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Jolly Roger

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1 hour ago, Time Crisis said:


Plastova sena ima isto kao i igala, na milijarde

kreacionisti ne misle tako :happy:

- po njima je šansa da je život na zemlji nastao spontano, jednaka kao kada bi tornado protutnjao kroz deponiju i sklopio boing 747 :laugh:

- bilo bi lepo kada bi uskoro dobili odgovor na pitanje ko je u pravu :D

On 13.7.2022. at 12:09, gone fishing said:

ja sam mislio da će osnovna svrha jw biti analiza sastava atmosfere planeta oko nama obližnjih zvezda, kako bi se potvrdilo postojanje života u drugim sunčevim sistemima, ali avaj glupi astronomi žele samo malo oštriju sliku galaksija udaljenih 13 milijardi svetlosnih godina u odnosu na već postojeće fotografije habla...

- one im neće pomoći da saznaju bilo šta novo o nastanku univerzuma niti će im obezbediti novi ciklus finansiranja za sledeće generacije naprednijih teleskopa, sa druge strane potvrda života na 5 ili 10 svetlosnih godina od nas bi nedeljama punila stupce novina, podigla interesovanje javnosti, te posledično dovela do povećanja budžeta za nasu i ubrzanijeg razvoja drugih misija, čovek na marsu i robotske sonde na evropi....

Jedan od ciljeva jeste analiza exoplaneta: https://phys.org/news/2022-07-webb-stars-habitable-worlds.html

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jel on beše osmislio Drejkovu jednačinu? 


Ne samo sto je osmislio tu jednacinu, vec je sa Sejganom radio na cuvenoj Pionirovoj plocici, a poslao je i onu prvu poruku vanzemaljcima sa sad vec pokojnog Aresiba. 1959. godine je pokrenuo Projekat Ozma, prvi projekat potrage za vanzemaljskim civilizacijama (ukljucivao je posmatranja zvezda Tau Ceti i Epsion Eridani, zvezda slicne starosti kao nase Sunce). Time je i zaceo SETI. Takodje, bio je tehnički direktor komiteta, kojim je presedavao Sejgan, za Vojadžerovu Zlatnu ploču.

Bio je pionir u svakom pogledu.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The solar system's most massive planet, Jupiter, will make its closest approach to Earth for 59 years on Sept. 26 even as the gas giant will be directly opposite the sun as viewed from Earth, an astronomical arrangement known as opposition.


Opposition is common for Jupiter, happening every 13 months, and the planet and Earth make close approaches roughly once a year. The arrangement that sees Earth in between the sun and Jupiter rarely coincides with the massive planet's closest approach to our planet, known as perigee. But on this occasion, opposition occurs on Sept. 26 and closest approach on Sept. 25.



  • 4 weeks later...
The Pillars of Creation (Webb NIRCam Image)




Journey with us through Webb’s breathtaking view of the Pillars of Creation, where scores of newly formed stars glisten like dewdrops among floating, translucent columns of gas and dust.


If this majestic landscape looks familiar, you may recognize the original. Hubble first captured the Pillars of Creation in 1995 and revisited it in 2014. Webb’s latest view was taken in near-infrared light, which is invisible to our eyes. Seeing in infrared allows Webb to pierce through the dust and reveal stars galore. (Find a side-by-side comparison of the Pillars of Creation as seen by Hubble and Webb also on our Flickr!)


Why go back to where we’ve been before? Webb helps us identify far more precise counts of newborn stars, along with the quantities of gas and dust. This will deepen our understanding of how stars form and burst out of these dusty clouds over millions of years. Read more: www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/2022/nasa-s-webb-takes-star-...


Image Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, STScI


[Image description: This Webb image of the “Pillars of Creation” has layers of semi-opaque, rusty red gas and dust that start at the bottom left and go toward the top right. There are three prominent pillars rising toward the top right. The left pillar is the largest and widest. The peaks of the second and third pillars are set off in darker shades of brown and have red outlines. Peeking through the layers of gas and dust is the background, set in shades of blue and littered with tiny yellow and blue stars. Many of the tips of the pillars appear tinged with what looks like lava. There are also tiny red dots at the edges of the pillars, which are newly born stars.]


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Из Србије и већег дела Европе у уторак 25. октобра 2022. године моћи ће да се посматра делимично помрачење Сунца, саопштено је данас из Астрономског друштва „Руђер Бошковић''.

У Београду ће Месец додирнути Сунце у 11.22, а напустиће Сунчев диск у 13.38.



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ovde bilo oblacno :( 

pre podne jos i mestimicno i bas se pre 12h podebljalo :mad:


Meni je odgovaralo to što se naoblačilo. Taman se moglo na momente videti i golim okom bez neke zaštite.


Kad je redak oblak prejako sija, opet gusti oblaci skroz sakriju, ali neki između daju baš lep filter :D

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