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On je podsetio da “Amerika nije anektirala Irak, a NATO trupe su se povukle i ostavile narod da slobodno odlučuje o svojoj sudbini”.

i mislim, uz Kosovo imeđinery peperendum, pa Barry je totalno skrenuo..

onda vidim transkript u kojem on to uopće nije rekao.


Moreover, Russia has pointed to America’s decision to go into Iraq as an example of Western hypocrisy. Now, it is true that the Iraq war was a subject of vigorous debate, not just around the world but in the United States, as well. I participated in that debate, and I opposed our military intervention there.

But even in Iraq, America sought to work within the international system. We did not claim or annex Iraq’s territory. We did not grab its resources for our own gain. Instead, we ended our war and left Iraq to its people in a fully sovereign Iraqi state that can make decisions about its own future.

Dakle kužim, tako se stvara istina™ o NATO intervenciji u Iraku.. :fantom:

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Ukratko - pljačkaška eksploatacija nafte.

Irak onda plaća zlato zrakom, pretpostavljam.


Lukoil isto pljačka™ Irak.


The oil production launch is scheduled for late March, 2014.

Engaging the local population

LUKOIL is actively engaging the local population for work at West Qurna-2. Over 11 thousand workers were engaged during peak construction; two-thirds were locals employed by international and Iraqi contractors.

LUKOIL set up its training center in the North Rumaila area of Basra as part of its responsibility to the local community. Graduates of the center, which is capable of training up to 350 students simultaneously, have been hired for various specialized jobs at West Qurna-2. Under the guidance of experienced engineering and technical personnel, they will participate in the launch of production and further work on-site.

LUKOIL makes a major effort to improve the lives of the local population. Special attention has been allotted to social projects, especially in athletics, education and medicine, from the very beginning of the project.

Ukratko - ušuškaj se ti u fraze, udobne su i plitke.

Edited by Roger Sanchez
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Koliko plaćaju po barelu?




The Iraqi ministry of oil announced for its oil exports for the previous February 2014 which was (78.4) million barrels and their achieved outcome which is about (8.001) billion dollars which is higher than January, according to the statistics of SOMO.

   Mr. Assim Jihad, the spokesman of the ministry of oil shown that the exports & outcome for February was (70.2) million barrels and (7.159) billion dollars of outcome for Basra.  And (8.2) million barrels and (842) million dollars of outcome for Karkuk. And the spokesman of the oil ministry said that the oil price was (102.054) dollars for the single barrel.

   Mr. Jihad said also that the above quantities was shipped by 31 different identities international companies to the ports of Basra and Khor Al-Amia  and SPM from the Arab gulf as well as to the Turkish Ceyhan port on the Mediterranean and by the tanker trucks to Jordan.
Edited by Roger Sanchez
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već godinama mi je zabavna ta ideja o Amerikancima koji dodju i uzmu naftu. ona je plod potpunog neshvatanja naftne ekonomije.

Edited by Грешни Василије
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već godinama mi je zabavna ta ideja o Amerikancima koji dodju i uzmu naftu. ona je plod potpunog neshvatanja naftne ekonomije.

jako je teško pojmiti da su u taj rat ušli iz čiste, koncentrirane ludosti. hubrisa.

ovakve kakvu ovih dana manifestira pućuška :fantom:

Edited by Roger Sanchez
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ovaj, krimdže su odlučile™, cenim slobodnije nego što bi to iračani mogli (uz sav folklor uniforme bez ševrona "pristojnih ljudi"), da budu deo majčice.


etno-jezička istost većine valjda pomaže u tome, šta znam. lakše je krimu biti subjektom federacije nego iraku postati 51st state. oportunitetni trošak za tako nešto je, pa, nepojmljiv u slučaju iraka/sad.




btw, nafta je 1 nebitnost za odgovor na pitanje "zašto su ameri ušli u irak?"

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