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Racionalna odluka, iz perspektive nekoga ko je zainterovan da Spanija ostane iz jednog dela i pritom da bude monarhija.


Ali, sada kada Leticija zasedne, ima sve da prsti.


Jedan skandal majstor manje, drugi vise.


kao zakleti karlista, pozdravljam ovu odluku!


Spanci se po drustvenim mrezama raspisali o referendumu za republiku. Voleo bih, ali tesko, gotovo nemoguce. Sve i da se odrzi misim da monarhija i dalje opusteno ide preko pola, svim skandalima uprkos.


Sanjaju da budu slobodni poput nas. Ako ništa drugo, barem će Katalonija i Baskija uživati u slobodi.




Education dept rejects WEF report2014-06-02 22:38

Angie Motshekga



Johannesburg - The department of basic education on Monday rejected a World Economic Forum report about the state of the country's maths and science education.

"The report is not a credible or accurate reflection of the state of education in South Africa," the department said in a statement.

According to the WEF report, the quality of South Africa's maths and science education placed it last out of 148 countries. :ziga: 

"[We] reject this finding as it is based purely on the opinions or perceptions of selected executives," the department said.

According to the report under the "skills" sub-category, the quality of South Africa's maths and science education comes in last place, behind the likes of Haiti, Lesotho, Chad, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and Kenya.

The quality of South Africa's education puts it in 146th place.

This is according to the "Global Information Technology Report 2014". It uses a networked readiness index (NRI) to rank the state of countries' information and communication technology.

South Africa is placed 70th on the NRI, which is made up of 10 different sub-categories from which the overall NRI ranking is drawn.

The department on Monday said the WEF report did not base its research on any actual tests or assessments done by pupils and the forum did not interact with pupils.

"This perception index is based on interviews conducted with business sector executives and reflects nothing more than their personal perceptions."




They began showing up at dusk last week, wandering the streets, slumped in wheelchairs and sitting on sidewalks, paper plates perched on their knees. By 6:30 p.m., more than 100 homeless people had lined up at a barren corner in Hollywood, drawn by free meals handed out from the back of a truck every night by volunteers.


But these days, 27 years after the Greater West Hollywood Food Coalition began feeding people in a county that has one of the worst homeless problems in the nation, the charity is under fire, a flashpoint in the national debate over the homeless and the programs that serve them.


Facing an uproar from homeowners, two members of the Los Angeles City Council have called for the city to follow the lead of dozens of other communities and ban the feeding of homeless people in public spaces.


“If you give out free food on the street with no other services to deal with the collateral damage, you get hundreds of people beginning to squat,” said Alexander Polinsky, an actor who lives two blocks from the bread line. “They are living in my bushes and they are living in my next door neighbor’s crawl spaces. We have a neighborhood which now seems like a mental ward.”


Potpuno sam siguran da ce vecina (desno orijentisanih) medija u UK ovo uzeti na volej i napraviti (tj doliti ulje na vatru) skandal: Michel Rocard, bivsi francuski premijer i danas veoma uticajan igrac u EU masineriji, zestoko opleo i opljunuo prema englezima i zatrazio da izadju iz EU, u sred op Ed u Le Monde-u!


Ne mogu mobilnim, pa jos tapatalkom + le monde appom da kopiram link, ali je koristio grandiozan jezik, kakvim se ne bi postideli francuski filozofi (znaci pompezan), optuzio ih za sve probleme paralize u poslednjih 40 godina, stigao da citira Cercila, pa pozvao "prijatelje da izadju, a da ne ubijaju 'nasu Evropu'"! Neverovatno skandalozno i diplomatski rat u najavi.



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Potpuno sam siguran da ce vecina (desno orijentisanih) medija u UK ovo uzeti na volej i napraviti (tj doliti ulje na vatru) skandal: Michel Rocard, bivsi francuski premijer i danas veoma uticajan igrac u EU masineriji, zestoko opleo i opljunuo prema englezima i zatrazio da izadju iz EU, u sred op Ed u Le Monde-u!


Ne mogu mobilnim, pa jos tapatalkom + le monde appom da kopiram link, ali je koristio grandiozan jezik, kakvim se ne bi postideli francuski filozofi (znaci pompezan), optuzio ih za sve probleme paralize u poslednjih 40 godina, stigao da citira Cercila, pa pozvao "prijatelje da izadju, a da ne ubijaju 'nasu Evropu'"! Neverovatno skandalozno i diplomatski rat u najavi.



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Hvala limeni covece!



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Hvala limeni covece!


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Odgovor stiže iz Reichstaga od šefike!



Do NOT touch my Tommies!


zar nije cameron zaprijetio da bi uk mogla napustit klub ako se izabere juncker


..cekaj, bundesmutti podrzava junckera, koliko se sjecam


opet mi nista nije jasno   :cry:


Elephant in the room. Bavi se Britanijom pored zivog i zdravog FN.

Ili nam Rokar hoce reci da su Englezi su krivi sto je pobedio FN?

Je li to ta nova socijalisticka strategija. Bashing British da bismo bili patriote.


Elephant in the room. Bavi se Britanijom pored zivog i zdravog FN.

Ili nam Rokar hoce reci da su Englezi su krivi sto je pobedio FN?

Je li to ta nova socijalisticka strategija. Bashing British da bismo bili patriote.


kakve veze ima Kameronov pokusaj ucene sa pobedom FN?




Kameronova ucena je deo postizborne taktike da se pokaze kao patriJota.


Rokar se pokazuje patriJota naspram  FN tako sto udara po Britancima. Ili mislis da bi napisao ovako provokativan clanak da FN nije pobedio?

Posted (edited)

Pa moraju i francuzi malo po britancima. To je nasim zapadnim susjedima omiljen sport.

Edited by borris_
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