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Cekaj, na koju foru je taj covek jos ziv?



  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

ne mogu da nadjem vida privada dos hipopótamos (i touched all your stuff), gledao sam u zalivu, guzici i avaxu, kuda dalje?


Until the Light Takes Us (2008)




Ovih dana se pojavio pristojan srpski titl. O nastanku norveške black metal scene (i događajima koji su pratili svo to ludilo) govore osnivači i članovi bendova Burzum, Mayhem, Darkthrone...


Pojavilo se u radnji, a može i direktno na BBCju da se gleda još mesec dana (ko ima tu mogućnost).




Documentary about a long-withheld piece of oral history - a series of tape-recorded interviews conducted with returning Israeli soldiers after Israel's land gains in the Six-Day War of 1967. Led by the author Amos Oz, a group of kibbutzniks joined together in intimate, taped conversations directly after returning from battlefield.

At the time only a few of these recordings were permitted to gain a public hearing by the Israeli government, but this film reveals them to the public for the first time. The uncensored testimonies suggest that the soldiers were not euphoric about the outcome, but instead were profoundly depressed about what the victory cost.

In this brilliantly-conceived documentary, director Mor Loushy takes the old testimonies recorded by the Israeli soldiers in the immediate aftermath of the war, and plays the recordings back to the now-aged veterans and observes their responses.



  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Cinema Perverso - Die wunderbare und kaputte Welt des Bahnhofskinos (divni i propali svet bioskopa na stajgi)


Edited by Parsons

amy 2015 http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2870648/

ne znam koliko su izmenili realnost u montaži, ali odlično urađena priča. pogotovo ima dobar momenat gde se vidi da joj je bila potrebna pomoć, a da je svet reagovao sprnjom na tu muku.... a nemoguće je i ne setiti se retardotvorina biljane srbljanović posle bg koncerta.

  • 3 weeks later...

Nastavci u ovu i sledeću sredu.


  • 2 weeks later...

trazio nesto vezano za Dakar rally pa neleteo na Vespas to Africa, meni skroz ok.



Posted (edited)

haha, deluje odlično. ima negde ceo?   našo



Edited by Ravanelli

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