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Ja sam stekao drugaciji utisak gledajuci njegove tekme. Na terenu nikada se nije vracao da ponizi protivnika i da istog igraca predribla 2 puta, on je gazio ka golu.

Ne secam se da su ga pratile afere ni kad je postao trener.

Osnovao je Krojf fondaciju koja je (izmejdu ostalog) pomagala i decu sa hendikepom, pa se na snimcima vidi kako je i on seo u kolica i prihvatio se basketa. Sta ce to coveku u njegovim godinama? Ne verujem da je jurio pare ili publicitet.

Он је ( са разлогом вероватно) мислио да разуме фудбал најбоље на свету и ту није никад ишао на компромис. Стало се свађао по Ајаксу, Барселони, Холандији...долазило је скоро до туча. У том смислу ије био скроман.


To na sta ti mislis se moze podvesti pod sujetu, jbg, rezultati su uvek stajali na njegovoj strani.




negde na forumu bila i fotka kako pusi u svlacionici posle tekme.




Koliki retard treba da budes da uleces ljudima ovako u kolena, postavio bih mu krampone da ostane bez pola face.


To na sta ti mislis se moze podvesti pod sujetu, jbg, rezultati su uvek stajali na njegovoj strani.



Ма где није био сујетан и арогантан.  :lolol:  Има о томе колико хоћеш написано. 


Kako su losi ovi Holandjani. Trenutno 2-0. Svaki napad francuza je gol sansa.


Ма где није био сујетан и арогантан.  :lolol:  Има о томе колико хоћеш написано. 


Baci neki link.




Usput Francuska sa Marsialom umesto Nosonje u spicuj, moze bit veoma sexy ovog leta.


Baci neki link.




Usput Francuska sa Marsialom umesto Nosonje u spicuj, moze bit veoma sexy ovog leta.

Убаци Cruyff arrogance на Гуглу и кашће ти се само. Сваки текст који су му новинари посветили од јуче говори онњеговој ароганцији.

Igrom slucaja pre dve nedelje sam odgledao ovaj odlicno odradjeni dokumentarac o Krojfu. Navijaci se vracaju kroz vreme i svako od njih bira svoj omiljeni Krojf trenutak i prica sta je Krojf predstavljao i predstavlja u njihovom zivotu. En un momento dado je naslov filma, fraza na nepravilnom spanskom koju je Krojf cesto upotrebljavao, verovatno prevodeci bukvalno sa holandskog i koja je postala popularna kod navijaca. Na kraju govori sam Johan Krojf. Najveca preporuka.




Johan Krojf, "Pitagora u kopačkama", je osim sto je bio genije na terenu, bio i covek koji je verovatno najbolje razumeo fudbal u istoriji ovog sporta, kao i najartikulisaniji mislilac kog je ova igra dala.


Samo par citata:


Technique is not being able to juggle a ball 1000 times. Anyone can do that by practicing. Then you can work in the circus. Technique is passing the ball with one touch, with the right speed, at the right foot of your team mate.


What is speed? The sports press often confuses speed with insight. See, if I start running slightly earlier than someone else, I seem faster...


When you play a match, the players actually have the ball 3 minutes on average … So, the most important thing is: what do you do during those 87 minutes when you do not have the ball. That is what determines whether you’re a good player or not.


If you have the ball you must make the field as big as possible, and if you don’t have the ball you must make it as small as possible.


Playing football is very simple, but playing simple football is the hardest thing there is.


I find it terrible when talents are rejected based on computer stats. Based on the criteria at Ajax now I would have been rejected. When I was 15, I couldn’t kick a ball 15 meters with my left and maybe 20 with my right. My qualities, technique and vision, are not detectable by a computer.


Players that aren’t true leaders but try to be, always bash other players after a mistake. True leaders on the pitch already assume others will make mistakes.


I’m ex-player, ex-technical director, ex-coach, ex-manager, ex-honorary president. A nice list that once again shows that everything comes to an end.

Posted (edited)

Sto se tice arogancije, da, bio je arogantan i mislio je da sve najbolje zna. Nije znao sta je to skromnost. Posvadjao se sa mnogim igracima i saigracima (Rajkard nije hteo da igra za njega recimo), i (kao i svi treneri) umeo je da donese pogresne odluke: u finalu 1994, utakmici koja je oznacila kraj njegove trenerske karijere, nije izveo svog najvaznijeg igraca Laudrupa zbog "nezalaganja", sto je Kapelo prokomentarisao kao "neocekivani poklon sa Krojfove strane". Svi znamo kako se to zavrsilo...


Postoji jedna anegdota iz njegovih trenerskih dana, ko zna da li je tacna:



When playing at Barcelona Romario was arguing with Stoichkov who was the best and thus the boss of the team to which Cruyff replied he was in charge and he was the boss. Romario and Stoichkov mocked him for being an old man who had nothing to say. Cruyff set up a test to see who was the better player, shoot ten balls from the edge of the box at the crossbar and the one with the most hits won. There was one small detail, Cruyff would be competing as well, Romario and Stoichkov laughed at him and were certain he was going to lose.

At the end of that training session the whole team gathered around and Stoichkov began, he hit the bar two times, next was Romario, he hit the bar three times and declared himself the best. Cruyff was next and hit the bar no less than six times, so he said to the two to shut up and take orders. They were saying it was just luck and they had a bad day to which Cruyff turned around, hit another ball with his LEFT foot and struck the bar jet again leaving the complete team in awe. Cruyff years later said the last shot was the only lucky shot he took. But sometimes the great need luck too ;)

Edited by IndridCold

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