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Seca li se neko Marikane? U rudnicima platinuma strajk traje jos od januara. Po zadnjim procenama Lonmina to je rudnike kostalo 18 milijardi randi (1.2 milijarde evra). Strajkaci traze trostruko vecu platu (sa 4000 na 12500 randi), Lonmin nudi povisicu od 9.5% godisnje, sto je sustinski dovoljno samo da plata prati inflaciju. Jedan od razloga nepopustljivosti i rasta napetosti je verovatno i to sto strajkuje samo jedan sindikat (AMCU) dok NUM, blizak vladajucem ANCu odavno poziva ljude na posao. Naravno Djulius nije propustio priliku da podrzi AMCU. Posto rudnici nisu potpuno obustavili rad vec ga samo smanjili, AMCU je presao na radikalnije nacine da ubedi radnike da ne idu na posao (kvot dole) te pokretanje parola poput "ko ne strajkuje taj je dezerter" (a zna se sta se radi sa dezerterima). Policija je rekla da je pojacala svoje prisustvo ali se incidenti i dalje desavaju, posebno tamo gde nema stalne zastite, poput spaljivanja kuca radnika koji i dalje idu na posao. Sa druge strane krecu i licni napadi sa opisima luksuznog zivota vodje AMCUa



Lonmin hopes strike will end

May 15 2014 at 12:25pm 

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Rustenburg - Lonmin is hopeful there will be a resolution to the almost four-month-old wage strike in the platinum sector, spokeswoman Lerato Molebatsi said on Thursday.

“We want to assure our employees that there will be resolution to the strike.”

She said the only way to end the strike was by negotiating with the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu).

“The strike can be resolved by negotiating with Amcu. Government's involvement through the CCMA (Commission for Conciliation, Mediation, and Arbitration) is helping us to find each other. There will be a resolution to the strike.”

She said the company had temporarily stopped sending text messages to employees to review the risks associated with the sms system.

Lonmin sent text messages to employees asking them to indicate whether they would accept the 9.5 percent the company had tabled as the final offer.

Lonmin set May 14 as the day for workers who would accept the 9.5 percent to return to work.

“We will continue to communicate with our employees, they are our employees before they are Amcu members.”

Molebatsi said the company was worried about the level of violence associated with the strike.

“Our employees have a right to go on strike and they must respect the rights of those who are not on strike and want to work.”

She said the company had provided buses to transport people to work and the buses were escorted by security guards to and from work.

She could not indicate how many people reported for duty on Wednesday.

Members of Amcu at Lonmin, Impala Platinum, and Anglo American Platinum went on strike on strike on January 23 demanding a basic salary of R12,500 per month.

On Wednesday Amcu leader Joseph Mathunjwa appealed for calm and peace.

This was after three mineworkers and a female security guard were killed in Bapong over the weekend.

A mineworker, who identified himself only as Alfenso from Mozambique, said he went home in January and only returned on Sunday ready to go to work but was scared after he saw the body of a woman killed in Bapong.

In a cellphone picture the woman's head was smashed with a rock and her stomach ripped open.

“I do not want to die like that. For my safety I did not report to work.”

Maria Ntuli of Nkaneng settlement in Wonderkop at Marikana in the North West, said people were worried they would starve to death because of the strike.

“My husband does not earn a living anymore. We depends on grants,” she said.

She received child support grants for her three children which was not enough to support her family.

Mineworker Alfred Ncula from the Eastern Cape said he had sold some of his goats to have money to survive through the strike.

“I'm not going to work without R12,500. We have been on strike for a long time to give up now.”

He said he would continue to sell his goats until he returned to work. - Sapa


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400 dolara mesečno za rad u rudniku... Tu su negde, u rangu sa onim nesrećnicima iz Some. Kapiram da bi bez problema prihvatili 7-8k randi ali zašto bi im neko to ponudio kad uvek ima sirotinje koju možeš za kikiriki da angažuješ preko posrednika, a kao krajnje sredstvo tu su specijalci koji će po naredjenju rado upriličiti Marikanu.

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Ne znam kakva je situacija u Turskoj ali u SA low-level poslovi su stravicno slabo placeni a milioni nezaposlenih cekaju u redu. Ako on izgubi posao u rudniku i nekim cudom se zaposli kao security ili na pumpi nema sanse da se nada necemu visem od 1000-2000 randi. Takodje onda gubi i besplatan smestaj, placenu skolu za decu i ostale benefite koji rudnik obezbedjuje svojim radnicima. Realno ti radnici su u prilicno losoj poziciji - vlast podrzava rudnike, jedan sindikat se slizao sa menadzmentom rudnika i ne radi nista dok drugi samo ispaljuje parole i nece da pregovara o bilo cemu ispod svojih zahteva. 

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Napisao sam na turskom topiku, dnevnica rudara u Somi je oko 20 evra. Ajde to, nego što koncesionari zapošljavaju dodatnu radnu snagu preko posrednika posle čije ugradnje ovima ostane možda nekih 15 evra. Benefit za koncesionare je taj što ovi kontraktori nisu učlanjeni ni u jedan sindikat ali su zato potpuno neobučeni za rad u rudnicima uglja gde svaka greška može da bude poslednja. Na to dodaš sistematsko ignorisanje bezbednosti i nečiju genijalnu ideju da ne plaća po iskopanoj količini uglja već po broju pređenih metara i dobiješ recept za katastrofu. Mislim da benefiti koje dobijaju od rudnika ili sindikata ne prilaze ni blizu ovome što si naveo za JAR.

Edited by beowl
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