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Na to uvek moze da se citira da polovina zaposlenih ce imati nekih parapsihopatoloskih problema za vreme radnog veka shodno tome pusaci su mentalno zdraviji. Duvan oslobadja.


a ima i onaj deda koji je purnjao i živeo sto godina...normalan.

Da, uvek mi smeta kad je toliko zadimljeno, ali sad ne sedim dok mi se skroz slosi nego izadjem napolje kad vidim da mi ne prija.edit:Sa malo guglanja u pubmed-u, duvanski dim izaziva aritmiju zbog nikotina, a CO doprinosi. Ali bitno da se ljudi lepo osecaju prozvanim i pozvanim da komentarisu kako od svega covek moze da dobije aritmiju, od cvaraka, popova, a cudi me da neko nije mudro primetio kako mu je poznanik dobio aritmiju kad ga je neko napao nozem. Ergo, kad neko ima srcanu aritmiju zbog duvanskog dima, recite mu da se mane popova i otpuhnite filosofski.
jedno od iskustava kojima se uopste ne radujem sad kad treba da dodjem do Srbije nakon 4 godine (tokom kojih valjda mogu na prste da izbrojim koliko puta sam osetila duvanski dim, i to uglavnom na otvorenom prostoru). Ja na zatvorene prostorije sa jako puno dima reagujem isto tako (narocito ako sam aktivna, tipa igranje) - jednog trenutka vise ne mogu da disem, prosto ne mogu da udahnem, i ako ostanem duze srusicu se. sad znam sta da ocekujem pa cim osetim taj prvi zajeban udah ja izlazim napolje.to je jedna stvar, druga su glavobolje. prosli put kad sam bila desilo se nekoliko puta da odem kod nekih prijatelja/rodjaka da ih vidim i oni naravno puse u kuci - nakon sat vremena meni krece glavobolja, nakon tri sata ja povracam dva put od bolova.Sto sam duze izolovana od duvanskog dima, sve mi vise smeta.

Isto... mada ja jos gore prodjem od nase hrane. Valjda je stomacna flora sposobna da se bori sa nasim zaprskama, ljutinom i mascu manje-vise izumrla kod mene. Kad sam prvi put dosao posle 4 godine, docekao me ujnin prebranac koji sam slasno pojeo i pola sata kasnije neslavno izbljuvao pored puta (nista sa njim nije bilo pogresno, nikom drugom nista nije falilo).Meni je (u vezi teme) bilo najinteresantnije kad su nam (par puta) poslali neke lepe strikane stvari iz Srbije, sto bismo rekli domacu radinost. Nama je to toliko smrdekalo na pikslu, da nismo smeli da ga izvadimo iz kutije, da se smrad ne prosiri (a imao je tendenciju). (U to vreme su moji jos uvek purnjali, posle su batalili kad im je receno da je to preduslov da jos malo pozive).

Isto... mada ja jos gore prodjem od nase hrane. Valjda je stomacna flora sposobna da se bori sa nasim zaprskama, ljutinom i mascu manje-vise izumrla kod mene. Kad sam prvi put dosao posle 4 godine, docekao me ujnin prebranac koji sam slasno pojeo i pola sata kasnije neslavno izbljuvao pored puta (nista sa njim nije bilo pogresno, nikom drugom nista nije falilo).
ti sad hoces da kazes da se moze postati alergican na burek?! :omoram cesce na Dandenong pijacu...
ti sad hoces da kazes da se moze postati alergican na burek?! :omoram cesce na Dandenong pijacu...
Dobro si me podsetila, tamo sam inace svaki dan (ali uvek jurim za satom, kao onaj zec kod Alise u zemlji cuda);Ne mari i ako sam alergican na burek, pristacu da mi bude muka kad je to u pitanju.
a ima i onaj deda koji je purnjao i živeo sto godina...normalan.
haha, koliko sam samo to puta čuo kao krucijalni argument da pušenje nije štetno, koliko treba da si glup, zaista... :Hail:
Posted (edited)
Ja na zatvorene prostorije sa jako puno dima reagujem isto tako (narocito ako sam aktivna, tipa igranje) - jednog trenutka vise ne mogu da disem, prosto ne mogu da udahnem, i ako ostanem duze srusicu se.
pa tako svi reaguju..tj. i ja sam tako reagovala a bila sam pusac tada,i dok sam izlazila i djuskala po diskotekama sam sanjala i zelela onu malu bocu sa kiseonikom,od litar taman za ranac..nosis svoj vazduh svuda sa sobom i ne brines :)al mladost ludost i tome slicno.. Edited by ivy

zato je meni kuci radna soba terasazimi malo zeznuto, no sta ces

  • 3 weeks later...

briselski hrčki brinu o našem zdravlju:

Cigarette Bans to Hit Europe

BRUSSELS—Lawmakers at the European Parliament on Wednesday approved a ban on menthol and other flavored cigarettes as part of broad legislation that will sharply restrict how tobacco products can be sold across the 28-nation European Union.

Philip Morris International Inc., PM -0.84% British American Tobacco BATS.LN +0.39% PLC and Imperial Tobacco Group PLC. IMT.LN 0.00% Governments around the world are cracking down on tobacco products. Australia has arguably been most aggressive, with rules that went into effect this year banning all logos or brand imagery on cigarette boxes, replacing them with gruesome images of tobacco-related diseases.The moves coincide with heightened scrutiny of the tobacco industry in the U.S. by the Food and Drug Administration, which is also considering restrictions on menthol cigarettes and how to regulate e-cigarettes.Wednesday's vote, in a key committee of the parliament, means the ban on flavored cigarettes is likely to become law, since EU national governments also banned menthols as part of their version of the legislation last month. The entire parliament must now vote on the law, though the result will be similar, people following the legislation said.MK-CE634_EUCIGS_D_20130710174728.jpgAssociated PressA man smokes a cigarette in Rome.Among them is a ban on "slim" cigarettes that was backed by the parliament but not by the national governments, which chose instead to ban slim cigarette packaging designed by cigarette makers to look like lipstick or perfume in an effort to appeal to younger women.Also, the parliament's version of the legislation would require that 75% of the surface area of cigarette packaging contain pictorial health warnings. The version backed by national governments calls for just 65% of cigarette packaging to contain the warnings.[/url]Menthols account for about 5% of the EU cigarette market and slims about 6%, according to the European Commission, the EU's executive arm."We still believe that elements of the…proposal, such as enlarged health warnings and a ban on various products consumed by many millions of adults, remain disproportionate; are unlikely to succeed in addressing public health objectives; and potentially breach European Union Law," a British American Tobacco spokesman said.Packaging restrictions aren't the most effective measures to cut smoking, said Rey Wium, a tobacco industry analyst at Renaissance Capital in London. Indoor smoking bans have a bigger impact, he said."The best way of curbing smoking is through excise tax increases," Mr. Wium said. "The biggest risk to the companies is abnormal, or 'shock' excise tax increases, substantially above inflation.""The tobacco industry has been operating in a dark environment for quite some time," he added. "I don't think this European directive will make life extraordinarily different for them."With the exception of menthol, flavored cigarettes are already banned in the U.S. Mitch Zeller, the FDA's tobacco czar, said in an interview last month the federal agency is "getting closer'' to completing its review of scientific studies on menthol's public health impact. Menthol represents about 30% of the U.S. cigarette market and antismoking groups argue the mint flavoring masks the harsh taste of cigarettes, making it easier to start and tougher to quit. Most industry observers don't expect an outright U.S. ban any time soon, however.The FDA aims to propose regulations by October that would treat e-cigarettes as tobacco products. In 2011 a U.S. court slapped down an earlier government attempt to regulate them as drug devices, which would have required new products to go through a lengthy approval process. Mr. Zeller recently described the fast-growing e-cigarette industry as "the wild, wild West'' but most scientists also believe e-cigarettes are less harmful than traditional smokes.The FDA had planned to introduce graphic warning labels for cigarette packs last year but a U.S. court ruled the labels—which would have included pictures of diseased lungs and a dead body—violated the tobacco industry's constitutional right to free speech.One issue policy makers around the world also have to weigh is how proposed regulations affect tax revenue and illicit trade.A sizable black market has already taken root in the EU, at least partly in response to tobacco taxes. EU consumption fell 5.7% to 593 billion cigarettes last year, but counterfeit and contraband sales rose 0.4% to 65.5 billion cigarettes, KPMG estimated in a recent report.Philip Morris International had a 38% cigarette market share in the EU last year, followed by British American Tobacco and Imperial Tobacco, which each had 21%, according to Citi Research.

dok matorci izigravaju preppere:
German ex-Chancellor hides 38,000 menthol cigarettes at homeFormer German chancellor Helmut Schmidt has 38,000 menthol cigarettes stashed at his house, it has been reported.

The 94-year-old is renowned for lighting up, and has done so during television interviews and political conventions.odd-section-helmut-schmidt-smokes-a-menthol-cigarette.jpg© PA Images / Michael Sohn / APHelmut Schmidt has a cigarette during a summit meeting in BerlinSchmidt has a preference for menthol cigarettes which the EU are considering banning.The former chancellor has reportedly hidden 200 cartons away in his house, which means he has can smoke one packet a day until he is 100 years old.The ex-politician's habit were revealed by Social Democrat candidate Peer Steinbrück, The Local reports.Steinbrück was using an anecdote to reinforce his point about the 'unbearable frenzy of regulation' happening in Brussels.The candidate is part of the same party that Schmidt served during his eight-year career as West German chancellor. He also took on the jobs of minister for finance, defence and economics during his career.

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