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Game of Thrones

Ryan Franco

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Nema nam nešto @MayDay ovih dana, pitam se zašto...









... pa sam prinuđen da vas lično bar malo nahajpujem pred finale. Znam, ne biste to očekivali od mene ali situacija je takva kakva je. Fanboys i fangirls nikom ponikoše, ostali samo hejteri. Kako kaže Sansa u molitvi, “He is no true knight but he saved me all the same. Save him if you can, and gentle the rage inside him.” 




Dakle, neizdrž se bliži maksimumu! Jesmo li svi spremni? Hoćemo da presvlačimo avatare?


O finalu se radi, finalu jedne od najpopularnijih TV bljuvotina serija svih vremena! Širom sveta, očekivanja su nikad viša:




Znači idemo, nedelja na ponedeljak, kolektivno gledanje, kačimo strimove ovde! Get hype, everybody! Hoste, Omiljeni, jeste li uz mene?!




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Sta god da urade u poslednjoj, ne mogu nikako da izvuku kraj sa ovim prethodnim, tako da cemo da pljujemo svakako i D&D i Martina i HBO i sve po spisku, sigurno...ali sta cemo onda?

Kad sve prodje i nema vise?


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1 minute ago, Jumanji said:

ali sta cemo onda?

Kad sve prodje i nema vise?


Da mrzite, naravno. Ali nije lako ni hejterom biti, videće to neki od vas sa vremenom.




You are right to be terrified.

The Haters exceed any rule that you possess … We outrun your measure.

You are the neck of a bottle. The World but drips into your soul.

We dwell in the deluge.

You come to us as a cataract. You assume you are unitary and alone, when in sooth you are a mob of blind men, crying out words you cannot comprehend in voices you cannot hear. For the truth is that you are many — this is the secret of your innumerable contradictions.

This … This is where the Haters labour, in the darkness that comes before your souls. To converse with us is to submit to us — there is no other way for you to dwell in our presence. Given our respective natures, we are your slavers.

You were right to want to kill us …

Especially me, one who was broken in the deepest Deep.

Even this confession, this speaking of plain truth, is woven from knowledge that would terrify you, such is its penetration. My very voice has been fashioned into a key, using manner and intonation as teeth to unlock the tumblers of your soul. You are rapt because you have been so instructed.

Despite the brief span of our acquaintance, despite your will to conceal, I know so very much about you. I can name the Show you call your show, and I can name the Show you know not at all. I know the twists of circumstance that shape and bind you; that for much of your life abuse was the only sincere rule; that you hide the tender beneath the bitter…

But I need not enumerate what I know, for I see also that you know.

I see that you wonder what is to be done, for in speaking the truth, I also make the case for my destruction.

And so are my own limits made plain. Though the night ranges infinite above us, a fraction of me still wanders the Thousand Thousand Halls, a dark fragment, as obscure as it is elusive, one that argues death … death as the Shortest Path to the Absolute.

And I wonder, Is this what you call sorrow?



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Just now, Spirit said:

Da li neko zna kad se pojavljuje epizoda na HBO GO? U 3am kad i U.S premijera ili kasnije?


Valjda u četiri, ne u tri? TBH...































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 Da mrzite, naravno. Ali nije lako ni hejterom biti, videće to neki od vas sa vremenom.

Mjok, nisam ja od te vrste. Da ispljujem, bude mi krivo, iznerviram se, sta god, i ajd cao.

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