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Peti oktobar na bliskom istoku i arapskom svetu


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ima li ovde ikoga ko bar malo veruje da ovo moze da dovede do neke ozbiljne promene u svetu? realno...
Nista ne moze da dovede do neke "ozbiljne promene u svetu" (to ne postoji). Sigurno ne preko noci.
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omiljeni tviteras :D

Mubarak to appoint Joe Lieberman as his new minister of information
a tata spajdera jerusalema brine da nece moci da bude politicki komentator jer koristi ruzne reci.
# Is it me, or has Mubarak borrowed Berlusconi's hair for added hatepower?# "There, you see? If I wear the hair of the famous cock-infidel from Italy, they cannot make me resign!" about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck# it occurs to me that using the phrase "cock-infidel" may disqualify me from serious political commentary, yes
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koliko je verovati MB ?02 :26 MB rejects dictator's speech, vows to continue supporing demonstrations till regime change New23 :51 Unconfirmed: The dictator will step down, his family fled the country secretly New23 :22 Unconfirmed: MUBARAK WILL STEP DOWN New

Edited by cedo
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dof! :Hail: edit: gistro. frajstand. ua prevara!
paaaa, ne bih rekao. svetleci autlajn po rukavu desno deluje prirodan, kad se gleda originalna veličina. rukav levo joj je malo blurovan kao i gelendar iza.a i što bi brate muljao.
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koliko kao pratim nesto i citam, razni libertarijanci, anarhisti i sl predvidjaju upravo evropi takva desavanja uskoro. nisu oni toliko kriticno masovni da to sve organizuju, ali mislim da postoji mogucnost. nije ni cudo ako se dogodi, jer vec ima vise tih sto propisuju, nego onih kojima se propisuje, to ni bog otac vise ne moze da servisira.

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a i što bi brate muljao.
Kad moze lepo da je nalepi u fotoshoputongue.gifA pazi onog rodjera, dilf. Taj, bre, sve zna.On topic ...kakve bre svecke promene, nemo' ste malji deca. Edited by Indy
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On topic ...kakve bre svecke promene, nemo' ste malji deca.
sto tako? ne bi ovo bio ni prvi ni poslednji poredak koji je promenjen... uostalom evo traje vec dva veka, truo je vec :D
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U intermecetu, malo twitova

Joe Biden eagerly labeled Assange as a "high-tech terrorist" but is reluctant to call Mubarak a "dictator". America at its best.To Mubarak, denial IS just a river in #Egypt.What's the alternative of not ousting the Mubarak regime?: Secret prisons, torture centers, mass killings #OutNow #Egypt #Jan25Mubarak will change a few ministers, make some empty promises,at the same time unleash the military on civilians, this time real bullets
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porediti briselske birokrate sa Mubarakom (i Mukhabaratom)... :isuse:

Neces to naci u zapadnoj Evropi, jos otkad je Gestapo zatvoren.
ovako. bilo je slicnih u socrealizmu. Edited by Gandalf
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“We don’t expect anything from Obama, whom we regard as a great hypocrite. But we hope and expect the American people – trade unions, professors’ associations, student unions, activist groups, to come out in support of us. What we want for the US government is to completely get out of the picture. We don’t want any sort of backing; just cut aid to Mubarak immediately and withdraw backing from him, withdraw from all Middle Eastern bases, and stop supporting the state of Israel. Ultimately, Mubarak will do whatever he has to do to protect himself. He will suddenly adopt the most anti-US rhetoric if he thought that would help him save his skin. At the end of the day he’s committed to his own interests, and if he thinks the US won’t support him, he’ll turn somewhere else. The reality is that any really clean government that comes to power in the region will come into open conflict with the US because it will call for radical redistribution of wealth and ending support for Israel or other dictatorships. So we don’t expect any help from America, just to leave us alone.”— Egyptian blogger and activist Hossam el-Hamalawy talks to U.C. Irvine history professor Mark LeVine at Al Jazeera.
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