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... ti tu dolaziš svaki dan i imaš radno vreme u toj firmi od 9-17, da imaš svoj radni sto, svoj PC, svoje stvari u fijokama, ...
pitanjce: ako tako nesto radis u nemackoj duze od 6 meseci, tuzis firmu i moraju da te zaposle za stalno. nema trika da izgubis parnicu, i nikad im nece pasti na pamet da te kasnije otpuste. kako je to u italiji?
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pitanjce: ako tako nesto radis u nemackoj duze od 6 meseci, tuzis firmu i moraju da te zaposle za stalno. nema trika da izgubis parnicu, i nikad im nece pasti na pamet da te kasnije otpuste. kako je to u italiji?
Isto, i treba samo 3 meseca, pa ih prijaviš Guardiii di Finanza. Bilo je slučajeva da ih uhvate nakon par godina, pa je pucalo par godina unazad doprinosa, poreza, kaznenih kamata i kazni.Sad su dodatno zaoštrili sa novim Zakonima, i hoće da suzbiju ono što su masovno radili, a to je da se otvori partita iva, ali se u suštini radi samo za tog jednog klijenta. Ako imaš takvu partitu iva(da radiš praktično samo za jednog "klijenta"), sad se smatraš kao zaposlen i na sve što ti isplate plaćaju se doprinosi i porezi.
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Deste, gejevi...Šta mislite o ovome?http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/georgeosborne/9593955/George-Osborne-workers-of-the-world-unite...and-give-up-your-employment-rights.html

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Nama firma podelila akcije za dž u vrednosti par stotina evra uz uslov da budemo tu do negde 2015...blajvamo ga šefovima isto kao i pre ali sad sa okusom lješnjaka.

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  • 3 months later...

(prosleđujem pitanje)Koja je mogućnost naplate menice izdate 2007. godine (a koja nije zamenjena novom i nije registrovana kod Narodne banke)?

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  • 1 month later...

danas sam na TV video/slušao čoveka koji je pričao o beneficijama koje je država pružila FIATu i završio sa: da od očekivane 2 mlrd $ izvoza, na uvoz komponenti otpada 1.6 mlrd $. koliko će od preostalih 400 mil $ država da zaista dobije? ima li išta sem PDV, poreza na plate i doprinosa PIO?ono iz prethodne priče o olakšicama, podsticajima i oslobađanjima od..... , nisam uspeo da zapamtim i skontam.

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Pitanje za ove nase u rasejanju.Posto sam poceo da staziram i ukapirao da u Srbiji ne postoje nikakve posledice za vlasnika firme koji istu otera u stecaj(ili mozda ja ne znam) a i vidite na sta je licila privatizacija kod nas. Mene interesuje da li je i u svetu tako? Ili postoje odredjene zabrane administrativne prirode za vlasnika tipa da ne moze da obavlja tu delatnost narednih X godina ili nesto slicno?

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A new study claims the beloved nun might not have been as helpful to the poor as she could have been.It's highly likely that one day, the Catholic Church will officially recognize Mother Teresa as a saint, a position she's held in the popular imagination for years. A new study in the religious studies journal Religieuses, however, says that the late Mother Teresa's reputation is mostly hype — a result of a church declining in popularity trying to boost its image.Mother Teresa's biggest supposed sin? According to the Times of India, it was "her dubious way of caring for the sick by glorifying their suffering instead of relieving it."How did researchers reach this controversial conclusion? The team of Canadian researchers studied nearly 300 documents, and discovered reports of poor hygiene standards and a shortage of medicine, supplies, and care in Mother Teresa's 517 "homes for the dying" — although not for lack of cash. According to the report, her organization, the Order of the Missionaries of Charity, received hundreds of millions of dollars in donations. Of course, this isn't news to fans of Christopher Hitchens, the erudite atheist who made it his mission to battle religious dogma before he died in 2011. He even wrote a book on the topic called, crudely enough, The Missionary Position: "Bear in mind that Mother Teresa’s global income is more than enough to outfit several first-class clinics in Bengal. The decision not to do so, and indeed to run instead a haphazard and cranky institution which would expose itself to litigation and protest were it run by any branch of the medical profession, is a deliberate one. The point is not the honest relief of suffering but the promulgation of a cult based on death and suffering and subjugation." [Salon]The contentious report also says the Vatican rushed Teresa's sainthood push for publicity's sake, noting that Catholic officials fast-tracked her beatification and ignored evidence that refuted her "miracles."Despite the study's inflammatory findings, researchers claim they aren't out to smear Mother Teresa, writing that it is "likely that she has inspired many humanitarian workers whose actions have truly relieved the suffering of the destitute and addressed the causes of poverty and isolation." They did say, however, that "the media coverage of Mother Teresa could have been a little more rigorous."In the end, this study will probably do very little to hurt Mother Teresa's legacy. She was so popular that nearly 250,000 people flocked to Rome in 2003 to attend her beatification. For her biographer Navin Chawla and countless others, her belief that "each individual was a divine manifestation, each to be comforted, held, rescued, fed and not allowed to die alone" was enough to make up for any other faults.

Edited by fonTelefon
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danas sam na TV video/slušao čoveka koji je pričao o beneficijama koje je država pružila FIATu i završio sa: da od očekivane 2 mlrd $ izvoza, na uvoz komponenti otpada 1.6 mlrd $. koliko će od preostalih 400 mil $ država da zaista dobije? ima li išta sem PDV, poreza na plate i doprinosa PIO?ono iz prethodne priče o olakšicama, podsticajima i oslobađanjima od..... , nisam uspeo da zapamtim i skontam.
taj se razume ko marica u kriv. drzava dobija svoj deo od svake fabrike u lancu proizvodnje, od zeleznice koja pravi manje gubitke.drzava je vlasnik trecine FAS. i pominjane 2 melearde su za sad vlazni snovi. direktor FAS je lepo reko pravice kolika bude potraznja.
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kada sam završio posao oko legalizacije kuće na selu, u opštini ljig (valjda je to bio odsek za građevinske/komunalne delatnosti, šta li?) rekli su mi da treba da prenamenujem 5 ari iz poljoprivrednog u građevinsko zemljište. pošto nisam, to mi stoji kao hipoteka u vlasničkom listu u katastru.

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