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Anticionizam pojedinih ultra ortodoksnih jevrejskih grupaThe relationship between Haredim and Zionism has always been a difficult one. Before the establishment of the State of Israel, the majority of Haredi Jewry was opposed to Zionism. However, after the creation of the state, each individual movement within Orthodox Judaism charted its own path in their approach to the State of Israel. A study in late 2006 claimed that just over a third of Israelis considered Haredim the most hated group in Israel. Powerful condemnations of political Zionism continued into the twentieth century. In 1903, Rabbi Sholom Dovber Schneersohn of Lubavitch published Kuntres Uma'ayan, which contained a strong polemic against Zionism. He opposed the Religious Zionist movement and was deeply concerned that secular nationalism would replace Judaism as the foundation of Jewish identity.Rabbi Baruch Halberstam (d. 1906) took a leading role in opposing Zionism, in line with the position held by his father, Chaim Halberstam of Sanz.Neturei Karta opposes Zionism and calls for a peaceful dismantling of the State of Israel, in the belief that Jews are forbidden to have their own state until the coming of the Jewish Messiah.Neturei Kartahttp://en.wikipedia....i/Neturei_Karta320px-Members_of_Neturei_Karta_Orthodox_Jewish_group_protest_against_Israel.jpgedit: upravo su pripadnici sekte Neturei Karta ona grupa koja je dala podršku Iranu

Relations with Iran and President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad In October 2005, Neturei Karta leader Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss issued a statement criticising Jewish attacks on Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Weiss wrote that Ahmadinejad's statements were not "indicative of anti-Jewish sentiments", but rather, "a yearning for a better, more peaceful world", and "re-stating the beliefs and statements of Ayatollah Khomeini, who always emphasized and practiced the respect and protection of Jews and Judaism."In March 2006, several members of a Neturei Karta's faction visited Iran where they met with Iranian leaders, including the Vice-President, and praised Ahmadinejad for calling for the Zionist regime occupying Jerusalem to vanish from the pages of time. The spokesmen commented that they shared Ahmadinejad's aspiration for "a disintegration of the Israeli government". In an interview with Iranian television reporters, Rabbi Weiss remarked, "The Zionists use the Holocaust issue to their benefit. We, Jews who perished in the Holocaust, do not use it to advance our interests. We stress that there are hundreds of thousands Jews around the world who identify with our opposition to the Zionist ideology and who feel that Zionism is not Jewish, but a political agenda... What we want is not a withdrawal to the ‘67 borders, but to everything included in it, so the country can go back to the Palestinians and we could live with them...

sukob sekularnog i religioznog u savremenom Izraelu:

Haredi žele nametnuti svoja pravila svim IzraelcimaUltra ortodoksni Jevreji žele drugačiji Izrael, u kojem će se živjeti po strogim religijskim pravilima. Sekularna većina u izraelskom društvu pri tome strahuje od ovakvih nastojanja.Žive strogim religijskim životomMože li osmogodišnja djevojčica biti nedolično obučena? Moraju li žene u autobusima sjediti na zadnjim sjedištima? Ultraortodoksni Jevreji, koji se nazivaju Haredi, imaju svoju predstavu Izraela. Oni primjerice žele ukloniti žene iz javnog života. Kako bi postigli svoje ciljeve ne susprežu se ni od upitnih postupaka u tom smislu. Izrael je ostao u šoku kada su nedavno religiozno motivirani demonstranti uporedili svoju zemlju sa nacističkom Njemačkom jer se država prema njihovom mišljenju previše miješa u njihove živote. Oko deset procenata od skoro osam miliona Izraelaca žive strogim religioznim životom i odbijaju prihvatiti moderne i svjetovne ideje. Pri tome se sve žešće zalažu za svoj životni stil. Pri tome se ne zadržavaju samo na djeci kao što je to bio slučaj početkom januara kada su ultraortodoksni Jevreji pljuvali jednu djevojčicu koja je bila na putu u školu jer, prema njihovom nahođenju, nije bila prikladno obučena.Demonstracije ultra ortodoksnih JevrejaNesposobni za kompromisTzvia Greenfield je 2010. godine ušla kao prva žena predstavnica ultra ortodoksnih Jevreja u Kneset. Ona je istodobno i voditeljica Organizacije Mifneh koja se zalaže za poštivanje ljudskih prava i vladavinu demokratije. Greenfield je veoma kritična prema zajednici kojoj pripada prije svega kada je riječ o odnosu prema ženama. Ona smatra da su ultra ortodoksni Jevreji nesposobni za kompromis i gleda na njihov utjecaj sa velikom zabrinutošću. "Ako jednog dana od ove manjinske zajednice postane većinska onda nećemo imati dobar razvoj događaja," kaže ona. Haredi imaju najveću stopu nataliteta u Izraelu. Prema posljednjim prognozama do 2020. godine oni će predstavljati petinu izraelskog stanovništva. A onda će rasti i njihov politički utjecaj iako su mnogi od njih nepolitični. Haredi često žive strogo odvojeni u vlastitim naseljima ili gradskim četvrtima gdje su njihova konfesionalna pravila dio svakodnevnice. Djeca idu u religiozne škole koje imaju drugačiji plan i program rada nego državne.Sekularni Izraelci su zabrinutiLiberalni Izraelci strahuju u međuvremenu za svoja prava i reagiraju na sve demonstracijama protiv ultra ortodoksnih Jevreja pod sloganom "Ne želimo postati Teheran". Da će stvari otići tako daleko Roby Nathanson, voditelj Instituta MARCO u Tel Avivu, ne vjeruje. "Sukob između sekularista i ortodoksnih je dio razvoja zemlje još od njenog nastanka i još prije nastanka Izraela kao države. Uvijek je iznova riječ o statusu quo koji su definirali sekularisti koji sprečavaju da religiozne mjere ili propisi dovedu u pitanje taj status. Riječ je o tome da je Izrael multikulturalno društvo. Postoje ultra ortodoksni, postoje Arapi, sekularisti, Kršćani, postoje Čerkezi, Rusi. I da bi se cijeli taj sistem održao skupa moraju se poštivati granice svake od tih zajednica. I o tome je riječ u prvoj liniji kada govorimo o ultraortodoksnim Jevrejima."Protesti protiv zahtjeva ultra ortodoksnih JevrejaIpak to je ples po žici. Oko 70 posto sekularnih Izraelaca sa rastućom ozlojeđenošću gleda na religiozne jer smatraju da oni dobijaju previše pomoći od države. Naime, brojni Haredi svoj život u potpunosti posvećuju proučavanju Tore i drugih religizonih spisa i pri tome nemaju drugo zanimanje. Država ih pomaže financijski, a oni ne moraju služiti vojni rok.Tzivia Greenfield je ubijeđena da će djeca i mladi, ali i žene imati odlučujuću ulogu u provođenju promjena. Ako oni budu željeli imati pristup svjetovnom obrazovanju oni će promijeniti svoje ponašanje. Ona vjeruje u demokratiju u Izraelu, u multikulturalno i multinacionalno društvo. Smatra da je sekularna većina obavezna integrirati manjine u društvo.Autori: Sabine Hartet - Mojdehi / Zorica Ilić DW

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''Suprotan'' primer hrišćanskih cionista, koji iz religioznih razloga (drugi dolazak Gospoda Isusa Hrista) podržavaju bez rezervi državu Izrael:

Christian Zionism is a belief among some Christians that the return of the Jews to the Holy Land, and the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, is in accordance with Biblical prophecy. It overlaps with, but is distinct from, the nineteenth century movement for the Restoration of the Jews to the Holy Land, which had both religiously and politically motivated supporters. The term Christian Zionism was popularized in the mid-twentieth century. Prior to that time the common term was Restorationism.Some Christian Zionists believe that the "ingathering" of Jews in Israel is a prerequisite for the Second Coming of Jesus. This belief is primarily, though not exclusively, associated with Christian Dispensationalism. The idea that Christians should actively support a Jewish return to the Land of Israel, along with the parallel idea that the Jews ought to be encouraged to become Christian, as a means fulfilling a Biblical prophecy has been common in Protestant circles since the Reformation.Many Christian Zionists believe that the people of Israel remain part of the chosen people of God, along with the "ingrafted" Gentile Christians[Romans 11:17-24] (dual-covenant theology). This has the added effect of turning Christian Zionists into supporters of Jewish Zionism.
http://en.wikipedia....ristian_Zionismchristian-zionism.jpgSkoro svi oni su evangelisti, predstavljaju najveću i najbrže rastuću grupu među američkim protestantima.Među njima ima i pastora koji su iznosili otvoreno antisemitske izjave, kao što je Pat Robertson:
Marion Gordon "Pat" Robertson (born March 22, 1930) is an American media mogul, executive chairman, and a former Southern Baptist minister, who generally supports conservative Christian ideals. He presently serves as Chancellor of Regent University and Chairman of the Christian Broadcasting Network.Robertson has a distinguished career as the founder of several major organizations and corporations as well as a university: The Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), the International Family Entertainment Inc. (ABC Family Channel), Regent University, the American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ), the Founders Inn and Conference Center, the Christian Coalition, a Boeing 757 Flying Hospital, Operation Blessing International Relief and Development Corporation, and CBN Asia. He is a best selling author and the host of The 700 Club, a Christian News and TV program broadcast live weekdays on the ABC Family Channel via satellite from CBN studios, as well as on channels throughout the United States, and on CBN network affiliates worldwide.
The New World Order is a New York Times best-selling book authored by Pat Robertson, published in 1991.In a critical review of this book, Ephraim Radner wrote, "Lind and Heilbrun show how Robertson took over—in some cases word for word—well-worn theories of a Jewish conspiracy. In particular, Robertson relied on the work of Nesta Webster and Eustace Mullins."Robertson's tome was described as a 'catch all for conspiracy theories' by Christian academic Don Wilkey: A summary of Robertson’s book is found on page 177 in which Pat says a conspiracy has existed in the world working through Freemasonry and a secret Order of the Illuminati, a group combining Masons and Jewish Bankers.
Ni sami Jevreji nisu načisto kako da se postave prema njima, Israel's Most Hated Friend

Israel's Most Hated FriendBy Alana GoodmanAccording to Abraham Foxman, director of the Anti-Defamation League, the American Jewish community is currently facing a “dire threat”-- and no it’s not Mel Gibson after a few cocktails. It’s Christian Zionism, a group of Christians who support the Jewish state.The Christian Zionists are truly Israel’s most hated friends-- and the movement has recently begun growing in size. Last year, Christian Zionists raised millions of dollars for Jewish causes, and used their considerable political power to lobby politicians on behalf of Israel. As if that wasn’t enough, they also gave tons of support to the Israeli tourism industry.Jews aren’t just going to take this “threat” lying down.Joe Lieberman is the most recent casualty of the Jewish war against Christian Zionism. Once the sweetheart of the Jewish community, the Orthodox Senator has seen his favorability rating dwindle to an embarrassing 37% after befriending Rev. John Hagee, a prominent Christian Zionist leader.Rev. Hagee, the founder of Christians United for Israel, is about as well-received by the Jewish community as a Bobby Fischer radio interview. Though he has devoted the last few decades of his life to Jewish causes, he only has a 7% favorability rating among American Jews (that’s just 2% higher than Rev. Jeremiah “Jews-are-Satan” Wright!). The organization “Jewish Voice for Peace” calls Rev. Hagee a “hate-monger” and a group called “J Street” bullied Sen. John McCain into cutting ties with him last winter.Recently, hundreds of Jewish leaders also teamed up to denounce Christian Zionism and its supporters in a petition, calling them “bigoted,” “extremist,” and “anti-Semitic.”Prejudice is certainly one of the reasons why Christian Zionists are disliked-- but Jews are the ones who are prejudiced against Christian Zionists. Many Jews are wary about trusting Christians because of historical reasons. On top of that, most Christian Zionists are evangelicals-- a group that Jews tend to look down upon as fundamentalist, Right-wing, bitter, and ignorant.Politics aside, Jews have a religious and moral obligation to protect the safety of Israel. Everyone who helps support Israel should be appreciated, despite their religious beliefs, political ideology, or education level.Unfortunately, it is difficult for many Jews to be appreciative of Christian Zionists when they are bombarded with false and slanderous information about the movement. Some of this misinformation is purposely distributed by anti-Christian Zionists groups, but much of it is caused by confusion.The most common argument that I hear against Christian Zionists is that they only support Israel because of the “End of Days” prophecy. The End of Days prophecy is a Christian belief that the Second Coming of Christ can only happen once the Jews are in Israel. According to the prediction, in the days before the Second Coming most Jews will either die or convert to Christianity. Because of this, many Jews believe that Christian support for Israel is just a round-about, extremely complicated way for Christians to finish the job of the Inquisition.Of course, the reason most Jews are angered by this isn’t because they actually think the Second Coming is going to happen. They are upset because they think that the Christians think it is going to happen-- which means the Christian Zionists have “bad intentions.”But let’s not wish all the Christian Zionists into the cornfield just yet. While I can’t account for whether or not they have “bad” thoughts, the idea that they support Israel simply to speed up the Second Coming just doesn’t hold up. Christian theology clearly states that mankind has no control over the timetable of the Second Coming, so helping Israel isn’t going to make Christ pick up the pace. As Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein said, “The notion that evangelicals are extending themselves this way because it’s part of some sinister theology is the biggest lie that Jews believe today.”Although fictional, phantom-conversions-that-will-never-happen worry some Jews, others are concerned about more realistic conversions in the here and now. Christian Zionism is often described as a Trojan horse for evangelical proselytizing.This is a legitimate concern, since spreading the word of Christ is mandated in the New Testament. According to Rabbi Bentzion Kravitz, the founder of a group called “Jews for Judaism,” proselytizing is the “hidden agenda” of the Christian Zionists. “There is irrefutable evidence that many evangelicals who support Israel have implemented a new ‘soft-sell’ approach to proselytizing Jews for conversion,” he wrote in an article.It’s true that Christian Zionism is made up of many evangelicals who want to convert Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and anybody who doesn’t accept Christ. Evangelicals are like frat guys-- as long as you have a pulse, they’ll go missionary on you. However, proselytizing is not the reason they support Israel.As David Brog says in his book Standing With Israel, “There is simply no evidence to connect the [Christian Zionist’s] zeal for evangelism to their support for Israel…This argument presumes that Christians-- millions of them-- have agreed to a plan that they are now implementing church by church across America…in order to harvest Jewish souls at some point down the road. Why hasn’t someone leaked the memo to the press? Or has this grassroots plan to convert the Jews been orchestrated by a sleeper cell?”Some Christian Zionists, like Rev. Hagee, even refuse to proselytize Jews. Rev. Hagee told the Houston Chronicle that “I believe that every Jewish person who lives in the light of the Torah, which is the word of God, has a relationship with God and will come to redemption…I’m not trying to convert the Jewish people.”So I’m sure you’re wondering, “If Christian Zionism isn’t a harebrained scheme to convert the Jews, then just what the heck is it?”Well, Christian Zionism is based on a belief that Christians have not replaced Jews as G-d’s Chosen People. Their theology is summed up by Genesis 12:3, which reads: “I will bless those who bless [the Jews], and I will curse him who curses [the Jews].As the late Rev. Jerry Falwell, a Christian Zionist leader, once said, “I personally believe that G-d deals with all nations in relation to how these nations deal with Israel. I think history supports this…I therefore think America should without hesitation give total financial and military support for the State of Israel. My political support for Israel is unconditional.”Christian Zionists also believe that Israel is an important military ally, and they are appreciative of Judaism for giving them the Old Testament, Jesus, and the prophets.But even some Jews who understand the motives of the Christian Zionists have problems with the movement. Throughout the years, some Christian Zionists have made incendiary and indelicate remarks that drew accusations of anti-Semitism.For example, Jerry Falwell famously said that he believed the Antichrist would be Jewish. This statement has been broadcast by his detractors as anti-Semitic, when in truth, he was just stating a common theology. Christians believe that the Antichrist will trick the world into believing he is the Messiah; since the Messiah is required to be Jewish, it’s logical that the Antichrist would be Jewish as well.More important than Rev. Falwell’s handful of offensive statements were his decades of solidly pro-Israel action. When accusing him of anti-Semitism, many of Falwell’s critics overlook his lifetime of support for the Jewish people, which offers more than enough proof of his true feelings.Leaders of all religions have made statements that seem offensive to others, but these comments aren’t meant to be hateful. As Rev. Falwell said, “Both [Jewish and Christian beliefs] are matters of interpretation based upon the views that each has derived from the Book of Books, the Bible.”Rev. Hagee has also received charges of anti-Semitism. Throughout the years he has made countless boneheaded statements, including one where he said that Hitler was sent by G-d to bring the Jews into Israel.While these comments may be insensitive, they are not anti-Semitic. Anti-Semites don’t preach daily about the importance of kindness to the Jewish community, or donate millions of dollars to Jewish causes. When put into the proper context, it becomes obvious that Rev. Hagee did not say these statements in malice.Admittedly, Christian Zionists aren’t the most tactful speakers. And sometimes they just can’t control their urge to proselytize. I’m not asking you to let them baby-sit your nephews-- I’m just asking the Jewish community to give them the respect that they have earned. It’s true that beggars can’t be choosers, and Israel certainly doesn’t have hordes of potential supporters banging at her door.Christian Zionists may have some faults, but we can’t waste time waiting for a “perfect” friend of Israel to come along. There are too many people who hate the Jews unconditionally, and not nearly enough who love us the same way.

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Ova rana saradnja nacista i cionista je za mene interesantna novost ali uopste ne cudi ako se imaju u vidu danasnji fasistoidni temelji drzave Izrael. Sistematsko izjednacavanje anti-semitizma sa anti-cionizmom je jedan od najstetnijih politickih trendova danasnjice.

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Ova rana saradnja nacista i cionista je za mene interesantna novost ali uopste ne cudi ako se imaju u vidu danasnji fasistoidni temelji drzave Izrael.
Fašistoidni?Po čemu fašistoidni?
Sistematsko izjednacavanje anti-semitizma sa anti-cionizmom je jedan od najstetnijih politickih trendova danasnjice.
Nije, nije - anticionizam je najperfidniji oblik antisemitizma.
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Razmisli malo bolje. EDIT. Skoro svi moji postovi sadrze znacajnu dozu sarkazma.
Prije bih ja rekao da je to ironija ... ironija je suptilna, sarkazam je grub.Po meni tvoj je komentar ipak i dvosmislen .., barem ga ja tako vidim.A da ona moja konstatacija zaslužuje ironiju - zaslužuje.Svaka generalizacija zaslužuje ili ironiju ili u najgorem slučaju (kao što sam to ja uradio) neku drugu generalizaciju.
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