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Recepti, kulinarski trikovi i omiljena jela - borba protiv gladi


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jel može jedno potsećanje? ima neki no no za spanać i nekim toksinima u njemu, ali ne mogu da se setim na šta se odnosilo.spanać se: ne podgreva? ne stavlja u frižider? ne stavlja u hladno mleko? i jedno i drugo i treće?samo iskusni kulinari, guglači stop.

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ne podgrevaako bas mora, doda mu se mleka da bar malo izvuce te toksine, a i da ubije "metalni" ukus koji se cesto javlja kod podgrevanja.

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ja podgrevam, i još nisam umro, a kad ću ne zna se :)
+1treba mitbasting za sve to oko spanaca. moze sve, podgrevanje, mleko, zamrzavanje.
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ima neko dobar recept za carrot cake?kupila 5 kila ociscene sargarepe i sad smisljam kud cu sa njom.
ima mater 1 fenomenalan, ako nije kasno do sutra da se sazna?
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Imam neku glupi hipi akciju. Pročitajte ovaj mejl, pa mi pomozite šta sa mog područja da nominujem za prolećno-letnju sezonu.

X and Y's wedding is coming closer and we, the siblings of ther bride and groom, are planning to design a book full of receipes for the newly-weds. It will be divided into dishes for the four seasons.All guests are asked to contribute a (maybe their favourite) recipe and maybe a picture of them/ the meal/ whatever you like; Daniel's friends and family are planned to suggest a meal for spring oder summertime...!Additionally, at the wedding day, we will draw lots and for each season, someone will be picked to invite the couple for their meal.
Sarmicu od zelja?
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