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That guy!

Buck Naked

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pa nemojte ljudi, nije valjda da ovde ja znam najvise that guys po imenu i prezimenu i liku??kako hari din stenton da bude bezimeni nakon pariz teksasa? ili sisiejc pauder nakon bagdad kafea?!?to su megacarevi kojima se ime zna.

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Da i ja pohvalim ludilo od teme! Vidim, već ste me preduhutrili sa JT Walsh-om, oa evo da izbacim svoje ostale favorite. Ja inače imam neke baš super-drage glumce koji po svemu sudeći spadaju u ovu kategoriju.Evo ih:John HeardJohn-Heard.jpgJeff FaheyJeff_Fahey.jpgMichael MoriartyMoriarty12.JPGGuglujem sad tražeći slike i nađem ludu priču za Morijartija:

MICHAEL MORIARTY, who starred in such classic films as Who’ll Stop the Rain and Pale Rider, exiled himself to Canada in 1995, following a nasty confrontation with U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno in a Washington, D.C. hotel room. Moriarty was invited along with network television executives and producers to hear Reno’s views on censorship of TV violence. Law and Order, one of the least violent shows on television, was cited as a major offender. Incensed by Reno's campaign to “forcibly end violence on television and trample on rights of free expression as guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution,” Moriarty quit the series and left the U.S. in protest. He has been a landed immigrant in Canada ever since. Why the fateful encounter with Reno led to a radical (and seemingly overnight) transformation of Moriarty’s political views from soft liberal to hard-core conservative remains unexplained to this day. The onetime Manhattan über-liberal’s sudden shift to “gun-toting” arch-conservatism proved to be too much to fathom for his socialite wife Anne Hamilton Martin, and their seemingly ideal marriage ended after almost 20 years.
Edit: Inače sam pojam that guy-a je vrlo relativan i fluidan. One man's "that guy" is another man's "megacar". U svakom slučaju, čak i filmovi koji su objektivno đubre, za mene ne mogu da budu loši ako u njima glumi bilo koji od ova tri megacara. Edited by Syme
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O, jebao vas ja! Više puta sam napomenuo da je tricky! Naravno da svako ko iole gleda filmove zna za npr. Stentona, ali on ostaje that guy. A i rekao sam da je ponekad tanka linija između pravog that guya i kultnog lika. Slično je i sa nekim "One hit wonders", vi im znate celu diskografiju, a ljudi samo jednu stvar (npr. Chumbawamba). Baš za tanku liniju sam spomenuo Jovana Seju Saksona, a naravno da je nekom ta linija debela. Nisam nameravao da ovo bude još jedna filmometrija "ja znam imena više that guysa od tebe", nego omaž.

Edited by Buck Naked
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Rebhorn je uvjerljivi šampion za "That Guy!"-nagradu. Da mi neko počne govoriti: "Ma znaš na kojeg glumca mislim...", prvo bih se sjetio njega.Peter_Harkins,_2377.jpg - Richard McGonagleMV5BNTY1MzAwNTk5NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMzkwMjY1._V1._SX214_CR0,0,214,314_.jpg - Dylan Baker

Edited by ArleKino
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Slično je i sa nekim "One hit wonders", vi im znate celu diskografiju, a ljudi samo jednu stvar (npr. Chumbawamba).
moras mnoooooogo vise muzike da slusas.
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