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Iron Maiden + Ghost (17.06) loženje


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Јесте, извукао сам оно о чему да полемишем само сам хтео и неки трик да ми да предност у старту јер бих да заступам мање заводљиву страну ;)


У праву си, небитно је да ли су позери или не.

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Recite vi meni sledece: da li to vredi slusati bez gledanja spotova? 


Ja ne volim muziku na televiziji, ako ne radi u ajpodu, onda me ne zanima.

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Apsolutno vredi. Ključne reči: Blue Oyster Cult, Merciful Fate, Black Widow.


DObar pasus koji odlično poentira je ovaj sa Metal Injection:


It seems the trend is to carry occult rock further and further back into the annals of time, probing deeper into rock's infancy in search of a new Year Zero (the title of track 6, natch). Eventually we'll arrive at a Satanic form of the blues, at which point we'll be forced to acknowledge that Nick Cave was ahead of us all along.


Edit: Inače, ja sam se navukao pre nego što su imali ijedan spot.

Edited by Turnbull
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Apsolutno vredi. Ključne reči: Blue Oyster Cult, Merciful Fate, Black Widow.



Sve sam bliži odluci da ih pustim.

Ali pazi. Ako mi bude neprijatno, ako je to nešto nalik na nu metal, ako je to neki bućkuriš i derivat, ako ne bude imalo visceralnu gitarsku snagu, iskrenost i naivnost pravih metal majstora, ja ću, tebe, građanine, onda lupiti.

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Pa jebote pusti već jednom i kašće ti se samo, šta više obigravaš ko mladi kultista oko razastrte djeve :P

Polako, ne mogu ja tako naglo.

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Ako ti je do gitara, onda bolje kreni od prvog albuma.




Mada je ovo isto super:



Sa nu-metalom nema ama baš nikakve veze (to si pomislio zbog Slipknot-a i sličnih bućkuriša). Ovo je occult rock sa primesama metala. Derivat nije, ali jeste oživlajvanje nekih starijih formi, na ja mislim ipak originalan način.

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ni ja nikad nisam čuo taj ghost, al sam čuo mejden jedno 74586521548 puta.

preporucujem ti da se taj odnos promeni... recimo do 75000000000:0 za mejden.
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Despite what naysayers may spew out, Ghost is not a gimmick band, although they obviously take their concept beyond audio confines. Adorned with black robes and masks, the nameless ghouls seek to eliminate individual personality traits within the act’s instrumental section. This falls in line with well-documented ideals adopted by the majority of bizarre cults.


we asked a nameless ghoul how Ghost was connected to biblical verse Revelation 12:9, which reads, “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” The ghoul responded, “The whole idea of a rebellious angel taking shape as the Devil as we know him, traditionally; it’s pretty much based on what is written in the Bible. Since we are all about devil worship, in line with what is biblical; had that not been written, we would probably not be here.”


For centuries, religious groups have used the power of uplifting music to entice converts and recruit potential followers. Does one truly feel more in touch with God than when they’re singing his praises? Ghost understand this power and inject it into every note they play, beginning to dabble with this theme in ‘Opus Eponymous.’ After calling for the sermon’s commencement with the beautiful organ-driven ‘Deus Culpa,’ Ghost deliver hymns like ‘Stand By Him’ and ‘Satan Prayer,’ extending praise towards Satan throughout the group’s debut offering.



Немој, Симе, да се љутиш и да покушаваш да оспориш оно што сам рекао тиме што ћеш покушати да ме изједначиш са омиљеним негативцем дела форумаша: цитати су и нема ту шта да се интерпретира. Гоуст су сатанисти, сами кажу да су сатанисти, други за њих кажу да су сатанисти, сви срећни и задовољни осим тебе који покушаваш да их представиш као позоришну представу, занемарујући чињеницу да би и таква позоришна представа била - сатанизам. Ариел је то већ објаснио.


Мени је драго што не идеш тамо како би клицао ђаволу већ се претвараш да је то бенигна забава, али дозволићеш да има основа да се мисли и другачије. 


Још једна ствар: рекао си да би ђаво највише постигао (не интерпретирам и не цитирам већ парафразирам ;) ) када би деловао кроз бојс бендове. Грешиш. Највише је постигао, да употребим речи познатог философа Кајзер Сосеа, тиме што је убедио људе да не постоји. 

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Daj, Prsline, pratim neki pbp pa nemam vremena sad za raspravu. Rekao sam ti da ti je fora puxovska ne zato što je on kako kažeš najomrznutiji forumaš, nego zato što se on služio takvim "provokacijama". Napisao si par redova na osnovu teksta koji sam postavio, a onda si rekao - pa to je samo prevod, haha, kako niste shvatili! Nije samo prevod, nego interpretiraš sa već sebi svojstvenom duhovitošću, što nije problem, samo ne znam čemu ovakve  fore. A što se mene tiče, slobodno veruj da su Ghost ozbiljni satanisti ili već šta, ko sam pa ja da te razuveravam. Ja samo rekoh Grešnom Vasi da se mnogo ne oduševljava unapred tim okultnim momentima. Nema tu ... fundamenta...


A evo ti jedan dobar FB page.


Christians Against Ghost B.C.


Hello dear and faithful readers. I had a catastrophe in my life. Last Wednesday, March 26, I awoke from a disturbing dream. I dreamt that Pepe Emertious had snuck into my home, murdered all of my cats, and then....and this is the hardest to admit....in my dream he crawled into bed and licked my ears.

I woke up and heaved, regurgitating what was left of the Hot Pockets (my favorite nighttime meal) in my stomach. One of my cats, Timberlake, unfortunately caught the brunt of my vomit. He mewed with a shrill mew and ran off, bits of half-digested sausage stuck in his thick, gray fur.

I scrambled up and tumbled into the bathroom, splashing my face with cool water from the brass sink. Slowly I came to, realizing of course it was only a dream. I checked on my cats just to make sure. I found Baby Jesus sleeping on the easy chair, purring softly. Michael and Angelo (two brothers) were playing with their toy mice in the lounge. Mother Teresa was using her pink litter tray, Emily and Dick VanDyke were splashing gleefully in one of their water fountains made especially for cats. I sighed with relief, until I remembered the waterfall of throw-up which unfortunately descended atop of Timberlake.

I stalked through the house, searching and crying out for Timberlake. "Timberlake!" I cried out, becoming worried as I once learned that you had acid in your stomach. I feared my stomach acid had began eroding his little feline body. I started crying, thinking that the worst had happened, when I found him in the empty, marble bathtub, attempting to lick my vomit from his fur. I gasped in disgust as his tongue slowly worked up his fur, finally catching that piece of half-digested sausage mentioned earlier. I saw his eyes fall on the piece of meat, and he chomped it up and swallowed it whole. I fainted.

I took him to the vet, worried that ingesting my puke would not be good for him. Luckily, the vet said he would be okay after administering some kitty medicine.

What an ordeal. I missed my midmorning tea with my friend, Jessica LaCollina, and ALL because of Ghost. Ghost haunted my dreams, and ruined my day! Pray that we all have the strength to avoid their satanic influence.

Bless His Holy Name,


Edited by Turnbull
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