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Posted (edited)

Da nema policije i onakva kakva je  ,tu bi bili pokolji kakvi se desavaju u Meksiku na dnevnoj bazi , cak bi bila i mnogo gora situacija nego  sto je u komsiliku.

Edited by Micko8

To u Meksiku je upravo dobar primer sta se desava kada policija (ili vlada posredno preko policije) nema nikakvu kontrolu nad situacijom na terenu.


COVID istrazivanj je sooooo April i Maj.

Idemo, protesti (mada ovo jeste zanimljivo).



Policing the Police: The Impact of "Pattern-or-Practice" Investigations on Crime

Tanaya Devi, Roland G. Fryer Jr

NBER Working Paper No. 27324
Issued in June 2020
NBER Program(s):Law and Economics, Labor Studies

This paper provides the first empirical examination of the impact of federal and state "Pattern-or-Practice" investigations on crime and policing. For investigations that were not preceded by "viral" incidents of deadly force, investigations, on average, led to a statistically significant reduction in homicides and total crime. In stark contrast, all investigations that were preceded by "viral" incidents of deadly force have led to a large and statistically significant increase in homicides and total crime. We estimate that these investigations caused almost 900 excess homicides and almost 34,000 excess felonies. The leading hypothesis for why these investigations increase homicides and total crime is an abrupt change in the quantity of policing activity. In Chicago, the number of police-civilian interactions decreased by almost 90% in the month after the investigation was announced. In Riverside CA, interactions decreased 54%. In St. Louis, self-initiated police activities declined by 46%. Other theories we test such as changes in community trust or the aggressiveness of consent decrees associated with investigations -- all contradict the data in important ways.




Arrests in Baltimore have fallen by nearly 40% since Freddie Gray’s funeral and the start of the riots on April 27. In the approximately 3 months before the Gray funeral police made an average of 87.7 arrests per day, since that time they have made only 54.6 arrests a day on average (up to May 30, most recent data).


With luck the crime wave will subside quickly but the longer-term fear is that the increase in crime could push arrest and clearance rates down so far that the increase in crime becomes self-fulfilling.



Tabarrok’s fear that “a temporary shift could push Baltimore into a permanently higher high-crime equilibrium” looks to be borne out. Crime shot up due to temporary factors, but once those factors receded, the police [have] been unable to cope with the new status quo. Baltimore’s vicious crime cycle remains stuck in high gear.

With 178 killings already in 2016, Baltimore is on track for 294 murders this year — shy of last year’s total of 344 homicides, but well above 2014’s total of 211.

15 hours ago, Krošek said:

zapravo znajuci ameriku, to je prosto poziv da se drzavna policija zameni privatnom, po libertarijanskom receptu. 

Greshish, #realno je da ce im uvesti teritorijalnu odbranu (TO) - ono - po najboljim samoupravnim tradicijama.


Vidim da demokrate pedaliraju unazad oko "defund police" pokreta i to je sasvim razumno.


Prosto, za sada nema alternative.


Doduse, mogao bi Bajdenara malcice radikalniji da bude od  "basis standards of decency and honor" sto ne znaci apsolutno nista.


Pa dobro, rekao je next time shoot them in the legs, to jeste nesto. 

1 hour ago, Joe D said:

Pa dobro, rekao je next time shoot them in the legs, to jeste nesto. 

😂 Jebo te, ko je alternativa Trampu, a i takav nije gori!

Posted (edited)

Police only make me feel safe because of my white privilege': Natalie Portman reveals she supports the Defund The Police movement and says her 'black friends feel terror at the hands of cops'

Mukica:sad: Moze li ova idiotkinja malo da proseta  do delova gradova gde zive siromasni belci i da ih pita sta oni misle o belackoj privilegiji i da li bi se dobro osecale njihove porodice kada bi policija prestala da se finansira ili jos gore bude raspustena :dry: Neverovatno koliko su ovi preplaceni gmazovi odvojeni    od realnosti obicnog coveka .

Edited by Micko8
22 hours ago, Lucia said:


Pa neka od ovih vozila su parkirana  na sredini ulice, neka na parkinzima radnji itd. verovatno deo taktike da se spreci  organizovano obijanje radnji i otimacina.

59 minutes ago, Micko8 said:

Moze li ova idiotkinja malo da proseta  do delova gradova gde zive siromasni belci i da ih pita sta oni misle o belackoj privilegiji


Pa neka od ovih vozila su parkirana  na sredini ulice, neka na parkinzima radnji itd. verovatno deo taktike da se spreci  organizovano obijanje radnji i otimacina.
više da obezbede svoje dupe da ih ne pregaze

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