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Pa i jeste vise politika nego bilo sta drugo. A ne kazem ni da je svako ko zaradjuje vise od $250K godisnje bogatas. Ali siguran sam da se GOPeri nisu toliko uskopistili oko svega ovoga zbog onih sto zaradjuju $252387, nego zbog milionera i bilionera.

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It's hard to know how to classify this observation in the taxonomy of obscenity.Should it be counted as tactical Holocaust pre-denial? That would be too mild. It's actually a bit more like advance permission for another Holocaust. Which is why I wonder how long the official spokesmen of American Jewry are going to keep so quiet. Nothing remotely as revolting as this was ever uttered by Jesse Jackson or even Mel Gibson, to name only two famous targets of the wrath of the Anti-Defamation League. Where is the outrage? Is Kissinger--normally beseeched for comments on subjects about which he knows little or nothing--going to be able to sit out requests from the media that he clarify this statement? Does he get to keep his op-ed perch in reputable newspapers with nothing said? Will the publishers of his mendacious and purloined memoirs continue to give him expensive lunches as if nothing has happened?
ADL: KISSINGER REMARKS ON NIXON TAPES REVEAL "DISTURBING FLAWS,"BUT DO NOT CHANGE HIS LEGACY New York, NY, December 13, 2010 ... The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) said a 1973 discussion between President Richard M. Nixon and his top foreign policy advisor at the time, Henry Kissinger, released as part of the Nixon Tapes, "shows a disturbing and even callous insensitivity" toward Soviet Jews, "but should not change history's verdict on the important contributions and ultimate legacy" of Kissinger. "Dr. Kissinger's contributions to the safety and security of the U.S. and Israel have solidly established his legacy as a champion of democracy and as a committed advocate for preserving the well-being of the Jewish state of Israel. The Nixon Tapes should not change history's verdict on the important contributions and ultimate legacy of Henry Kissinger."
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Pa dobro, prilično je dojmljiv i ovaj novi executive decision, da se pritvor "potencijalnim teroristima" produžava po GWB sistemu, efektivno u beskraj, dok svi spoljni neprijatelji USA ne prestanu da postoje. Onda će ih pustiti u slobodarski miroljubivi svet, kad Sunce bude postalo beli patuljak...Mislim, znam da je zakasnio za ovu godinu, ali eto, jedna jaka rana kandidatura za 2011.

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Мислим да је ово право место за моју нову причу. А, пошто сам ја познати амерофоб, не зна је ли ово прави израз, таква ће бити и прича.

16 Shocking Facts About Student Debt And The Great College Education ScamAs you read this, there are over 18 million students enrolled at the nearly 5,000 colleges and universities currently in operation across the United States. Many of these institutions of higher learning are now charging $20,000, $30,000 or even $40,000 a year for tuition and fees. That does not even count living expenses. Today it is 400% more expensive to go to college in the United States than it was just 30 years ago.Most of these 18 million students have been told over and over that a "higher education" is the key to getting a good job and living the American Dream. They have been told not to worry about how much it costs and that there is plenty of financial aid (mostly made up of loans) available. Now our economy is facing the biggest student loan debt bubble in the history of the world, and when our new college graduates enter the "real world" they are finding out that the good jobs they were promised are very few and far between. As millions of Americans wake up and start realizing that the tens of thousands of dollars that they have poured into their college educations was mostly a waste, will the great college education scam finally be exposed?For now, the system continues to push the notion that a college education is the key to a good future and that there is plenty of "financial aid" out there for everyone that wants to go to college.Recently, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan visited students at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia and encouraged them to load up on college loans.... "Please apply for our financial aid. We want to give you money. There’s lots of money out there for you."So where will Arne Duncan be when those students find themselves locked into decades of absolutely suffocating student loan debt repayments?What young high school students are never told is that not even bankruptcy can get you out of student loan debt. It will stay with you forever until you finally pay it off.Today each new crop of optimistic college graduates quickly discovers that there are simply not nearly enough jobs for all of them. Thousands upon thousands of them end up waiting tables or stocking the shelves at retail stores. Many of them end up deeply bitter as they find themselves barely able to survive and yet saddled with tens of thousands of dollars in student loan debt that nobody ever warned them about.Sadly, the quality of the education that most of these college students is receiving is a complete and total joke.Take it from someone that has graduated from a couple of very highly respected institutions. I have an undergraduate degree, a law degree and another degree on top of that, so I know what I am talking about. Higher education in America has become so dumbed-down that the family dog could literally pass most college courses.It is an absolute joke. The vast majority of college students in America spend two to four hours a day in the classroom and maybe an hour or two outside the classroom studying. The remainder of the time these "students" are out drinking beer, partying, chasing after sex partners, going to sporting events, playing video games, hanging out with friends, chatting on Facebook or getting into trouble. When they say that college is the most fun that most people will ever have in their lives they mean it. It is basically one huge party.Of the little "education" that actually does go on, so much of it is so dedicated to pushing various social engineering agendas that it makes the whole process virtually worthless. Most parents would be absolutely shocked if they could actually see the kind of "indoctrination" that goes on inside U.S. college classrooms today.A college education can be worth it for those in very highly technical or very highly scientific fields, or for those wanting to enter one of the very few fields that is still very financially lucrative, but for nearly everyone else it is just one big money-making scam.Oh, but you parents please keep breaking your backs to put money into the college funds of your children so that they can be spoon-fed establishment propaganda all day and party like wild animals all night for four years.It really is a huge scam. I was there. I saw it with my own eyes.But if you will not believe me, perhaps you will believe some cold, hard statistics. The following are 16 shocking facts about the student loan debt bubble and the great college education scam....1.Americans now owe more than $875 billion on student loans, which is more than the total amount that Americans owe on their credit cards2.Since 1982, the cost of medical care in the United States has gone up over 200% but that is nothing compared to the cost of college tuition which has gone up by more than 400%3.The typical U.S. college student spends less than 30 hours a week on academics4.The unemployment rate for college graduates under the age of 25 is over 9%5.There are about two million recent college graduates that are currently unemployed6.Approximately two-thirds of all college students graduate with student loans7.In the United States today, 317,000 waiters and waitresses have college degrees8.The Project on Student Debt estimates that 206,000 Americans graduated from college with more than $40,000 in student loan debt during 20089.In the United States today, 24.5 percent of all retail sales persons have a college degree10.Total student loan debt in the United States is now increasing at a rate of approximately $2,853.88 per second11.There are 365,000 cashiers in the United States today that have college degrees12.Starting salaries for college graduates across the United States are down in 201013.In 1992, there were 5.1 million "underemployed" college graduates in the United States. In 2008, there were 17 million "underemployed" college graduates in the United States14.In the United States today, over 18,000 parking lot attendants have college degrees15.Federal statistics reveal that only 36 percent of the full-time students who began college in 2001 received a bachelor's degree within four years16.According to a recent survey by Twentysomething Inc., a staggering 85 percent of college seniors planned to move back home after graduation last May
Овај текст потписује некакав Мајкл Снајдер, американац, воли да лупета као и ја. Иначе, велики злотвор.
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Не, нисам одатле преузео. Преузето је са једног бизнис блога где се људи потписују испод свога дела.Па, прича коју постављам је нова. У чему је проблем друже стари?Да додам, од човека који се образује у позним годинама из Мардоковог смећа The Australian се не може очекивати да нађе брзо извор текста. Е, сада имаш могућност да одеш код модерације и да се жалиш како те интелектуално злостављам и да ниси способан да се сам носиш са мојом маленкошћу. Можда услише, поново, твоју молбу, кукање шта ли већ.

Edited by No7
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Sta je tacno tvoje u ovoj prici? :) Inace, sajt sa koga si preuzeo ovo, a sto nam slucajno nisi prijavio je: http://endoftheamericandream.com. Zvuci kao 1 sasvim nepristrasno glasilo.
moral crisis je najjaci deopazi sad ovo:http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/why-are-so-many-horrible-things-happening-to-america-all-of-a-suddenodgovor nam pitanje iz naslova clanka je:So why is this happening?Well, certainly there are a lot of reasons, but it certainly does not help that we have allowed the government to push God totally out of public life.This is how bizarre it has gotten - seniors have actually been ordered to stop praying before meals at Port Wentworth's Ed Young Senior Citizens Center near Savannah, Georgia because officials say it would violate the separation between church and state.As a society we have told God that we want nothing to do with Him. We have pushed and pushed and pushed Him into the shadows, and yet we are so surprised to learn that record numbers of our young people are rejecting the Christian faith.When are we going to learn?When are we going to start turning back to the principles that once made America great?We have tried to make the government the "all-powerful" one that takes care of us and provides everything that we need. Sadly, America is beginning to see the results of such foolishness.:Hail:
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Уосталом, ја сам познати амерофоб. Којот је то одавно провалио, познат је као промоћуран момак. У чему је проблем?Коментаришите текст, погледајте рефернце и тако то. А не ко текст преузима, попут нспм.

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de si drzue, sa ima? ponovo na zadatku? ako, ako... :)ne zanima me taj tekst ni najmanje, nisam ga ni procitao, komentarisem sajt koji koji je linkovao indy.

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Преузето је са једног бизнис блога где се људи потписују испод свога дела.
Pa jel' moze link
... од човека који се образује у позним годинама из Мардоковог смећа The Australian се не може очекивати да нађе брзо извор текста.
Kakvim poznim godinama? Ko se obrazuje iz The Australian-a, nesto si pomesao?
Е, сада имаш могућност да одеш код модерације и да се жалиш како те интелектуално злостављам и да ниси способан да се сам носиш са мојом маленкошћу. Можда услише, поново, твоју молбу, кукање шта ли већ.
Necu sad odmah, malo posle.
Коментаришите текст, погледајте рефернце и тако то. А не ко текст преузима, попут нспм.
Ja i jesam komentarisao tvoj tekst (ne carsav koji si prekopirao sa nepoznatog izvora).
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А, видиш требало би да те занима јер се такав текст може написати за многе земље, а такође се може тицати твог запошљавања.Али, као што напоменух, ти си промоћуран момак.Да ти одговорим на први стих, стихом: "Нема борбе, нема рата без Јасера Арафата".

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