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1 minute ago, Micko8 said:

Pa i na FO ce da ga driblaju za vakcinaciju , domine su pokrenute , uveren sam da ce i tamo uvesti isti zakon za igrace.


pa onda nek se vakcinise ako je iole normalan.

nece propustiti celu sezonu zbog svojih ludackih stavova

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Pa nece, ne veruje u to, naravno da bi vakcinisanjem resio problem ali  ako  je toliko principijelan  ( kao Irving iz Bruklin Netsa), u odbrani svog stava, da misli da mu vakcinacija moze ugroziti karijeru, onda bi blo najbolje da se penzionise , mislim moze da saceka i vidi posle AO  da li ce se uvesti ista pravila na ostalim turnirima ako tako bude i na FO, sve ce biti krisalno  jasno, bolje je da  napusti sport dok je na vrhu, finasijski je obezbedjen , a moze da se bavi sa cime zeli kada napusti tenis. 

Edited by Micko8
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51 minutes ago, Ros said:




@lancia jel ovo dobro prevedeno? 


osecao se lose posle meca, i posle par sati se vec osecao jako lose


Dobro je prevedeno. Nisam lancia al mogu da pogledam (prevedem)

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2 minutes ago, Micko8 said:

Pa nece, ne veruje u to, naravno da bi vakcinisanjem resio problem ali  ako  je toliko principijelan  ( kao Irving iz Bruklin Netsa), u odbrani svog stava, da misli da mu vakcinacija moze ugroziti karijeru, onda bi blo najbolje da se penzionise , mislim moze da saceka i vidi posle AO  da li ce se uvesti ista pravila na ostalim turnirima ako tako bude i na FO, sve ce biti krisalno  jasno, bolje je da  napusti sport dok je na vrhu, finasijski je obezbedjen , a moze da se bavi sa cime zeli kada napusti tenis. 


izvini ali ja to nikako ne vidim kao smekerski kraj karijere nego kao jedan od najvecih failova u istoriji sporta

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56 minutes ago, Tsai said:


zasto da ode u penziju kad na RG moze da uzme 21. i pritom jos jednom nadalu da se usere u postojanje


O jea.


Nadal, koji mi se cak i dopadao do pre par godina, ispade sitna dusica.


Ja sam sada vec na strani Novaka, jer stvar se pretvorila u besmislenu kashu gde australijska vlada pokriva svoje rupe mnogo vecim zakrpama od onog laznog Djokovicevog PCR testa. Cak i da je lazirao test, ova predstava koja se sa druge strane izvodi je daleko malignija i opasnija od Noletove ciganjske srpske plitke lukavosti.


Ode ovo u svako moguce preterivanje.

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22.22 Alan Houk priznao: Novak ušao legalno u Australiju


Lokalni portal "Ejdž" pod oznakom ekskluzivno donosi nove informacije o slučaju Đoković.

"U radikalnom preokretu slučaja protiv srpske teniske zvezde, ministar za imigraciju Aleks Houk priznaje da je nevakcinisani Đoković ušao u Australiju uz važeći medicinski izuzetak i da predstavlja mali rizik od zaraze virusom dok je bio u Australiji i prenošenja na druge zbog nedavnog infekcija", piše isti list.

Međutim, navodi se da bi prisustvo Đokovića tokom dve nedelje Australijan opena moglo da ugrozi živote i građanski poredak, pošto bi se prisustvo poznate nevakcinisane osobe moglo odraziti povećanje negativnog raspoloženja protiv obavezne vakcinacije i nepoštovanja pravila za suzbijanje korona virusa.

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25 minutes ago, Tsai said:


izvini ali ja to nikako ne vidim kao smekerski kraj karijere nego kao jedan od najvecih failova u istoriji sporta

Pa barem ce otici iz sporta  kao najbolji igrac u tom trenutku   , bolje da ode tako nego da ispraju usta sa njim   pred svaki slem i prolazi stalno kroz ovakve situacije  ,ne znam zasto  bi bio fail, na terenu ga nisu porazili , ako toliko veruje u svoj stav , to mu je najbolja opcija, on je ionako jedan od najvecih  tenisera  svih vremena, tu cinjenicu nista nece promeniti.

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Australia declares Djokovic a risk to civil order and public health

The Australian government says the presence of Novak Djokovic throughout the two weeks of the Australian Open may put lives and civil order at risk by increasing anti-vax sentiment and disregard for COVID-19 rules.

In a radical reframing of the case against the Serbian tennis star, Immigration Minister Alex Hawke concedes the unvaccinated Djokovic entered Australia with a valid medical exemption and poses a low risk of contracting the virus while in Australia and passing it on to others due to his recent infection.

The furious debate that had engulfed Djokovic for the past 10 days – whether a recent bout of COVID-19 provided him with a genuine exemption to travel to Australia without being vaccinated – has been abandoned by the government without Mr Hawke even reading Djokovic’s extension submissions on the question.

Instead, the case is now headed for a Federal Court showdown as early as Sunday on dramatically new grounds.

Mr Hawke’s detailed reasons for his decision to cancel Djokovic’s visa for a second time since his arrival in Australia late on January 5, revealed by this masthead, portray the nine-time Australian Open winner as a menace to both public health and public order.

The minister describes Djokovic as a “high profile un-vaccinated individual” who has publicly indicated his opposition to getting the jab and demonstrated an “apparent disregard” for basic COVID rules such as isolating after a positive test.

“Given Mr Djokovic’s high-profile status and position as a role model in the sporting and broader community, his ongoing presence in Australia may foster similar disregard for the precautionary requirements following receipt of a positive COVID-19 test in Australia,” Mr Hawke wrote.

“In particular, his behaviour may encourage or influence others to emulate his prior conduct and fail to comply with appropriate health measures following a positive COVID-19 test, which itself could lead to the transmission of the disease and serious risk to their health and others.″

Explaining how a 34-year-old visiting tennis player could be a risk to public order, Mr Hawke argues that when case numbers are rising in Australia due to the spread of the Omicron variant, influential persons and role models who show a disregard for public health measures have the potential to undermine the pandemic response of federal, state and territory governments.

Referring to Djokovic’s admission this week that he attended a media interview and photoshoot in Serbia on December 18, a day after he received confirmation of his positive COVID status, Mr Hawke said: “Mr Djokovic is such a person of influence and status. Having regard to the matters set out above regarding Mr Djokovic’s conduct after receiving a positive COVID-19 result, his publicly stated views, as well as his un-vaccinated status, I consider that his ongoing presence in Australia may encourage other people to disregard or act inconsistently with public health advice and polices in Australia.

“In addition, I consider that Mr Djokovic’s ongoing presence in Australia may lead to an increase in anti-vaccination sentiment generated in the Australian community, potentially leading to an increase in civil unrest of the kind previously experienced in Australia with rallies and protests which may themselves be a source of community transmission.”

The minister concluded: “These matters go to the very preservation of life and health of many members of the general community and further are crucial to the maintaining the health system in Australia, which is facing increasing strain in the current circumstances of the pandemic.”

To successfully defend his decision under the Migration Act, the minister doesn’t need to prove that any of this has or will occur, only that it may unless Djokovic is deported back to Serbia.

The broad charge is that Djokovic, so long as he remains in Melbourne, could become the pin-up boy for a hard-core anti-vax movement that has already staged mass rallies in capital cities and infiltrated the union movement and political parties on the fringe of national affairs. This in turn could lead to a breakdown in observance of public health rules and more illness from COVID, hospital admissions and ultimately, deaths.

Yet, in the same document, the minister acknowledged that Djokovic has not attempted to break any Australian laws and was a “person of good standing” known for his philanthropy.

Counsel for Djokovic, Nicholas Wood SC, during a preliminary hearing before Federal Circuit Court Judge Anthony Kelly late on Friday night, described the minister’s reasons as “starkly different” from those cited by border officials at Melbourne Airport when they initially cancelled Djokovic’s visa and placed him into immigration detention.

“What the minister does is in substance to assume in Mr Djokovic’s favour every single fact that might have been an issue previously,” Mr Wood said. “The minister finds and assumes that Mr Djokovic has in respect complied with the law.”

Mr Wood said the flaw in the minister’s approach was that, in considering whether Djokovic’s ongoing presence in Melbourne will stir up anti-vax sentiment, he gave no consideration to what deporting Djokovic will do.

He submitted that the implications of deportation would be profound for Djokovic.

“Cancellation leads to the forcible, mandatory removal of this man of good standing who has a medical contraindication to a vaccine, who has complied with law, who poses a negligible risk to others, being forced out of Australia and being subjected to provisions in the act and regulation that would then preclude him from coming back to Australia for the next three years subject to the possibility of a waiver being exercised."

Counsel for the federal Immigration Department, Stephen Lloyd SC, agreed that the case Judge Kelly decided at the start of the week bore no relation to the matters now before the court.

The minister’s full reasons for moving against Djokovic remain tightly held. Once they become widely known, the reaction among his supporters both here and in Serbia is likely to be febrile.

Shortly after Djokovic was first taken into detention, his father Srdan declared: “Australia has become a dystopia, a mockery of the free world, they treat Novak Djokovic, my son, your world champion, as a political prisoner. As a terrorist in Guantanamo Bay.

“They deprive him of the right to play, to individuality, to freedom of opinion.”

What read like the ramblings of an irate father now seems faintly prescient. Djokovic, having committed no crime in Australia, faces deportation or what he might unintentionally inspire others he has never met to do. The case against Djokovic has swung from scrutinising his travel documents to declaring him persona non grata so long as the pandemic rages.

Who could have imagined the world’s best tennis player would end up here?


Edited by vememah
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11 minutes ago, Caligula said:


O jea.


Nadal, koji mi se cak i dopadao do pre par godina, ispade sitna dusica.


Ja sam sada vec na strani Novaka, jer stvar se pretvorila u besmislenu kashu gde australijska vlada pokriva svoje rupe mnogo vecim zakrpama od onog laznog Djokovicevog PCR testa. Cak i da je lazirao test, ova predstava koja se sa druge strane izvodi je daleko malignija i opasnija od Noletove ciganjske srpske plitke lukavosti.


Ode ovo u svako moguce preterivanje.


welcome to team novak



cekam moonwalkericu

mi ne mozemo da budemo na razlicitim stranama, bas kao ni sa adamom

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6 minutes ago, BlackGeorge said:

22.22 Alan Houk priznao: Novak ušao legalno u Australiju


Lokalni portal "Ejdž" pod oznakom ekskluzivno donosi nove informacije o slučaju Đoković.

"U radikalnom preokretu slučaja protiv srpske teniske zvezde, ministar za imigraciju Aleks Houk priznaje da je nevakcinisani Đoković ušao u Australiju uz važeći medicinski izuzetak i da predstavlja mali rizik od zaraze virusom dok je bio u Australiji i prenošenja na druge zbog nedavnog infekcija", piše isti list.

Međutim, navodi se da bi prisustvo Đokovića tokom dve nedelje Australijan opena moglo da ugrozi živote i građanski poredak, pošto bi se prisustvo poznate nevakcinisane osobe moglo odraziti povećanje negativnog raspoloženja protiv obavezne vakcinacije i nepoštovanja pravila za suzbijanje korona virusa.


Novak Đoković ugrožava građanski poredak.

Novak je gori od Hitlera

Novak je opasniji od Staljina

Novak pršti od omikrona.

Novak je bezobrazan jer neće da ide kući iako smo ga zvali da dođe.

Edited by BlackGeorge
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9 minutes ago, vememah said:


“In particular, his behaviour may encourage or influence others to emulate his prior conduct and fail to comply with appropriate health measures following a positive COVID-19 test, which itself could lead to the transmission of the disease and serious risk to their health and others.″


koje ludilo mozga


australijanci ce da postanu antivakseri zbog djokovica

vece pisanje po svom narodu nisam video

Edited by cedo
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