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Jolly Roger

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plus ça change



On 5 December 1932, Stalin’s handpicked security chief for Ukraine presented the justification for terrorizing Ukrainian party officials to collect the grain. Vsevolod Balytskyi had spoken with Stalin personally in Moscow on 15 and 24 November. The famine in Ukraine was to be understood, according to Balytskyi, as the result of a plot of Ukrainian nationalists—in particular, of exiles with connections to Poland. Thus anyone who failed to do his part in requisitions was a traitor to the state. (Shapoval, “Holodomor.”)


  • Hvala 2
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  • 1 month later...



I should like to say two things, one intellectual and one moral: The intellectual thing, I should want to say to them, is this: When you are studying any matter, or considering any philosophy, ask yourself only "what are the facts, and what is the truth that the facts bear out?" Never let yourself be diverted, either by what you wish to believe, or by what you think could have beneficial social effects, if it were believed. But look only and solely at: "What are the facts?" That is the intellectual thing that I should wish to say. The moral thing I should wish to say to them is very simple. I should say: Love is wise, hatred is foolish. In this world, which is getting more and more closely interconnected, we have to learn to tolerate each other. We have to learn to put up with the fact, that some people say things that we don't like. We can only live together in that way. And if we are to live together and not to die together, we must learn a kind of charity and a kind of tolerance, which is absolutely vital to the continuation of human life on this planet.


Edited by slow
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  • 2 weeks later...

Fotka je mnogo mladja,rekoh

Sad guglam, lici i na flepsa iz princ eugen divizije, al sto bi on bio na zidu

Mozda se bude bolje videlo kad skeniram..

Edited by InvisibleLight
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Kontext osporava. Na grupnoj fotogeafiji koju treba da skeniram poziraju sredovecna gospoda i gospodje iz srema(sm) kraj30ih il poc 40ih  a slika tog nepoznatog s sapkom visi na zidu iza njih..

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7 minutes ago, InvisibleLight said:

Kontext osporava. Na grupnoj fotogeafiji koju treba da skeniram poziraju sredovecna gospoda i gospodje iz srema(sm) kraj30ih il poc 40ih  a slika tog nepoznatog s sapkom visi na zidu iza njih..

Pa to je amblem britanske vojske ili mornarice valjda, ne znam dal se to menjalo tokom vremena. Pricam napamet.

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4 hours ago, Lancia said:

Pa to je amblem britanske vojske ili mornarice valjda, ne znam dal se to menjalo tokom vremena. Pricam napamet.

Ok,al sto bi neko u sremu krajem 30ih il poc 40ih drzao na zidu britanskog vojnika 

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1 minute ago, InvisibleLight said:

Ok,al sto bi neko u sremu krajem 30ih il poc 40ih drzao na zidu britanskog vojnika 

Xaxa, nemam poma, nemoj da se ljutis na mene :)

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7 hours ago, InvisibleLight said:

Fotka je mnogo mladja,rekoh


Ali to se odnosi na grupnu fotografiju?


Ovo je moglo da stoji na tom zidu dosta duze?

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