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Greece would face an unsustainable level of debt by 2030 even if it signs up to the full package of tax and spending reforms demanded of it, according to unpublished documents compiled by its three main creditors.

The documents, drawn up by the so-called troika of lenders, support Greece’s argument that it needs substantial debt relief for a lasting economic recovery. They show that, even after 15 years of sustained strong growth, the country would face a level of debt that the International Monetary Fund deems unsustainable.

The documents show that the IMF’s baseline estimate – the most likely outcome – is that Greece’s debt would still be 118% of GDP in 2030, even if it signs up to the package of tax and spending reforms demanded. That is well above the 110% the IMF regards as sustainable given Greece’s debt profile, a level set in 2012. The country’s debt level is currently 175% and likely to go higher because of its recent slide back into recession.

The documents admit that under the baseline scenario “significant concessions” are necessary to improve Greece’s chances of ridding itself permanently of its debt financing woes.

Even under the best case scenario, which includes growth of 4% a year for the next five years, Greece’s debt levels will drop to only 124%, by 2022. The best case also anticipates €15bn (£10bn) in proceeds from privatisations, five times the estimate in the most likely scenario.

But under all the scenarios, which all assume a third bailout programme, looked at by the troika – the European commission, the European Central Bank and the IMF – Greece has no chance of meeting the target of reducing its debt to “well below 110% of GDP by 2022” set by the Eurogroup of finance ministers in November 2012.

In the creditors own words: “It is clear that the policy slippages and uncertainties of the last months have made the achievement of the 2012 targets impossible under any scenario”.

These projections are from the report Preliminary Debt Sustainability Analysis for Greece, one of six documents that are part of the full set of materials that comprise the “final” proposal sent to Greece by its creditors last Friday.

These, which the Guardian has seen, were obtained by Süddeutsche Zeitung after they were sent to all German MPs with the expectation that the deal would need to be approved by the country’s parliament.


ima još



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Of course, every story has two sides. European officials claim that the negotiations were actually going pretty well last week, with the gap between the two sides narrowing in a number of different areas, including the budget targets that Greece would adopt and how changes would be made to various programs, such as when the country’s retirement age would be raised. According to this version of events, there was a realistic chance of an agreement before Tuesday, when the bailout was due to expire. But Tsipras, either because he couldn’t sell such a deal domestically, or because he thought that, by raising the prospect of a Grexit, he could frighten the other European countries into making him a better offer, decided to upend the talks and announce a referendum.



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Pa dobro onda. To realno znači da ako se uopšte bude postizao kompromis da će se postizati na terenu duga, a ne na nivou smanjenih cuts i penzionera. 

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srusio im majstor sajt :lolol:


inace, jutros je imao oko 10 hiljada evra, pre desetak minuta, iako sajt puca vec par sati, 250 hiljada

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Jel dao Štiglic nešto?


Dao tri miligrama mastila da potpiše pismo.


Kad smo kod pisama, Žižek et al: glasajte "ne":



Grčki intelektualci: glasajte "da":


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Mogli bi naši da im daju da puštaju Boj na Kosovu veče pred referendum.


Послато са SM-G900F уз помоћ Тапатока

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Mogli bi naši da im daju da puštaju Boj na Kosovu veče pred referendum.


Послато са SM-G900F уз помоћ Тапатока


meni se nesto cini da ne bih ni izasao na taj referendum. obe ponude su sumnjive. sto lepo ne ostati kod kuce i ne pospremiti stan.

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Balti nisu baš oduševljeni ovim late night show cimanjem


Pa smučili su se svima:


Greece dominates at least 87 meetings of European ministers since 2010


Extensive Guardian analysis of eurozone meetings shows ministers spent a lot of the last five years talking about cash-strapped country





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