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Jedno sasvim novo i drugačije Presidency..

Roger Sanchez

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Situacija je zaista nezavidna i nije ni cudo da bi Amerikanci u ovom trenutku najvise voleli da im se vrati Klinton - dakle budzetska disciplina + umereni politicki nastup/stavovi.
Samo sto vecina ljudi to ne shvata. 90% njih koji pricaju o seci budgeta bi sekli samo one delove koji se njima ne svidjaju, a ostavili one druge s kojima su sasvim OK. Drago mi je da si pomenuo Clintona. Ko se seca 90ih (ovih americkih), zna da je osim welfare Clinton znacajno isekao i vojni budget u skladu sa cinjenicom da se hladni rat zavrsio i da US&A nije vise imala potreba za onolikim bazama, brojem vojnika, i naoruzanjem. Naravno, zbog toga je bio demonizovan sa obe strane. No good deed goes unpunished <_<
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Ne samo da je demoniziran, nego je to koštalo i sica u HoR pokojeg Dem kongresmena...Axelrod kaže danas da će WH pristati na produženje (ne trajno, zasAD(!) laugh.gif) Bushovog tax cuta. Triangulacija, bejbe!tongue.gif

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Jos malo krece samit G20 i tu ce Obama biti u ozbiljnim problemima. Covek je odlucio da stane iza ludacke ekonomske politike koju vodi Fed i nece da rizikuje bilo kakav ozbiljniji sukob da ljudima koji su izazvali krizu nego cak ih i pusta da rade dalje. To ce ga na kraju mnogo kostati bez obzira na republikanske budale koji su mu jedina alternativa.
ЏејЕфКеј се успротивио Феду... а колико је Фед јак, види се по судбини оног Рон Половог предлога да се и њима може послати инспекција.Лакше је укинути олимпијаду него Фед.
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barryjeva prezidencija/pored ostalih sporednih stvari, tipa US kataklizma, etc./bice zapamcena i po TSA seksualnim manijacima.treba ocekivati hiljade tuzbi zbog diranja junka/ko u keshinoj pjesmici 'boys tryin 2 touch my junk/junk/tipicna tuzba '....onda me je levom rukom cimnuo/la za patku/junk/a desnom promesao mooda'

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Cekaj malo, cija je to administracija stvorila 1 TSA i uvela patdown/junk™-grabbing/cavity-searching tehnike i zapocela ceo program sa full body scanners? Hint - administracija onoga sto se pita da li je njegov junk™ crn i sto je voleo da surfuje™ osumnjicene. Da li se neko seca kada su Rush/Hannity i ostali protivnici velike & glomazne drzave branili Patriot Act, profilisanje, i pricali "your civil rights don't mean jack when you're dead"? Ah, never mind, silly me, zaboravih da istorija pocinje 01/19/2009 :isuse:

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"Obama, you're fired!" :Dhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-11790558

18 November 2010 Last updated at 19:58 GMTShare this page * Facebook * Twitter * Share * Email * PrintBillionaire Donald Trump 'may run for US presidency'Donald Trump, pictured on 10 November, 2010, in New York Donald Trump says he will make a decision by next JuneContinue reading the main storyRelated stories * Donald Trump gets degree honour * New protest amid Trump's arrivalUS property tycoon Donald Trump has said he is considering running for president in 2012.In an interview with ABC News, the billionaire Republican said he could "easily" spend more than $200m (£126m) of his own money on his campaign."It could be fun because I'd like to see some positive things happen for the country," he said.He added that he would happily take on former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, who many believe will join the race.Mr Trump, who stars in the American version of TV show The Apprentice, said he believed that "everybody's ripping America off".The 64-year-old real estate mogul singled out China, saying that the country was "getting away with murder" by manipulating its currency.He said he believed the US was being used as a "whipping post"."The respect for this country is just not there," he said.'Led by fools'"I have many people from China that I do business with, they laugh at us. They feel we're fools. And almost being led by fools. And they can't believe what they're getting away with."In the interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, he added that he would probably make his decision by June.He was asked about the possibility of challenging Mrs Palin, who ran for vice-president in 2008, for the Republican ticket."I would take her on. I like her, but I'd take her on," he said.Mrs Palin has not formally declared that she will stand, but many commentators have said they believe she will.

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"Obama, you're fired!" :Dhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-11790558

18 November 2010 Last updated at 19:58 GMTShare this page * Facebook * Twitter * Share * Email * PrintBillionaire Donald Trump 'may run for US presidency'Donald Trump, pictured on 10 November, 2010, in New York Donald Trump says he will make a decision by next JuneContinue reading the main storyRelated stories * Donald Trump gets degree honour * New protest amid Trump's arrivalUS property tycoon Donald Trump has said he is considering running for president in 2012.In an interview with ABC News, the billionaire Republican said he could "easily" spend more than $200m (£126m) of his own money on his campaign."It could be fun because I'd like to see some positive things happen for the country," he said.He added that he would happily take on former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, who many believe will join the race.Mr Trump, who stars in the American version of TV show The Apprentice, said he believed that "everybody's ripping America off".The 64-year-old real estate mogul singled out China, saying that the country was "getting away with murder" by manipulating its currency.He said he believed the US was being used as a "whipping post"."The respect for this country is just not there," he said.'Led by fools'"I have many people from China that I do business with, they laugh at us. They feel we're fools. And almost being led by fools. And they can't believe what they're getting away with."In the interview with ABC's George Stephanopoulos, he added that he would probably make his decision by June.He was asked about the possibility of challenging Mrs Palin, who ran for vice-president in 2008, for the Republican ticket."I would take her on. I like her, but I'd take her on," he said.Mrs Palin has not formally declared that she will stand, but many commentators have said they believe she will.

Bice fantastican kandidat! Teabaggers ce ga voleti sto je covek iz naroda™, sto nema nikakve veze sa Wall Street, politicarima, Wasshingtonom, etc.. a ove sto mlate 1 Biblijom ce posebno impresionirati 3 braka, zenskarenje, ateizam, pojavljivanje na NY gej™ paradama...I morace malo da radi na naglasku, da ne prodje kao Rudy G <_<
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Bice fantastican kandidat! Teabaggers ce ga voleti sto je covek iz naroda™, sto nema nikakve veze sa Wall Street, politicarima, Wasshingtonom, etc.. a ove sto mlate 1 Biblijom ce posebno impresionirati 3 braka, zenskarenje, ateizam, pojavljivanje na NY gej™ paradama...I morace malo da radi na naglasku, da ne prodje kao Rudy G <_<
Ukratko, mora da bude ili bar da se ponasa kao prostak. Prostakluk i anti-intelektualizam su postali sine qua non za politicku agendu Cajdzija. Paradigma tog trenda su Palinka i clanovi njene porodice - familija prostaka.
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Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL) is running to be the head of the Energy and Commerce Committee, which has a key role in climate policy. And he created a stir a couple weeks ago after he reiterated his belief that global warming is not a problem because God has promised he wouldn't destroy the Earth again after Noah's flood. Charles Jaco, of the KTVI in St.Louis, just interviewed Shimkus on God's promise and the hidden upsides of global warming.
http://ktvi.vid.trb.com/ktvi/video/2010/11/21/KTVI-VID2174-IN179574-OUT196239-020F7BFD-4CE958E6/outformats/flash/5068b1a8-6827-4976-8f2d-f703d1b3b7fa.flvNema zime. :isuse:
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