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S kim će Ciudadanosi pre, sa PSOE ili PP?

Posted (edited)



bravo za RCH zdravstvene radnike



Svaka čast za ovo. Inače, Guardian Australia često izbacuje vesti o Detention Center u Nauruu. 



Hospital doctors protest to demand release of children from detention




Nauru police close case of alleged rape of Somali refugee citing lack of evidence  

 2004. je objavljen zanimljiv izveštaj - 

A last resort? National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention



Edited by pacey defender
Posted (edited)

S kim će Ciudadanosi pre, sa PSOE ili PP?


Pitanje da li će moći da biraju ili će po rezultatima postojati samo jedan partner s kojim mogu da naprave većinu (verovatno PP). Naime, po ogromnoj većini istraživanja tri vodeće stranke nisu međusobno previše blizu, već su dosta razmaknute i u jasnom poretku PP-PSOE-C's. Zapravo su istraživanja agencije Metroscopia, čije sam najsvežije izdanje prethodno objavio, već izvesno vreme jedina koja daju minimalnu prednost PSOE u odnosu na vladajući PP.


Evo najsvežijeg TNS-ovog istraživanja:



(klik za veću sliku)


Kao što se i ovde vidi, jedino lider Sijudadanosa ima više pozitivnih nego negativnih ocena, ostali (redom lideri Socijalista, Ujedinjene levice, Podemosa i Narodne stranke) su svi u minusu.

Edited by vememah
Posted (edited)

Da, po ovome, najrealnije je PP-Ciudadanos, gde Rajoy ide u istoriju a neko drugi iz PPa iskace kao premijer.


U svakom slucaju, Ciudadanos, cak i da padnu u odnosu na sadasnja merenja, su sigurno u Vladi. Cuveni koalicioni potencijal.

Edited by Budja


pacey, jel kod tebe i dalje radi link s izvestajem? meni izbacuje 'page not found'.



i jos:


A Nauru detention centre guard has been fired after a Fairfax Media investigation revealed he allegedly framed an asylum seeker for assault, perjured himself in court then confessed in a secret recording made by a colleague.


The Wilson Security guard, who is believed to be Australian, boasted about the incident and joked about taking a "dive" – the sporting term for falling to the ground and faking an injury. The guard said he wanted the asylum seeker convicted so he would never be settled in Australia.


As Fairfax Media reported in August, the asylum seeker was charged with assault. The guard later repeated the allegedly false claims in a Nauru court.


It is believed the asylum seeker spent one month in jail for the alleged assault and tried to kill himself at least three times after being falsely accused.(...) (odavde)                                                                                                              


nauru i uopste komplet ideja i sprovodjenje tih koncentracionih logora, su jos jedna mrlja u istoriji belacke australije. 


novitet je da ce navodno da rese oko 400 aplikacija za azil (od ukupnih 600 / nauru) u roku od nedelju dana(!). it begs the question: a sta su do sada radili?(!) malo vise o tome ovde.


plus, o kojim se tu ciframa radi  :isuse: .  al' poenta je, neminovno, u tome da odvrate druge od pomisli da traze azil u aus.


Posted (edited)

U Kelnu izbodena favoritkinja na izborima za gradonačelnicu (nezavisna kandidatkinja koju podržavaju CDU, FDP i Zeleni) zato što je angažovana na integraciji imigranata. Izbori su u nedelju.

German mayoral candidate Henriette Reker stabbed in neck by man 'shouting about refugees' in Cologne

The 58-year-old was attacked as she campaigned at a market in Cologne ahead of Sunday's planned elections

Used bandages material at the crime scene following a knife attack on mayoral candidate Henriette Reker in Cologne, Germany, 17 October 2015. EPA

A leading mayoral candidate in Germany has been stabbed in the attack by a man allegedly motivated by his hatred of refugees.

Henriette Reker, Cologne’s head of social affairs, integration and environment, was campaigning in a market when her attacker approached on Saturday morning.

As her supporters handed out flowers to potential voters, the man asked for a rose before stabbing her with two knives in the neck and stomach, witnesses told the Kölnische Rundschau newspaper.

He reportedly shouted about an “influx of refugees” immediately before the attack and called out: “I am the Messiah. I’m doing it for you all.”

Anette von Waldow, a liberal politician, was also seriously injured and three other politicians and aides were hurt during the man’s rampage.

It stopped when market traders and campaign workers wrestled two knives from his hands, at which point he reportedly sat down and was arrested with no resistance.

Ms Reker, 58, underwent emergency surgery and police described her condition as “stable” on Saturday afternoon.

Wolfgang Albers, the head of Cologne Police, said a 44-year-old suspect had been arrested and was in custody.

The man, who lives in Cologne has been unemployed for several years, “confessed to having xenophobic motives”, he added. 

Photos taken by police showed the man’s weapons – a small flick knife and a large hunting knife.

Prosecutor Ulf Willuhn said officials will now carry out a psychiatric examination to investigate whether that was the man's primary motive or whether his health played a role. There was no evidence of accomplices.

Ms Reker is responsible for refugee housing and integration in Cologne, which has seen thousands of people march in months of demonstrations both in support of and against welcoming more asylum seekers to Germany.

She had been campaigning ahead of tomorrow’s mayoral elections, which officials say will go ahead as planned, and was considered a leading contender.

Ms Reker is running as an independent candidate but is being supported by Angela Merkel's conservatives (CDU) and two other parties.

The Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger reported that the German Chancellor  phoned the deputy leader of Cologne’s CDU party, Gisela Manderla, to offer her condolences.

Ms Manderla said the Chancellor was “deeply saddened by this vile attack” and urged people to vote and show that “extremists and lunatics don’t stand a chance in Cologne”.
Germany was reeling with news of the attack on Saturday, with hundreds of thousands of people taking to Twitter to offer their best wishes to Ms Reker and condemn the assailant and his motives.
Hannelore Kraft, the minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, called it an “attack on all (of Germany)”.
Attacks on politicians are rare in Germany, but there have been prominent cases.
Wolfgang Schaeuble, was shot while campaigning as Interior Minister in October 1990, leaving him using a wheelchair, and months earlier a mentally disturbed woman had stabbed Oskar Lafontaine, then a prominent member of Germany's main opposition party, also in Cologne.
Additional reporting by AP


Edited by vememah

A sada malo vedrije teme. BRENŠONE NARODNI TAJKUNE




UN to call on governments around the world to decriminalise all drugs, says Richard Branson
The British entrepreneur appears to have released details of an embargoed UN report - in case they change their minds

The UN may be about to call on the governments of all countries to end the "war on drugs" and decriminalise the use and possession of all illegal substances.

In an extraordinary post on his Virgin website, Richard Branson said he had been showed a report by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) which dramatically changed the organisation's stance on drug control.

He said the "as-yet unreleased statement" had been sent to some of the world's media under embargo - but that he has gone public with it early for fear the UN will "bow to pressure by not going ahead with this important move".

The UN was preparing to declare "unequivocally that criminalisation is harmful unnecessary and disproportionate", Branson wrote. A document changing the UN stance on drug control was supposed to be released at a conference in Malaysia on Sunday, he said, but that has now been delayed.

"As I'm writing this I am hearing that at least one government is putting an inordinate amount of pressure on the UNODC," he said. "Let us hope the UNODC, a global organisation that is part of the UN and supposed to do what is right for the people of the world, does not do a remarkable volte-face at the last possible moment and bow to pressure by not going ahead with this important move. The war on drugs has done too much damage to too many people already

ju ju koja li je to vlada, pitam se...



Drought causes 450-year-old Mexican church to emerge from reservoir

The ruins of a 16th century church have emerged from the waters of a reservoir in Mexico.


The water level in the Nezahualcóyotl reservoir in Chiapas state has dropped by 25m (82ft) because of a drought in the area. The church, known as the Temple of Santiago or the Temple of Quechula, has been under nearly 100ft of water since 1966.


The church, which is believed to have been built by Spanish colonists, is 183ft long and 42ft wide, with a bell tower that rises 48ft above the ground.

Posted (edited)




With preliminary election results looking grim for his Conservative party, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper conceded defeat late Monday night.


"We put everything on the table, we gave everything we had to give and we have no regrets," he said just before 10 p.m. in Calgary (midnight ET).

Edited by Gandalf

Potpuno neočekivan rezultat - ne smaknuće Harpera i konzervativaca, to nije iznenađenje, već 2 stvari:


1) većinska vlada - to baš niko nije očekivao, ankete su tokom kampanje davale manjinsku vladu svakoj od tri glavne stranke u jednom trenutku, većina je baš iznenađenje.


2) pobeda Liberala - na početku kampanje bili su na dalekom 3. mestu, smatralo se da Trudo mlađi (sin čuvenog Trudoa starijeg) nije dovoljno iskusan, nije spreman, itd. I manjinska vlada liberala bi bila prilično iznenađenje gledajući na početku kampanje, ovo sa većinskom je veliko iznenađenje.


Harper je na vlasti od 2006. (doduše tek od 2011. sa većinskom vladom), birači su hteli promenu i to je bilo jasno od početka, samo je bilo pitanje ko će ga zameniti, tj. da li će neko uspeti da ga zameni imajući u vidu raspolućenje glasova na liberale i nove demokrate.


Prošli izbori (2011.) - pisao sam tada o tome ovde - doneli su tektonski poremećaj u kanadskoj politici, birači su otišli levo (NDP) i desno (konzervativci) a tradicionalni najjači centar (liberali) je skroz pojeden. Postavljalo se pitanje da li će liberali uopšte preživeti kao stranka, da li im je najbolje da se spoje sa NDPijem, itd. NDP je međutim brzo nakon izbora preživeo težak udarac zbog smrti lidera Džeka Lejtona (koga iz nekog razloga svi smatraju za harizmatičnog, dok je meni uvek imao harizmatičnost mokre krpe i u najboljem slučaju odavao utisak smešnog dedice, al dobro, Kanada je to) koji im je doneo istorijski rezultat i očigledno da naslednik Malker nije imao isti uticaj na birače (mada opet, da mene neko pita, ne vidim neku preteranu razliku između njih dvojice).


Svejedno, na početku kampanje NDP je bio blagi favorit. Bili su zvanična opozicija 4 godine, po prvi put su imali uporište u Kvebeku (tj. tamo su bili najjači), pozicionirali su sebe kao očiglednu i jedinu alternativu. Harper, znajući da je u čabru, ,,izmislio" je kampanju od 78 dana (nečuveno dugačko za kanadske pojmove - najdužu u istoriji), računajući da će vremenom sa svojim većim partijskim resursima samleti protivnike. Međutim, upravo ta razvučenost kampanje je dovela do neočekivanih rezultata. Trudo je dobro odradio prvu debatu, i Liberali su krenuli da se penju u anketama i došli do 2. mesta, a Konzervativce bacili na 3., mada je tada u suštini razlika između tri stranke bila minimalna (po 1%).


NDP je onda krenula da sahranjuje debata o nikabu - da li konzervativne muslimanke treba da skinu nikab kada polažu zakletvu za državljanstvo - konzervativci su doneli uredbu ranije da se nikab mora skinuti, sud je to skoro proglasio protivzakonitim, Harper je obećao da će odmah posle izbora promeniti zakon da se to ozakoni - NDP se protivio, držeći se stava da je dovoljno da se žena identifikuje (skine nikab) u odvojenoj prostoriji, sama pred službenikom, pre polaganja zakletve. Ovaj stav je bio jako nepopularan u Kvebeku, gde je ranije bila i neka provincijska debata o sličnim stvarima, i NDP je zbog toga počeo da gubi podršku tamo gde je bio najjači. Pre jedno 2-3 nedelje je onda izgledalo kao da Harperov taktika pali - po prvi put, Konzervativci su bili prvi u anketama i predviđala se konzervativna manjinska vlada.


Međutim, Kvebečani su većinski anti-konzervativno nastrojeni, tako da taj pad NDPija nije na dugi rok pomogao konzervativcima nego liberalima (i donekle separatistima). Trudo je preuzeo primat od Malkera kao glavni opozicioni lider, NDP je potonuo na 3. mesto i pred sam kraj kampanje prvi put su vodili Liberali i predviđala se liberalna manjinska vlada.


Na kraju mislim da je to poguralo glasače - htela se promena, nije se htela nejasna situacija, glasači u Kvebeku su videli da NDP van Kvebeka gubi podršku više nego unutar Kvebeka i da neće pobediti Harpera i okrenuli su se Liberalima. I tako dobismo Liberale sa 184 (+148), Konzervativce sa 99 (-60), NDP sa 44 (-51), separatistički kvebečki Blok sa 10 (+8) mandata, i Zelene kao prošli put sa jednim mandatom.


Ovo jeste iznenađenje u kontekstu ovih izbora, ali sa druge strane ovo je povratak kanadske političke scene u ,,normalu": Liberali zamenili Konzervativce (ništa neuobičajeno istorijski gledano), NDP na dalekom 3. mestu bez izgleda da prismrdi vlasti (opet ništa neuobičajeno). Harperova dugačka kampanja je samo pomogla na kraju Trudou da se dokaže i da da ubedi birače da je spreman, da je sve trajalo mesec dana kao i obično danas bi već gledali NDPijevu manjinsku vladu.


Harper, koji je uništio Liberale 2011.,  Liberale koje mrzi iz dna duše, je sada indirektno pomagao da se vrate iz pepela, i to kako. Podneo je ostavku, što je i rekao da će učiniti ako ne dobije izbore.


Malker je usro motku - NDP nikada nije u svojoj istoriji bio bliži vlasti a pitanje da li će u sledećih par ciklusa, sa vaskrslim liberalima i harizmatičnim mladim Trudoom uopšte i biti opet u bliskoj budućnosti. Mislim da je njegova karijera lidera stranka takođe gotova. Najveći gubitnik ovih izbora ubedljivo.


Sisi uopšte nije popularan u Egiptu.


The first round of Egyptian parliamentary elections, held over the weekend in half the country's provinces, saw turnout of only 26.6 percent, an electoral commission official said Wednesday.

That was a sharp drop from 62 percent registered in the first stage of the last parliamentary poll, held in 2011 months after the ouster of longtime president Hosni Mubarak.



Posted (edited)

Portugal has entered dangerous political waters. For the first time since the creation of Europe’s monetary union, a member state has taken the explicit step of forbidding eurosceptic parties from taking office on the grounds of national interest.
Anibal Cavaco Silva, Portugal’s constitutional president, has refused to appoint a Left-wing coalition government even though it secured an absolute majority in the Portuguese parliament and won a mandate to smash the austerity regime bequeathed by the EU-IMF Troika.
Edited by Gandalf
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