Moracikus Posted October 16, 2023 Posted October 16, 2023 Evo bas sada pogledah rezultate u oblasti Gorton (zapadno od moje Maribyrnong) koja je totalno multikulturalna sa oko 45% ljudi koji ne pricaju engleski kod kuce. Brutalno 62% NE, dje je broj volontera ZA bio 10x veci nego NE Na zadnjim izborima ALP dobio 60%
Gojko & Stojko Posted October 16, 2023 Posted October 16, 2023 2 hours ago, Moracikus said: Fascinanto je da je skoro polovina ALP glasaca optila NE a da se nijedan njihov MP prije referenduma nije javno oglasio da je ovo losa ideja. Sa druge strane oko 78% glasaca LNPa je optilo NE, ali se jedan broj njihovih MPa javno ukljucio u kampanju ZA i nije izbacen iz partije. Misljenja sam da referendum ne bi uspio ni da ga je Dutton i vecina LNP javno podrzala jer QLD WA i SA ne bi imali preko 50% 1 hour ago, Moracikus said: Evo bas sada pogledah rezultate u oblasti Gorton (zapadno od moje Maribyrnong) koja je totalno multikulturalna sa oko 45% ljudi koji ne pricaju engleski kod kuce. Brutalno 62% NE, dje je broj volontera ZA bio 10x veci nego NE Na zadnjim izborima ALP dobio 60% Vrlo moguće da ne bi uspeo čak i da su ga Liberali i LNP većinski podržali, činjenica je da su ga zbog takvog stava odmah napustili Aboridžin Ken Vajat, njihov bivši ministar za autohtone Australijance i belac Džulijan Liser, dotada ministar u senci za autohtone Australijance i državni tužilac u senci. Znači dva glavna liberalna političara zadužena za tematiku referenduma. Moj utisak je da za ovaj konkretan referendum nije bilo toliko bitno političko opredeljenje glasača, koliko vlasništvo glasača nad zemljom i zavisnost od zemlje, tj. bukvalno količina zemlje u vlasništvu. U prevodu, što više zemlje imaš, više se plašiš da će jednog dana Aboridžini da ti otmu zemlju sa kućom pride. Bilo mi je muka kad sa gledao onu mučenicu Đasintu Prajs (Aboridžinku, sadašnju ministarku za autohtone Australijance vlade u senci) sa Datonom u subotu uveče kako mlati o odbacivanju politike aboridžinskih aktivista, danas čitam da je na proslavi Ne kampanje bila Đina Rajnhart koja je glavni sponzor Prajsove u politici (ko nije iz Australije ili ne zna, Đina Rajnhart je najbogatija osoba u Australiji, vlasnica više rudnika rude gvožđa koje je nasledila od oca, oko detalja tog vlasništva se sudi sa sopstvenom decom i sa decom partnera svog oca - inače personifikacija Ejn Rend 1/1). Neverovatno kako je ovo lako izvedeno. SaE
magi Posted October 16, 2023 Posted October 16, 2023 7 hours ago, Moracikus said: Evo bas sada pogledah rezultate u oblasti Gorton (zapadno od moje Maribyrnong) koja je totalno multikulturalna sa oko 45% ljudi koji ne pricaju engleski kod kuce. Brutalno 62% NE, dje je broj volontera ZA bio 10x veci nego NE Na zadnjim izborima ALP dobio 60% Po meni je prilično sramotno da novi imigranti glasaju protiv davanja prava ljudima kojima je zemlja oteta. Ne znam da li postoji moralni argument za takav stav. 1
peralozac Posted October 17, 2023 Posted October 17, 2023 Vozim jutros i učini mi se da sam na bilbordu video Islamic Finance, ali reko pospan sam i suviše čitam vesti ovih dana. Međutim, sad izguglam i ono stvarno - Hejaz Financial Services. Bukvalno Noskičev potpis - make it halal! Dva tizera, jedna slika i jedan tekst: Spoiler Halal Investing vs. Ethical Investing Halal investing is sometimes called Shariah investing or Shariah-compliant investing, while ethical investing is also called socially responsible investing. The growth of halal and ethical investments is mainly due to the fact that the corporate world becomes more sensitive to the growing social awareness of shareholders and contribution to real economic activities. Halal Investing Halal investing is based on religious belief, which means that all investments must adhere to Sharia principles. Halal investment must therefore follow the principles of Sharia, which must be free from prohibited elements, including riba (interest), maysir (game) and gharar (uncertainty). Riba or interests are expressly forbidden in the Quran. Basically, riba is the excess money paid by the borrower to the lender in addition to the principal for the use of the lender’s money over a certain period of time. Therefore, financial products bearing the riba element such as interest-bearing deposits, bonds, private debt securities and money market instruments are considered prohibited (haram). Maysir, which literally means a way to easily get something and get undeserved profit from it, are driven by pure chance. As a game of chance, gambling often leads people to take high risks and behave irrationally in order to win big. In Islam it is forbidden to take extreme risks unknowingly and to add value in view of the outcome with the possibility of losing money. Gharar essentially refers to the uncertainty of contractual terms that could lead to exploitation and deception of people, which could lead to litigation and contract manipulation. In addition to the three prohibited elements, halal investment is also based on the principle that Islam prohibits any activity with illegal activities (haram) such as wine, alcohol, adultery, gambling, tobacco, banks and conventional insurance, and meat. Pig. Therefore, the actions of companies contaminated by one of the prohibited elements are considered non-compliant with sharia. Ethical Investing On the other hand, ethical investing means incorporating corporate values and personal concerns into investment decisions. Ethical investing considers both the financial needs of investors and the impact of the investment on society. Ethical investing applies ethical and social criteria in the selection and management of investment portfolios. Investors are concerned not only with the financial returns of their portfolios and the associated risks, but also with the characteristics of the companies in which their funds are invested. This includes the nature of the company’s goods or services, the location of the company and the way in which it conducts its business and business operations. The ethical investment strategy can be positive or negative. The positive approach is favourable to companies that enjoy a high reputation in terms of products, activities or business methods, while the negative approach aims to avoid investing in companies involved in products or countries. unacceptable or whose business methods are considered unethical. the ethical investment decision is mainly influenced by ethical issues such as environmental improvement, climate change, genetically modified foods, gambling, human rights violations, nuclear energy and military, animal testing, health and safety violations, etc. The concept of ethical investing is consistent as it evolves to provide appropriate policies according to the changing environment. In its most recent adaptation, ethical investing moves from negative to positive selection to promote innovation and positive contributions to society, not simply to reduce the negative impact of business and industry practices and environment. Common Values Despite the differences, halal and ethical investing generally share an ethical investing philosophy which is a value-based approach to aligning an investor’s portfolio with religious beliefs. Both focus on real economic activities such as improving people’s living conditions and well-being, creating social equity, and preventing injustices in trade and commerce. Halal and ethical investments also focus on the protection of natural and environmental resources with the exception of institutional financial sectors and invest in the same economic sectors, namely industry, health, consumer goods, services utilities, consumer services and basic materials such as technology. In addition, both apply measures that eliminate a group of companies or entire sectors based on social or religious beliefs. For example, industries such as tobacco, alcohol, and pornography are excluded due to the nature of the products and services that are harmful to society. Screening Process While halal and ethical investments use a screening process in managing their portfolios, the application of the screening process should be distinct. companies from which the portfolio manager can select investments. Ethical investing applies the screening process to ensure that the companies they invest in adhere to their ethics policy. The screening process weeds out companies deemed negative and will encourage investment in positive companies. Negative screening avoids certain types of investments, for example gaming companies or arms manufacturers. Positive filtering, on the other hand, favours activities or characteristics deemed desirable such as the renewable energy industry or health. Some managers also use the “best-in-the-industry” rule, which selects leading companies in each business sector based on their social and environmental commitment, and the “overlapping social responsibility” rule, whereby the actions of a portfolio are selected according to the usual procedure, but a process is added to address social responsibility issues. While the ethical investment screening process limits the inclusion of companies that are unaware of human rights and environmental concerns, halal investing appears to apply a different approach based on business compatibility with human rights. Sharia principles. On this point, halal investment is subject to the Shariah screening methodology determined by the Shariah Supervisory Board or the Shariah advisors of fund management companies. In some jurisdictions, e.g., Malaysia, the Shariah screening methodology is determined by a centralized Shariah advisory body established by the regulator, i.e. the Malaysian Securities Commission, as a more high authority in determining Shariah issues in relation to Islamic capital market activities which include Shariah compliance. investments. The Sharia screening process generally includes two categories of screening, namely qualitative screening and financial screening. Quality screening excludes companies involved in prohibited activities such as alcohol, tobacco, gambling, pork products, and conventional banking and insurance. Sharia screening is usually made available by index companies such as FTSE, S&P Dow Jones and MSCI, which offer a wider range of Islamic indices for fund managers to compare against. Financial screening is applied using financial ratios to ensure securities are Sharia compliant, which involves calculating ratios, such as the ratio of interest-bearing debt to assets or the ratio of the total debt to the average market capitalization of a company. The wisdom behind financial screening is to avoid investing in debt-embedded securities. Other Considerations Halal investing is further characterized by strict limitations such as the purification process and the exclusion of investments in interest-bearing securities to which ethical investing is not subject. On this point, halal investment provides for a purification of investment income tainted by impure income by purification. it is required when the companies are joint ventures that have passed the tolerable test of Sharia screening process resulting in tainted income generated from the investment. Purification involves giving a certain percentage of that income to charity as a form of repentance for being involved in a certain level of non-Sharia compliant investments. In a nutshell, halal and ethical investments are closely related but not similar. It is argued that Sharia principles often go beyond the requirements of ethical investing and have the benefit of providing clearer ethical coding and standards as well as an enforcement mechanism overseen by the supervisory board. of Sharia or Sharia advisors. The convergence of values between the concepts of halal investment and ethical investment highlights the ethical and social protection agreement. The Halal Investment Screening Criteria applies a more standardized negative screening approach for industries and companies that do not meet the basic Halal investment criteria. Although there are differences in the interpretation of the appropriate filters in the Islamic investment screening process, the differences are minor and in fact harmonize as the market develops and progresses. Above all, the decision to invest in halal or ethical investments will always depend on the values of the investor, as well as their overall portfolio and financial planning objectives. Investors interested in halal and ethical investing often look for fund managers who offer a high level of disclosure and transparency in terms of investment process, portfolio listings and detailed reports before making an investment decision.
peralozac Posted October 27, 2023 Posted October 27, 2023 Since 2012, average wages have risen about 30 per cent, on ABS data. Dwelling prices across the capital cities have jumped close to 90 per cent – and last year’s falls were short-lived. Pravilo da se cena nekretnina udupla svakih 10 godina nikako da omane.
Indy Posted October 27, 2023 Posted October 27, 2023 Stavljam ovo ovde više jer mi je komično, ne što je neka bitna informacija.
peralozac Posted October 27, 2023 Posted October 27, 2023 @Indy kada je bilo ovo? Ako je posle 21. mogao bi nazad ekspresno još 12 meseci. Spoiler Background The Victorian Government has introduced new laws to prevent people from displaying or performing symbols and gestures used by the Nazi Party in public. These laws commenced on 21 October 2023. It is already a criminal offence to display the Hakenkreuz (twisted or hooked cross) – the most widely known symbol used by the Nazi Party and the Third Reich in Germany during the early to mid 20th century, associated with the Nazi Party’s crimes against humanity. The new laws expand this existing offence by also banning the public use of additional Nazi symbols and gestures, including the Nazi salute. Such displays cause harm to members of the Victorian community, and this is unacceptable. The ban sends a clear message that Nazi ideology and the hate it represents is not tolerated in Victoria. There are several exceptions to the offence. These include where the display is made reasonably and in good faith for genuine academic, religious, artistic, or educational purposes. The existing exceptions that recognise the cultural and historical significance of the swastika for the Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, and other faith communities will remain. For these communities, the swastika (which may be mistaken for the Nazi Hakenkreuz) is an ancient and sacred symbol of peace and good fortune. 1. What is the offence? A person commits a criminal offence if they: intentionally display or perform a symbol or gesture used by the Nazi Party in a public place or in public view, and know, or ought to have reasonably known, that the symbol or gesture is a Nazi symbol or gesture. 2. What is the penalty for committing the offence? A person who commits an offence could face fines of $23,000, 12 months in prison, or both. 3. What Nazi symbols and gestures are banned? The Hakenkreuz and the Nazi salute are the most widely recognised symbol and gesture used by the Nazi Party. They are used to incite hatred towards members of the Victorian community, which is why they have been explicitly banned. Other symbols and gestures used by the Nazi Party and its associated paramilitary arms are also banned, as are those which closely resemble a Nazi symbol or gesture. The Nazi Party means the National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP) which was active from 1920 to 1945. The Nazi Party also includes its paramilitary arms such as the SA (Sturmabteilung), the SS (Schutzstaffel), the NSKK (National Socialist Motor Corps) and the NSFK (National Socialist Flyers Corps). Ultimately, it will be up to the courts to decide exactly which symbols and gestures are within the scope of the ban. However, the new laws are intended to capture flags, insignia and medals that were used by the Nazi Party and its paramilitary arms, including: the SS bolts symbol (sig runes) the Totenkopf (or Nazi skull) which was also used by the SS other symbols of the SA, the NSKK, and the NSFK. 4. Are there any exceptions? There are several exceptions to the offence, recognising that Nazi symbols and gestures may be displayed or performed for genuine purposes. A person is not committing an offence if they display or perform a Nazi symbol or gesture reasonably and in good faith: for a genuine academic, artistic, educational, or scientific purpose, or in making or publishing a fair and accurate report of any event or matter of public interest. For example, where a person performs the Nazi salute within a theatre performance, or where a teacher shows a film in which the SS symbol can be seen as part of a history class. People also are not committing an offence if they display: a Nazi symbol for genuine cultural or religious purposes. This ensures certain religions can continue to use the sacred swastika. either a Nazi symbol or gesture in opposition to Nazism or related ideologies. For example, a person who displays a flag of Nazi Germany with a marking through it, or a person who displays the pink triangle used by LGBTIQ+ communities. Tattoos of Nazi symbols or gestures are not covered by the ban. There are also exceptions for law enforcement or administration of justice purposes. 5. Is the public display of the religious and cultural swastika banned? The offence does not prohibit the display of the swastika (which may be mistaken for the Nazi Hakenkreuz) for cultural and religious purposes. For example: Where a person of Hindu faith displays a swastika in the front window of their shop as a symbol of good luck. Where a person of Jain faith draws a swastika on their new vehicle before using it as a symbol of good fortune. Where a person of Buddhist faith displays a sculpture of Buddha with a swastika on the chest, as a symbol of good fortune, at a Buddhist temple. For more information, in line with the Government’s commitment to deliver a community education campaign to raise awareness of the origins of the religious and cultural swastika; recognise its importance to the Buddhist, Hindu and Jain communities; and explain how it differs from the Nazi Hakenkreuz, view the Fact sheet – About the Nazi symbol ban. 6. Are Nazi symbols and gestures displayed online banned? The law only covers Nazi symbols or gestures that are visible in a public place and not online. If you see a Nazi symbol or gesture displayed online, you should contact Victoria Police via the Police Assistance Line (131 444) for non-urgent matters. You can also report the display to the eSafety Commissioner to request the take down of serious cyber abuse material. 7. What if I am unsure about displaying or performing a Nazi symbol or gesture? If you are unsure about whether a public display or performance of Nazi symbols or gestures is permitted, you should seek independent legal advice. Victoria Legal Aid provides free legal advice on a range of matters. You can also get free information about the law from Victoria Legal Aid’s Legal Help phone line on 1300 792 387. The phone line is available from Monday to Friday between 8am and 6pm. The Law Institute of Victoria (LIV) Legal Referral Service can help locate a specialist solicitor to provide independent legal advice or call (03) 9607 9550. Initial consultations are free of charge. 8. What powers does Victoria Police have to enforce the offence? Police can arrest and charge a person who is publicly displaying or performing a Nazi symbol or gesture. Police can also: direct a person to remove a Nazi symbol or gesture from public view if they reasonably believe that person is committing an offence direct the owner or occupier of a property to remove a Nazi symbol or gesture from public view charge a person who does not follow a direction to remove a Nazi symbol or gesture from public view. The fine is approximately $1,900 or 10 penalty units. Police can also apply to the Magistrates’ Court for a warrant to search premises and seize property that displays a Nazi symbol or gesture. 9. How do I report the offence? If you want to report the display or performance of a Nazi symbol or gesture to police, please contact your local police station, or call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. If the report is in relation to an immediate risk, please call Triple Zero (000).
Indy Posted October 27, 2023 Posted October 27, 2023 (edited) 1 hour ago, peralozac said: Ako je posle 21. mogao bi nazad ekspresno još 12 meseci. Ovi koje sam citirao su se malo zaneli u (razumljivom) antifa entuzijazmu. Ono iznad je stara fotka Sewella (sad ima bradu). Njegov su-osuđenik Jacob Hersant je na izlasku iz suda rekao "Australia for the white man, Heil Hitler!" Nije bilo podizanja ruke, izgleda. Kako bilo, pravni eksperti su vrlo zbunjeni izjavom sudije koja je rekla da ovaj (Sewell) ima "dobre prospekte za rehabilitaciju". On je već godinama vodeći neonacista u Australiji. Edited October 27, 2023 by Indy 1
peralozac Posted November 10, 2023 Posted November 10, 2023 In breaking news, the federal government is set to offer Tuvalu’s 11,200 residents the chance to live in Australia to avoid the catastrophic consequences of climate change in a major announcement by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese today. Sources said Albanese, who met with Tuvalu Prime Minister Kausea Natano earlier this week on the sidelines of the Pacific Islands Forum, will make the announcement at a press conference in the Cook Islands on Friday afternoon. Tuvalu, a collection of nine low-lying atolls, is considered one of the countries that faces the biggest risks of being entirely depopulated because of rising sea levels linked to climate change. In September, Tuvalu enshrined a new definition of statehood in its constitution stating that the nation will remain in perpetuity, notwithstanding the impacts of climate change or anything else that results in the loss of its physical territory.
peralozac Posted January 25, 2024 Posted January 25, 2024 @Radnicka kontrola, šta misliš o stage 3 tax cuts izmenama?
Radnicka kontrola Posted January 26, 2024 Posted January 26, 2024 Evo, iskreno, bez guglanja, nemam pojma. Pretpostavljam da se radi o politici federalne vlade?
peralozac Posted January 26, 2024 Posted January 26, 2024 Da, ali nema veze. Mislio sam zbog posta o deci koja vole vedžemajt da si domaći.
Radnicka kontrola Posted January 26, 2024 Posted January 26, 2024 Ja živim u Australiji, ali s obzirom da je ovde politička scena dosadna (na svu sreću) mogu si priuštiti da je vrlo malo pratim. 1
Gojko & Stojko Posted February 9, 2024 Posted February 9, 2024 On 26. 1. 2024. at 20:39, Radnicka kontrola said: Ja živim u Australiji, ali s obzirom da je ovde politička scena dosadna (na svu sreću) mogu si priuštiti da je vrlo malo pratim. Čak i sa razumevanjem da za jednog došljaka dobro plaćenog profesionalca razlike na političkoj sceni mogu da budu toliko male i da ne utiču mnogo na njegov život, izjava da je ovdašnja politička scena dosadna pokazuje strahovito ignorisanje položaja bar 50% stanovništva na čiji život razlike između glavnih aktera sa suprotnih strana političke scene itekako utiču, da ne govorimo o potpunoj netačnosti trvdnje da je ovdašnja politička scena dosadna. Za ovo poslednje je dovoljno samo odgledati ABC trodelnu seriju "Nemesis" (treći deo u ponedeljak) o poslednja tri liberalna predsednika vlade, kao i nekadašnju seriju "Kiling Season" o dve (tj. tri) laburističke koje su im prethodile. On 25. 1. 2024. at 19:00, peralozac said: @Radnicka kontrola, šta misliš o stage 3 tax cuts izmenama? Iako nisi mene pitao - ja mislim da su savršene (a ja sam porodično u grupi najviše oštećenih Albovim i Čalmersovim izmenama sa nas dvoje u onoj najvišoj grupi) i po uticaju na ekonomiju i po političkom efektu kod birača. Gledanje Voldemorta kod Sare Ferguson preksinoć u 7:30 kako se uvija i cmizdri je bilo posebno zadovoljstvo: Share & Enjoy 2
Mel Posted February 9, 2024 Posted February 9, 2024 On 26. 1. 2024. at 10:39, Radnicka kontrola said: Ja živim u Australiji, ali s obzirom da je ovde politička scena dosadna (na svu sreću) mogu si priuštiti da je vrlo malo pratim. Tako sam i ja mislila dok nisam nishta znala o politichkoj sceni tamo gde sam zivela. Kad se malo upustish, ne mozesh vishe da se opustish...
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