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Evo sad kao tusiranje `samo` jedanput nedeljno postaje `trend` iako je to sasvim uobicajna stvar. I bila, a i sada za dosta ljudi: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2335634/Take-shower-just-ONCE-week-want-better-hair-skin-say-dermatologists.htmlSasvim uobicajno i za mene sa izuzetkom visokih temperatura leti ili intenzivne fizicke aktivnosti.Ko sedi u kancelariji 5 dana dnevno nema zaista potrebe vise od jedanput nedeljno plus da promeni kosulju opet jedanput nedeljno.

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http://www.b92.net/s...2&nav_id=776706E ovo se zove finansijska nezavisnost evilsmile.gifA ne nekakve vukojebine i zivljenje ispod slamenog krova :frust:
Nije stvar u tome koliko imas nego koliko ti je dovoljno. Sto ti manje treba to si slobodniji. Mozes imati milijarde i da ti opet ne bude dovoljno kao sto je bio slucaj sa doskorasnjim najbogatijim Brazilcem koji je prokockao 35 milijardi jer je hteo da ima jos vise pa ulagao u rizicne stvari i to vise nego sto je imao. Cesto se desava bas sa tim sportistima i pevacima da izgube ogromne sume. Ne postoji bogatstvo koje se ne moze spiskati jer je ljudska pohlepa neogranicena. Kao i glupost sto je rekao Ajnstajn. Evo bas sad spiskavamo ovu planetu iz dana u dan. Eto sta se desilo Filipincima zbog pohlepe.http://www.rtcc.org/2013/11/11/its-time-to-stop-this-madness-philippines-plea-at-un-climate-talks/"Disasters are never natural. They are the intersection of factors other than physical. They are the accumulation of the constant breach of economic, social, and environmental thresholds. Most of the time disasters is a result of inequity and the poorest people of the world are at greatest risk because of their vulnerability and decades of maldevelopment, which I must assert is connected to the kind of pursuit of economic growth that dominates the world; the same kind of pursuit of so-called economic growth and unsustainable consumption that has altered the climate system." Edited by noskich
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Zasto su ogromna vecina ljudi na svetu danas robovi, ili cak u polozaju gorem od robova, a da toga nisu svesni: http://sustainableman.org/what-it-means-to-be-a-modern-day-slave/“Slaves have an investment by their owners and are generally provided with at least minimal care, housing and food. In general, they are slightly better off.” Indeed, this is true. Today, workers are generally interchangeable. If they get sick or injured, they can be immediately let go, replaced, and forgotten. If that means that they can no longer pay the mortgage on their home loan, the banks will repossess their home and sell it to the replacement worker, leaving the former in a situation where they must beg for resources to keep them alive.Economist Richard Wolff points to the decoupling of productivity gains from income gains that began in the late 1970s and has accelerated ever since. The world has never been more productive, yet the average worker is getting poorer as most of the income gains in the economy flow directly to the top. It is obvious that something is seriously wrong on a systemic level, which beg the questions: Why are the majority of people on the planet focused on getting a job and – when or if they do – then find themselves working longer hours to receive less and less reward? If the average person isn’t really benefiting from their hard work, who is?On the most basic economic level, there are two distinct classes of people – a select few have the ability to live truly free lives with absolute sovereignty over their time while most other people must trade their labor or time – which can also be called their life – for the means to survive. Isn’t your labor nothing more than your life’s energy? Isn’t it the same life from which you hope to fulfill your dreams, raise your family, and explore the fantastic experience of being alive? When we trade our life, what we get in return ought to be worth something.There is another name for a person who doesn’t have sovereignty over his own time. We call them slaves. Up until just a few centuries ago, the elite were actually allowed to legally own other people. For example, in ancient Rome it was estimated that 35 to 40 percent of the population were slaves. Today, involuntary slavery has, for the most part, been legally abolished, but life on earth may actually be worse for the vast majority of the working class: they are subject to voluntary slavery.

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