su gore, kruzeci iznad Grada, a zahvaljujuci staroj dobroj sovjetskoj inzenjerskoj skoli koja je i za jedan Il-76 predvidela takozvano rucno izvlacenje, besomucno okretali sta vec treba da se okrece ne bi li stajni trap izvukli. I, navodno, kada su uspeli, krenuli su na sletanje. Prica od namernom sletanju u kukuruz veze s mozgom nema, bar za one koji su dugo mogli da vide (rep je najduze ostao) ostatke aviona, na samom prilazu PSS, izmedju autoputa i one nazovi petlje. Sam rep je stajao i video se iz daleka dobru godinu dana.

3. Sta god da je, gorucim ostacima niko do jutra niti je smeo niti hteo da pridje olupini. Naime, pucalo je iz nje, hocu reci eksplodiralo podugo i poprilicno i to ne zaostalo gorivo ili aluminijumski delovi koji inace brzo gore, nego iz prostora za teret, a sto inace nozevi za strugove i ostala mirnodopska gvozdjurija nema obicaj da radi.

4. Koliko znam, nigde nije objavljen spisak svih lica koja su se nalazila u avionu.

5. Ni naziv beogradske firme koja je u posao bila umesana i ciji je barem jedan zaposlenik takodje bio u avionu.



Edit: avgustovska magla u Beogradu je ekstremno retka pojava. To mogu da potvrde i ljudi koji su avion videli nekoliko puta na relaciji Slavija - Beogradjanka i sire.

Kasno je, ali sam siguran, a i provericemo, da nikakav avion nije dizan da pokusa da Iljusina navede na sletanje.

O tome je, svojevremeno, i to kao o propustu, pisala i strana stampa pa i ona takozvana strucna.

I manje strucna.



Edit 2: Misko  :isuse:  Dj.

Edited by namenski
  • 2 weeks later...

svi ovi flight-pathovi su u bez ikakve frke dometu Jinadlee-a koliko ja vidim. zar ne pretrazuju sve vreme koridore koje su mnogo dalji od AUS obale ?


mislim da sada mogu da pretražuju samo morsko dno, sve ostalo je arčenje resursa.

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