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:lol: Podaci su iz 2005 godine ("based on 2005 data from the World Health Organization."), članak je odavde: 10 smokers’ paradises: A guide for globe-trottersLista je smešna, inače Austrija je na četvrtom mestu prilično iznad Srbije.A, ovo su komentari na sajtu ispod tog teksta:
October 31st, 2009 at 1:17 pmThanks for this article! When (if..hehe) I ever get a hold of some vacation money, I’ll use this article as a reference:-)Young people in nations with a higher proportion of adult smokers smoke LESS? Gee, what a concept. Thanks for pointing out the obvious. Maybe the health crusaders in our own country (and the rest of the Western World) should take notes; then they should stop bullying millions of adults that use a legal product. Then maybe we could reduce a lot of wasteful spending on anti-tobacco programs that ironically make younger people feel a duty to rebel against the very people that are trying to “help” them.
November 1st, 2009 at 3:31 am These countries are a long way to go for dedicated smokers who don’t want to feel isolated from the general population. I think we’ll see a rise in the culture of “secret smokers” right here in the U.S. who will hide out in shame in the dark recesses of their basements, behind closed bathroom doors or inside the garage, if they have one. My Dad’s 90 years old, and no way is he going to give up his habit…why should he, at his age?
November 1st, 2009 at 4:34 am Come to China! 80% of the men smoke (albeit the wrong stuff) and anywhere!
November 1st, 2009 at 5:09 am Perhaps that is the reason that so many Russian women pour on cheap perfume by the liter. But it doesn’t help cover their stench. It just blends together 2 bad odors… Kind of like putting deodorant on dog poop, instead of removing it.
Salerokada, pretpostavljam da je po tebi samo ovaj poslednji komentar napisala normalna osoba.
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I, na šta to liči da se ne kaže da su podaci iz 2005. godine, i da se izostavi Austrija koja je na četvrtom mestu.Takođe tekst o Austriji je jako zanimljiv:4. Austria: While much of America’s narrow view of Austrians may center around California’s governor, the health buff, it’s hard to imagine Arnold Schwarzenegger pumping iron and puffing smoke. In fact, Schwarzenegger is a “cigar aficionado” of sorts. And 43.3% of people who live in Austria consume tobacco.Mala anegdota iz intervjua sa Švarcenegerom:

Has he ever had any trouble smoking cigars on a movie set? Both Danny DeVito and Carl Weathers objected the first time he lit up around them, he says. Weathers "started coughing loud, pretending like he's dying" on the set of Predator. "He said, 'Get away with your stinking stuff. I can't breathe.'" But Schwarzenegger explained to Weathers that he found a cigar "soothing," especially amid the chaos and uncertainty of the first day of shooting. Schwarzenegger says he took his cigar outside, away from Weathers. Six hours later, Weathers asked if he could have a cigar--"just to chew on. I hate to smoke." Schwarzenegger gave him an Ashton. A little later, Weathers asked Schwarzenegger to clip off the wet end and "let me just light it for a minute." He smoked half the cigar, asked for another the next day and "by the time the movie was half done, he had his manager and his agent flying in boxes and boxes of Ashtons and Pléiades," Schwarzenegger says. "He was smoking up a storm. I had to say to him, 'Carl, you're not supposed to smoke from seven in the morning to seven at night.'" Schwarzenegger says DeVito converted from antagonist to aficionado just as quickly, and it's clear from talking to movie people around town that there are many such Schwarzenegger converts. In fact, Schwarzenegger once found himself giving out so many free cigars on the set that he handed out an exploding cigar to discourage freeloaders. Not that Schwarzenegger is ungenerous. Far from it. But neither does he like to be taken advantage of. The exploding cigar was a symbol of more than his penchant for practical jokes and his fondness for the big bang, on- and off-screen: He likes to see people doing things for themselves, rather than relying on others, whether it's providing cigars or supporting a family. That, he says, is why he became a Republican when he arrived in the United States.
Salerokada, navodiš 24 sata, koji očigledno bira šta mu odgovara iz teksta... :lol:
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A u Srbiji se od 2005. nešto promenilo?
Promenilo se. Smoking Incidence ti je sad 44, a bio je 54%. Tad se pusilo 22 cigarete po coveku, sad 21. Pa ti vidi.I dalje se pusi svugdje, ali nece od nove godine kako izgleda. Kako ces ondak sa drugarima na pice? Oni nece hteti da idu tamo di ne moze da popusis cigar duvana ko coek. Ostaces bez igdje ikoga ko je pusio...
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Idi. Oni ce sedeti kod kuce i dolazice im drugi pusaci. A ti sedi sam ko Olivera Katarina u pariskom lokalu. A moz i lazno da se smeskas onoj sacici gostiju koji ce se vidjati po horeca-ma.

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Eto. Blago tebi. Verovatno si uticao na njih. I bice ti zahvalni. Mada, ako ti ispostave racun za grickalice, ima da propadnes.(namerno banalizujem situaciju).

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Hteo sam da te maltretiram. Ovako virtuelno. Ko nepusaci pusace. Da vidis kako je.
bas smo zli, mi nepusaci. sprovodimo teror, gori od robespjerovog.jer moz misliti, smeta mi dim cigareta dok jedem u restoranu, il dok pijuckam pivce u omiljenom mi kaficu.(koji ce svi propasti, cim uvedu zabranu pusenja u njima)
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A jel' OK razdvojiti pusacki od nepusackog dela, da se vratimo na sam koren ove rasprave, ili zelis da svaki kafic i svaki restoran budu potpuno liseni dima cigarete?

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