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Jedno sasvim novo i drugačije Presidency..

Roger Sanchez

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boze, kakav zilotizam u ovoj republikanskoj debati, niko ne sme da skrene sa mainstream republikanskog puta (ne racunajuci paula). zastrasujuce.

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Gotova debata. Romney glumio Regana, Pawlenty citirao Paula. Paul objasnio neke stvari.Možda je vreme za novu temu, počelo je. Mada, ne vidim da bilo ko ima ikakve šanse da pobedi Obamu. Primaries će svakako biti zanimljiviji deo trke.

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Kakav jad i cemer od kandidata, kakav smor od debate, jos MB ispade winner u celoj toj prici. Jebalo vas jedinstvo, partijska disciplina i common goal to make Obama 1 term president, hocu da gledam krv i blato i kako kidisete jedni drugima za grkljan, nije vam ovo post-Tito SFRJ pa da vas ima 8 predsednika istovremeno angry.gif

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glen bek predvodi republikance na skupu... u jerusalemu! biggrin.gifUntitled-1hh.jpg

Glenn Beck's Jerusalem rally program unveiledTV star's solidarity event is expected to draw thousands of Israelis, Americans with music, pyrotechnics. Sarah Palin, republican presidential candidates set to drop byTens of thousands of excited Israelis and Americans, music performances, appearances by local and international celebrities, senior politicians and a live broadcast that will reach millions of viewers – this is just some of what is in store for Glenn Beck's upcoming rally "to restore courage," which is set to take place on August 24 in Jerusalem. Beck has been leading a publicity campaign for the event over the past few weeks, urging his viewers and listeners to fly out to the Holy Land. The staunch Christian Fox News personality aims to show support for Israel by recreating last August's rally "to restore honor," which he held in Washington, DC. This year, the Wailing Wall will replace Lincoln Memorial as the backdrop for the event, which will take place at Jerusalem's Old City and the Teddy Stadium simultaneously. The multi-million dollar production is expected to be attended by a convoy of American dignitaries, including former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin. US Senator Joe Lieberman, a independent, and Republicans Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee and Congresswoman Michelle Bachman are to join Beck at the rally as well. Knesset to host meetupThose hoping for a VIP ticket will be disappointed to find out that the 600 prime seating spots at the Davidson Center have all been sold out – for $5,000 a pop. The rest of the spectators will have to settle for a spot at the stadium, or at the Sultan's Pool archeological site. The main events will be broadcast on giant screens for a better view. The rally is open to the general public with free admission. A series of musical performances, designed to lure Israeli audiences, are expected at the rally, and Beck said he intends to recruit some US star power for the event as well. A pyrotechnic show and free snacks and drinks are anticipated as well. The bustle of preparation has also been felt at the Knesset: the legislative body is to host a meeting between the visiting dignitaries and their Israeli colleagues. World Likud Chairman MK Danny Danon is leading the Knesset's cooperation with Beck. The two met in the US recently. "Thousands of supporters will arrive in Israel just as the prophets of wrath are attempting to frighten the public," Danon said. "With a tremendous show of force we will send a clear message that we are not scared, and we believe in our eternal right for Jerusalem and the land of Israel."
Edited by Takeshi
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1 lepo video, gde ginekolog™ objasnjava neke stvari. Steta je sto covek ima 70+ godina... nadam se da je njegova filozofija barem malo dotakla prosecnog americkog glasaca.
Ovo boldovano je pocelo da se primecuje. Na ovoj zadnjoj debati je delovao mnogo pogubljeno i neke stvari uopste nije mogao da artikulise. A njegova filozofija moze da dotakne koliko hoces glasaca, ali kakve to veze ima kad na kraju imaju izbor poput Bush vs Kerry ili Obama vs McCain.
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Ovo boldovano je pocelo da se primecuje. Na ovoj zadnjoj debati je delovao mnogo pogubljeno i neke stvari uopste nije mogao da artikulise. A njegova filozofija moze da dotakne koliko hoces glasaca, ali kakve to veze ima kad na kraju imaju izbor poput Bush vs Kerry ili Obama vs McCain.
Tacno. Doduse, vidi se da ginekolog™ nikada nije bio dresiran politicar, niti ima neku prirodnu harizmu kao Obama, Klinton ili Regan, na primer. Isuvise je naivan, u svom nastupu, da bi bio uspesan politicar... osim ako se za uspeh na racuna fringe congresmen iz Teksasa. :D Mozda si u pravu da je njegova filozofija polako pocela da ulazi u mainstream-u, posebno kad se poredi ponasanje GOP establishment-a sada i pre 4 godina. Ja, na zalost, ne vidim ko bi ga zamenio, u filozofskom smislu (Kongres, Senat, Guverner) na politickom landscape-u kad se ovaj penzionise.
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Nazaret, Betlehem, Jerusalem, nije vazno, sve je to isti kraj.
Српски: Назарет, Витлејем, Јерусалим. Следећи пут пропитујем.(хм... више нисам профа... ал' што кажу, једном/увек) Edited by расејан
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