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Uspon neonacizma u Mađarskoj


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Сад ви који сте се више мували у последњих пар година по Маџарској, видите  ли какве промене у квалитету живота.


trebalo bi biti.


odvalili su banke koje su imale nepovoljne kredite http://budapestbeacon.com/economics/szechenyi-bank-offers-to-acquire-raiffeisen-and-erste-banks/

jelašić je inače direktor erstea u đarmi


onda imaju gomile poreza za neke profitabilne industrije sa robin hood tax. npr ukoliko radiš veleprodaju goriva porez je 30%, za one koje transmituju energiju i koriste cevovode i sl isto postoji taj tax, znam da su u buli prodavci i distributeri gasa.


tax sistem je takav da ide na ruku malim i srednjim preduzećima. profit do 1.5 mil € se oporezuje sa 10% preko toga 19%.


bilo je nekih glupih propisa. cigarete je sada moguće kupiti samo u radnjama koje su specijalizovane za to. 



po meni imaju najozbiljniju državuod svih sa kojima se graničimo... ne da je to teško

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bilo je nekih glupih propisa. cigarete je sada moguće kupiti samo u radnjama koje su specijalizovane za to. 




a to je znači....ubih se u Budimpešti tražeći pljuge

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Pejsi, odakle je ovo? (link mi ne funkcioniše)

ne znam zbog čega ne radi link. pokupaću da nađem alternativni.

Edited by pacey defender
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po meni imaju najozbiljniju državuod svih sa kojima se graničimo... ne da je to teško


Znači tvoja definicija ozbiljne države je Putinizam samo u blažem obliku? Je l možda i Orban nekom tajkunu bacio olovku u facu da potpiše da vraća radnike na posao?

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Znači tvoja definicija ozbiljne države je Putinizam samo u blažem obliku? Je l možda i Orban nekom tajkunu bacio olovku u facu da potpiše da vraća radnike na posao?


nemoj da se ljutiš, ali post ti je jedno generičko govno.


malo me zapravo drka to kada dođem izanaliziram nešto, dam konkretne mere koje teško da bi se pojavile u diskusiji i onda me sačeka ovako debilan kao-penal sa sve ovim dodatkom o bacanju olovke u facu.

Edited by Ravanelli
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Pa izvini ti, ali to se nekako namece kao prirodan zakljucak tvoje analize - tj. vise se moze izvesti iz nje jer je tvoj zakljucak bio da su "najozbiljnija drzava" u regionu. Dakle biti ozbiljna drzava znaci opaliti populisticki po bankama i onima koji ostvaruju veliku zaradu. I onda nakon odvaljivanja tih banaka krece pritisak da prodaju svoje filijale u zemlji novosnovanoj banci koja je 49% u vlasnistvu drzave a 51% u vlasnistvu tajkuna ili tajkuna u nastajanju koji je povezan sa drzavom (info iz clanka koji si linkovao). To je jako slicno onom putinosvkom razjebavanju Jukosa, recimo (samo sto se oligarski Jukos i Rajfajzen ne mogu bas klasifikovati kao isto).


Ako se ovo "ozbiljna drzava" nije odnosilo na ono sto se pisao iznad toga i nije bila neka vrsta pohvale Orbanove politike prema bankama i sl., onda se izvinjavam.

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Inace gledajuci ovaj sajt gore, vidim kako je Orban bas nesuptilno skrojio izborni sistem po svojoj meri (to valjda moze kad imas 2/3 u parlamentu):






The election law adopted under the previous Fidesz-KDNP government decreased the number of members of parliament from 386 (of which 176 were elected directly and 210 were elected from party lists) to 199 (of which 106 are elected directly and 93 from party lists).


The smaller parliament made possible a redrawing of the electoral district map.  Budapest’s original 23 electoral districts were replaced with 18 electoral districts, each encompassing a larger area.  The same applies to the countryside where the number of electoral districts decreased from 153 to 98.


When drawing the boundaries of the new electoral districts, Fidesz took care to keep traditional Fidesz-voting districts intact.  By contrast, districts that traditionally vote for socialist or liberal candidates were frequently split up and attached to neighboring pro-Fidesz districts.   When this was not possible or desirable from the point of view of Fidesz, districts and sub-districts tending to vote for left wing candidates were combined into one district.  The result, according to one expert, is an electoral system in which left-wing/liberal candidates must receive 300,000 more votes than conservative candidates in order to win an election.


The new election law did away with the second round of voting.  In previous elections, only candidates receiving 50% of the vote were declared the winner without a second round.  In districts where no candidate received at least 50% of the vote (or where voter participation was less than 50%) a second round was held, with the candidate receiving the most votes declared the winner.  This afforded parties, particularly the socialists and the liberals, the opportunity to negotiate with one another and often resulted in one or more candidates being withdrawn in favor of the candidate with the best chance of winning.


Doing away with the second round meant candidates no longer needed to receive an absolute majority in order to win.  Furthermore, it eliminated the “political horse trading” preceding second round elections.

In their landslide 2010 victory, Fidesz candidates won an absolute majority in most districts in the first round of voting.  By contrast, in Sunday’s general election Fidesz candidates won an absolute majority in only 21 out of 106 electoral districts.


In Budapest only one candidate received more than 50% of the vote—Budapest 7th electoral district opposition alliance candidate Dezso Hiszekeny.  Only three Fidesz candidates managed to get more than 45% of the vote.   The rest, including seven united opposition candidates, were elected with less than 45% of the vote.  Eight candidates, including five united opposition candidates, were elected with less than 40% of the vote.


In the countryside only 21 candidates received more than 50 percent of the vote in their respective electoral district.  22 candidates won with less than 40 percent of the vote, including the only two united opposition candidates to be directly elected outside of Budapest (Sandor Szabo in Csongrad county’s 1st electoral district and Dr. Laszlo Varga in Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen county’s 2nd electoral district).


Of the 96 Fidesz candidates directly elected to parliament (as opposed to those elected from the party list), only 21 received more than 50 percent of the vote.  34 received between 45 and 50 percent of the vote, 26 received between 40 and 45 percent of the vote, and 15 received less than 40 percent of the vote.


The election results can be partially explained by the surprisingly strong showing of the radical right-wing party, Jobbik.  Originally tipped to receive around 18 percent of the vote, Jobbik ended up receiving 20.5 percent of the vote.   In the countryside Jobbik managed to come in second after Fidesz in more electoral districts than the united opposition.


It seems a large number of undecided voters living in the countryside ended up casting their vote for Jobbik.  The result was a dramatic increase in electoral support for Jobbik across the country.  This, in turn, took votes away from both Fidesz and the opposition alliance.


Awarding some 550,000 Hungarians living abroad the right to vote also shored up Fidesz’s electoral support, with a reported 95 percent of voters living abroad voting for Fidesz.

Finally, changes to the method by which so-called “broken votes” (votes cast for losing candidates) are tallied and applied resulted in more candidates being elected to parliament from the Fidesz-KDNP national list than would have been the case in previous elections.


Gerrymandering, igranje sa sistemom, igranje sa dontom...sve skockano kako treba da bude.


Inace, posto ona skroz fidesovska mapa ne govori puno, evo jedne informativnije :ph34r:



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ne vidi se.


inače, nije tajna da ga naš vladar šilji na Orbana i Fidesz i da će mnoga njihova rešenja biti preneta kod nas

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ne vidi se mapa. ni kada se kopira url. 


Moguće je da je Mađarska trenutno najozbiljnija država u regionu, ali moramo pre toga definisati šta znači ozbiljna. To da državni organi svoj posao rade, ma kakvi zakoni bili na snazi? To da politička elita ume da sprovede ono što je naumila? 

Da, u takvim okolnostima, Mađarska zaista jeste najozbiljnija država u regionu. 


No, nisam siguram da bih odabrao život u Mađarskoj od svih država u regionu, da mogu da biram. 

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a to je znači....ubih se u Budimpešti tražeći pljuge


Ima gde hoćeš (čak i noću) samo traži ovaj znak




inače je Budimpešta dojajan i veoma živ grad, lep za život, bez obzira na Fidesz

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inače je Budimpešta dojajan i veoma živ grad, lep za život, bez obzira na Fidesz


mislim da je to ujedno i jedan od njihovih najvecih problema. neverovatan potencijal za izolovanje od stvarnosti. ko Vajmarski Berlin 1933.

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