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Ovo neki seljaci protiv napretka, kao i kod nas protiv BnV. Hvala našoj vlasti što još nije slala muriju sa suzavcem protiv NDB.

Posted (edited)

bledoliki su velika govna. haranje po kolonijama (evropa), otimanje teritorija (amerika, australija) i robovlasnistvo. tako se razvio najnapredniji deo civilizacije danas.

ali vredelo je, umetnost i nauka su daleko otisli.


p.s. obama je u septembru stopirao naftovod, kao da se ispita dodatno. al da odluku sprovede neko drugi.

Edited by Takeshi

Ne moze se stajati na putu razvoju i ekonomskom napretku zbog tamo nekih ljudskih prava i ekologije. Zna se sta je prioritet.

Posted (edited)



ozbiljna policija, nema zajebancije.


baš me zanima da li će Trumpara uspeti da nadmaši ovoliku brigu za manjine i ljudska prava.

Edited by Lezilebovich

baš me zanima da li će Trumpara uspeti da nadmaši ovoliku brigu za manjine i ljudska prava.

Ne mora da nadmaši - dosta je da mećuje™. 


Odlazeceg zaboli piton.Sada ce da drzi govore za pola miliona,zena u politiku i ko bubreg u loju.Ova gore panduracija lici na neke blackwater likove,ili su zadrzali taj KKK/Juzna Afrika imidz?


Kakav Blackwater, to lokalni šerif jedva dočekao da se malo kaubojiše i provoza oklopna vozila iz vojnih restlova.


Citam o protestu i ne verujem dokle su spremni da idu protiv Indijanaca.

Posted (edited)

Dear President Putin, Now That the WaPo Has Blown My Cover…

By Paul Craig Roberts






В Кремле допустили выдачу паспорта РФ экс-помощнику главы Минфина США


Edited by apostata

Imamo policajca koji je ubio čoveka sa leđa, lagao i podmetnuo dokaze, sve se to vidi na snimku, ali ima jedan porotnik koji kaže da je to sve OK i policajac će možda da odšeta slobodan.





Jurors considering a murder charge against former police officer Michael Slager, who is white, for killing Walter Scott, an unarmed black motorist, were unable to reach a guilty verdict on Friday—thanks to one member of the jury.

In his defense, Mr Slager, 35, has argued that his mind felt like spaghetti when he shot Mr Scott, 50, who was at least 17-feet away from the officer, who was fired from his job following the release of cell phone video that captured the shooting. Prosecutors argued that the officer was not in danger since Mr Scott was clearly running in the opposite direction when he fired eight shots and struck the man with five bullets.

“It is clear that jurors will not be able to come to [a] consensus,” the panel told Judge Clifton Newman on Friday afternoon. Still, Judge Clifton urged jurors to make “every reasonable effort to reach a unanimous verdict” and to continue their deliberations on Monday.

At first, it seemed likely that the judge would declare a mistrial, but after one juror declined to convict the fired police officer for the April 2015 shooting, Judge Clinton said if he declares a mistrial, he would re-try the case with a new jury.

The shooting occurred after a traffic stop in April 2015 and the 12-member jury—made up of 11 white members and one black member—has heard five weeks of testimony from nearly 50 witnesses.




s druge strane, sudija će možda da organizuje novu porotu. pa kakvog to tek onda smisla ?


Citam o protestu i ne verujem dokle su spremni da idu protiv protestanata Indijanaca.


Posted (edited)

Jedna lepa vest


South Dakota Payday Lending Initiative, Initiated Measure 21 (2016)

The South Dakota Payday Lending Initiative, also known as Initiated Measure 21, was on the November 8, 2016, ballot in South Dakota as an initiated state statute. It was approved.[1][2]

  A "yes" vote was a vote in favor of placing an interest rate cap of 36 percent on short-term loans.   A "no" vote was a vote against placing an interest rate cap of 36 percent on short-term loans.


We are encouraging South Dakotans who believe we should cap interest rates on payday loans and car-title loans at 36% to vote YES on Initiated Measure 21. Currently, there is NO cap on interest rates. Lenders can and do charge whatever high rates they want to. Today, the average payday loan in South Dakota charges low-income people 574%.

We can do better. Predatory lenders should not be able to charge more than 36% interest – a rate set by the federal government for members of the military.

Capping interest rates at 36% on payday loans is supported by all major religious denominations, AARP and other organizations that work to protect low-income families and seniors in South Dakota



574%, beogradski zelenaši su beton liga za ovu mafiju. 

Edited by bigvlada
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