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4 minutes ago, Valkyrie said:

uopšte nije logično već bezumno. u takvom odijumu zaista i jeste bolje za njega da ih napusti i u životu više ne kroči u Australiju, taman da mu poklone one crvene planinčine da na njima meditira dok se ne voznese na nebo ko Buda.


Pretpostavljam da ima dovoljno ljudi koji će Novaku ovo da predoče, sve i da dobije na sudu.


Ja ih takođe hrišćanski razumem jer su mnogo propatili pa su kolektivno prsli sa mozgom, i nadam se da će im dobri Allah dž.š. pomoći da izbegnu buduće frustracije tako što jedno 30 godina neće dobiti da organizuju bilo kakav međunarodni sportski događaj.

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Djokovic entangles sponsors in Australian Open vax uproar (msn.com)


Some of Djokovic’s sponsors tried to distance themselves from the situation and others, including Peugeot and Lacoste, declined requests for comment. But there was no sign any planned to cut ties.

“Novak Djokovic is his own person,” Swiss watch brand Hublot said. “We cannot comment on any of his personal decisions. Hublot will continue its partnership with the world number 1 tennis player. “


Austria’s Raffeissen Bank said its decision to sign Djokovic to a multiyear partnership was made long before the recent Australian Open headlines.

“As Novak Djokovic’s sponsor, we are closely observing the current situation,” the bank said.

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1 minute ago, Redoran said:


Pretpostavljam da ima dovoljno ljudi koji će Novaku ovo da predoče, sve i da dobije na sudu.


Ja ih takođe hrišćanski razumem jer su mnogo propatili pa su kolektivno prsli sa mozgom, i nadam se da će im dobri Allah dž.š. pomoći da izbegnu buduće frustracije tako što jedno 30 godina neće dobiti da organizuju bilo kakav međunarodni sportski događaj.


a vidis, gadjajte me svim i svacim, ali ja uprkos svemu mogu da razumem njihov bes. samo sto je manipulisan i kanalisan i iskoriscen na pogresan nacin. jebiga

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And we're underway. While Judge O'Callaghan is sitting in court in person everyone else is online from remote location and he's made the formal order confirming that can happen. He's also reminding everyone it's illegal to record or screenshot the hearing.

He says the purpose of the hearing is to deal with confirming Judge Kelly's order transferring the case from the Federal Circuit Court to the higher Federal Court. Secondly is to deal with procedural isues.

Thirdly, he says the Chief Justice has asked him to find out from them if they think the proper jurisdiction is a single judge, or a full court. Justice O'Callaghan says a full bench could be convened tomorrow.

Paul Holdenson QC is speaking for Novak Djokovic today. He's appearing with Nick Wood SC again. He says he would like a few minute to consider a full court decision.

He says the other procedural matters are confirming Djokovic's application be filed an served by midday today, and the government's reponse by 10pm. There's also to be a decision on time limits for the hearing. Yesterday 60 minutes was suggested.

Mr Holdenson said there's an affidavit in support of the application being prepared. Ordinarily that wouldn't be made publily available unti lit's been "read" by the court - essentilly not before tomorrow's hearing. But he's not opposed to it being made public today.

Djokovic's lawyers are keen for a full court.

Holdenson: "I think three judges is appropriate. That matter can be dealt with, in our submission, by a full court."

Stephen Lloyd says the government is opposed to a full court referral and there's no justification for it.

"In the normal course, any party has a right of appeal. Having the matter referred to the full court would remove any party's right to appeal."

Just quickly - a decision of a single judge in the Federal Court can be appealed to a full bench of three judges. Djokovic's lawyers support skipping straight to the three judges, the government is against it.

Justice O'Callaghan says the parties will be notified later this morning whether it'll be one judge or three.

He's confirming the schedule now. The hearing will begin at 9.30am AEDT tomorrow, Sunday January 16.


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Just now, duma said:

Da li meni izbacuju lokalizovane vesti, ili je stvarno u svetskim medijima ova sapunica (skoro) glavna vest?



Ako svima izlazi što i meni. ovaj svet je definitivno otišao u tri lepe.

Na NYT je to na glavnoj strani i imaju Live pracenje, kao i editorial. Na WSJ je druga vijest u World segmentu, a na NPR prva u sporstkom dijelu.

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11 minutes ago, Tsai said:


a vidis, gadjajte me svim i svacim, ali ja uprkos svemu mogu da razumem njihov bes. samo sto je manipulisan i kanalisan i iskoriscen na pogresan nacin. jebiga


Nego, treba podsetiti da i mi, tj država Srbija, redovno vraćamo kosovske sportiste kada se pojave na Merdaru sa namerom da ovde učestvuju na nekom takmičenju, i to je čisto politička odluka da narod ne bi bio besan jer oni učestvuju. Čisto da malo bolje sada razumemo Morisona i zašto to rade.

Edited by Nikodije
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1 minute ago, Nikodije said:


Nego, treba podsetiti da i mi, tj država Srbija, redovno vraćamo kosovske sportiste kada se pojave na Merdaru sa namerom da ovde učestvuju na nekom takmučenju, i to je čisto politička odluka da narod ne bi bio besan jer oni učestvuju. Čisto da malo bolje sada razumemo Morisona i zašto to rade.

Jesi siguran? Ja bih rekao da je to vise da kreiraju percepciju neke borbe™ za Kosovo.

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1 minute ago, Peter Fan said:

Jesi siguran? Ja bih rekao da je to vise da kreiraju percepciju neke borbe™ za Kosovo.


Šta god, to je politička odluka da ih se ne pusti.

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Sedeli su zakljucani, primili vakcine (90%) i sada im je Djovak kriv. Nije kriva vlast, proizvodjaci vakcina koji su napravili malo jacu secernu vodicu. Cak im nije problem ni to sto se igra AO i sto gosti nisu bili u izolaciji kao prosle godine. Cilj je valjda da se ne donese virus u AU, a ne da se setkaju samo pelcovani.


Da ne bude zabune, ja sam trocipovan i smatram da ljudi trebaju da se palcuju, bez obzira sto sadasnje vakcine i nisu bas najefikasnije protiv ovog virusa.

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Dovoljno su efikasne da mogu da ti sačuvaju život, osim ako već nisi na samrti. Tim pre ne razumem ovu produženu histeriju Australijanaca koji su 93% pelcovani. Kao da ne žele da se ovo završi. Korona stokholmski sindrom.

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