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11 hours ago, adam said:

koliko pratim temu, ne znam da iko osim kauboja tvrdi drugacije. meni nekako nedovoljno za dve skole misljenja.

Znači svi mi ovde (i ti i ja) tvrdimo da sama namera umetnika nije dovoljna za umetničku vrednost, a samo Kauboj tvrdi da jeste?


Kako beše ono, jedan stavlja švarglu u Ibomira zato što tvrdi da se švargla najbolje jede 'ladna, a drugi stavlja švarglu u Ibomira zato što tvrdi da se švargla najbolje jede podgrejana, pa se pobiju i stvar ode dalje ka gore.


15 hours ago, Caligula said:

Dakle ozbiljno artikulisano :D


Pogledacu linkove, hvala

Sad moram još jedan isečak, sa strane 49 iz kataloga/transkripta (12. ekran na instalaciji, konceptualna umetnost/minimalizam, gde Kata voditelj vesti govori sa Katom izveštačem sa terena) :


(reporter continues) Cate, once it is out of his hand the artist has no control over the way a viewer will perceive the work. Different people will understand the same thing in a different way. For instance, art critics use a secret language when communicating with each other through the medium of art magazines: ‘primary structures’, ‘reductive’, ‘ejective’, ‘cool’, or ‘mini-art’.

(newsreader interrupts her, trying to be funny; a small man walks by in the background of the reporter) ‘Mini-art’ sounds interesting. It must refer to very small works of art. Or maybe the mini-artist is a very small person… Thanks very much, Cate.

(reporter) You’re welcome. Thank you.

(newsreader, concluding, speaking directly into the camera) So conceptual art is one way of making art; other ways suit other artists. Conceptual art is good only when the idea is good.

(while the newsreader announces the next feature, technicians dismount a wind and a rain machine which created the ‘stormy weather’) Idea, form, context.
Idea: The existence of an idea is necessary and sufficient for the existence of art. Form: The existence of form is necessary but not sufficient for realizing
an idea. Context: The existence of context is necessary but not sufficient for form through which an idea has been realized.



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Many compare the current economic scene to the 19th century’s Gilded Age, and it is therefore hardly surprising that the art world is being overwhelmed by the superrich. To the extent that it was essentially a middle-class phenomenon, one may question whether there still is an art world. The ascetic highbrows have been replaced by “thought leaders,” who kowtow to wealth and equate the “marketplace of ideas” with the financial markets. Any pretense of a firewall between art and money has been abandoned. The roles of dealer, curator, and artist have blurred, compelling artists to promote themselves. High on the food chain we see Damien Hirst collaborating with Sotheby’s and luxury mogul François Pinault; lower down, artists milk sketchy celebrity contacts on Instagram. Meanwhile, with the end of the “American Century,” nations in the Middle East and Asia are exerting more influence on the global conversation. Just as America’s Gilded Age magnates collected Italian Renaissance paintings and portraits of British aristocrats, newly minted billionaires in other parts of the world are scooping up Western masterpieces. The recently opened Louvre Abu Dhabi suggests a long-range agenda, repositioning these works in a broader context to legitimize the full panoply of world cultures. It is a safe bet that art history’s next grand narrative will not be written in the West. Things change.


the end of middle class art

ukrstaju se brojne teme odavde



btw zbog



Regardless of political orientation, partisans of the avant-garde agreed that capitalism was inimical to art. As Gay points out, the modern era was the first time in history that artists rejected their own economic support base.

moj lament ide avangardama 20.veka, ako se vec izjasnjavamo

mada piter gej kaze da je to protivljenje vise trik i 'tvrdenje pazara'

Edited by InvisibleLight
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Jedan mali off:

Jel se i danas na prijemni za buduce umetnike donosi mapa sa radovima (radovi u rolni se nece primati) i da li se polaze prvo crtanje po modelu pa nakon toga i slikanje? Da li je to isto i obavezno na svim umetnickim faxovima? Nisam u toku i zaista ne znam kako izgledaju danasnji prijemni ispiti. Primetio sam ponekad negde u prolazu radove sa nekih nizih godina studija i primetio da se vec tada stvaraju dela sa "konceptom" sto smatram da je rano.

Uopste, kako danas izgleda skolovanje za umetnika? Lici li na ono sa kraja veka ili je to druga prica danas? Svratim ja ponekad do skole kod drugara koji predaju strucni predmet (to je slicno kao i nekada uz pracenje novih tehnologija) ali zanima me kakav je odnos prema tim opstim predmetima gde si nekada morao da znas da nacrtas makar vrabca, bez obzira koji si odsek bio i kakve koncepte gajio u sebi. 


Ima li neko nekog studenta u porodici ili blizini?

Edited by foto
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5.9.2018. at 18:13, foto said:

Jedan mali off:

Jel se i danas na prijemni za buduce umetnike donosi mapa sa radovima (radovi u rolni se nece primati) i da li se polaze prvo crtanje po modelu pa nakon toga i slikanje? Da li je to isto i obavezno na svim umetnickim faxovima? Nisam u toku i zaista ne znam kako izgledaju danasnji prijemni ispiti.


U Srbiji je tako, ne znam u drugim zemljama kako je - sto se koncepta tice mislim da se na prijemnom u npr. Italiji na nekim fakultetima trazi i razmislljanje u konceptu (u formi zadatka verovatno, koleginica mi je studirala u Italiji i cini mi se da je tako nesto ispricala)


Sto se tehnologija tice, to je vise osetno na primenjenoj akademiji - industrijski dizajn se sada radi i u 3D programima (ranije su se pravili modeli/mokapi od gipsa, poliestera i slicno), graficari vise ne pesace toliko sa npr. plakatom koji se ranije radio rucno etc. Sto se primenjasa tice, stvar se dosta digitalizovala.




Edited by Caligula
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Bumerang efekat.


Tako ce i njega kada se proslavi jednog dana neki egzibicionista da savata negde i da mu razbije njusku.


edit: komentar na vest: performans se performanskom izbija :hail:

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