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Tim je odlučio da ti se iBono i njegovi iKrpelji svidžaju i da ih moraš imat. Što se kurobecaš? Jony Ive approves!

Uručbirano s Lumije Jeftinhare

Edited by Roger Sanchez
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bez punjača i sluški

dozvolite™ da se ispravim odavno nisam bio apdejtovan za cene, telefon bez punjača i sluški je 470€. neispravni aparati se diljem apple storova menjaju za ispravne koji se potom valjaju. a odakle ti neispravni, to ne znam.


ja nijedan nisam kupio odatle, ali znam da hoće i da zamene ukoliko bude neki software bug.

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Uvijek spremni pomoć korisnicima!



Remove iTunes gift album "Songs of Innocence" from your iTunes music library and purchases


Follow these instructions to remove U2’s "Songs of Innocence” from your iTunes music library and iTunes purchases. Once the album has been removed from your account, it will no longer be available for you to redownload as a previous purchase. If you later decide you want the album, you will need to get it again. The album is free to everyone until October 13, 2014, and will be available for purchase after that date.

To remove this album:

    Go to https://itunes.com/soi-remove.
    Click Remove Album to confirm you'd like to remove the album from your account.
    Sign in with the Apple ID and password you use to buy from the iTunes Store.
    You'll see a confirmation message that the album has been removed from your account.

If you downloaded the songs to iTunes on your Mac or PC or to the Music app on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, you'll need to delete them manually.
Additional Information

If you downloaded the album for free by clicking or tapping Free in the iTunes Store, and you confirm you want to remove it, the album will be hidden from your Purchased list. You can unhide it from your Account Settings at any time.

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who cares, jer:

a) svi ultratanki telefoni koriste isti trik

b) (skoro) svi korisnici ionako nabudze ultratanki superdizajnirani telefon (od apla ili koga vec) u neko gadno debelo zastitno kuciste da se ne bi dragoceni uredjaj izgrebao

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Hvala. Pokrenuo update, deluje da će trajati satima download... Ajfon mi još i daje očekivani vreme od 1h, ipad vrti u prazno. Verovatno ceo kosmos vuče update danas.

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